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thank you!
by Alok Dube on Mar 08, 2007 06:53 PM  Permalink 

thank you lord almighty!

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It's funny
by VinayBabu Ravuri on Mar 08, 2007 03:03 PM  Permalink 

Who is he to issue statements on what India and Pakistan are doing? US people think Interventionalism is their birth right. Neither India and I guess now even Pakistan needs hardly any compliments or criticism from US. Their comments just go into drain here.

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(United) Statesmen like?
by Vijay Naik on Mar 08, 2007 11:00 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Did he (Richard Boucher) mean like "United Statesmen" (of America)like manner - i.e. Go on discussing of peace and stability and act in the exactly opposite way?
Why is anybody in the world bothered about these shameless buffoons' certificate who preach one thing and practice the opposite? And why particularly Indian nationals bother at all as the "AID" from US of A is nothing but the noose around their neck in terms of "123 Agreement" and conversion bribes doled out wrapped in "Humanity causes"? Do we really need them?
When shall we stop to feel proud of hollow words from some simple and pure hypocrite? How can it be a news to be prodly presented to Indians? It should be presented in sarcasm, instead.

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RE:(United) Statesmen like?
by serious bloke on Mar 08, 2007 12:03 PM  Permalink
Sorry Vinay India is dependent on US for a lot of things apart from IT jobs. Whatever you criticize you have to admit that US politicians do care for their country as a whole unlike Indian politicians who only care about caste vote-banks. Why are you so angry about hypocrites isnt India too a hypocrite? we dont want Pakistan to interfere to Kashmir fair enough but didnt we interfere in SL, isnt India dealing profitably with Myanmar whose rulers are murdererers ?. Just imagine an alterntate scenario where instead of west islamic countries dominate the world would you like that? Till we become a superpower we have to listen to US

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RE:RE:(United) Statesmen like?
by Kishore Babu TVN on Mar 08, 2007 12:33 PM  Permalink
Right,India might have interfered with SL or some other countries.This is all due to Congress and Indira sort of leaders who think
that India is their dynasty. Not only with regards to Mayanmar even in seversl occasions our policy makers do what they think is correct but not what ppl want .

This got proved right from Nehru who blindly believed in his superstition concepts (Kashmir and china issues) and finally country paid and still paying for it.

Indira,even after Army capturing lahore and 90000 pak soliders left all, without settling Kashmir issue as she might have thought that she is queeen and can take any decision.Another example is Sikh terrorism, finally it got stopped as terrorists understood that it%u2019s the mistake of leaders and not that of ppl. Even Kashsmir terrorism also will stop once for all when terrorists realize it and signs are showing that most militants are giving it up, after coming out of brainwash.

Never attribute those things to country or ppl , those are blunders done by leaders even when ppl cried don%u2019t do such things, had ppl wanted those things rulers might have been continued doing them even till today.

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states man like
by Sridharan Ke on Mar 08, 2007 10:55 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Dear USA,
who invited you to make a comment? You had always been unwelcome at many places; still you poke your nose everywhere. If somebody dont like you, keep away. It is as simple as that. By the way,isIs this word 'stateman like' in from your books?

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RE:states man like
by karthik raja on Mar 08, 2007 11:05 AM  Permalink
if the ppl vote a fool aka BUSh for a second term..u can imagine the policies and terms that the Yankees use!
Thanks for ur certificate USofA, we don`t need it cos India has always been a peace loving nation.

Stop giving Pak all ur weapons,fighterplanes and monetary baking(aid), peace will be back in the sub continent.

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us certificate
by rajgopal soory on Mar 08, 2007 10:54 AM  Permalink 

we need to accept in the short run that the us of a has complete control over pakistan's foreign policy,hence india need to keep this in mind while dealing with pakistan.
china has reached a position of strength in international relations due to sustained planning over 5-6 decades with proper flexibility.

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USA playing a nice game.
by Vijay bhaskar on Mar 08, 2007 10:48 AM  Permalink 

once Ind and Pak frame a good strategy and restrict them, US will rest in peace as the terrorist will focusing Ind and Pak.

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USA playing a nice game.
by Vijay bhaskar on Mar 08, 2007 10:48 AM  Permalink 

once Ind and Pak frame a good strategy and restrict them, US will rest in peace as the terrorist will focusing Ind and Pak.

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Thus speaketh USA...
by me critic on Mar 08, 2007 10:37 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Thus speaketh USA...all crap indeed!!! I would only say mind your own business. Vacate Iraq, stop planning invasion of Iran, stop supporting Israel and you will get a similar certificate from rest of the world

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RE:Thus speaketh USA...
by mufaddal shabbir haidermota on Mar 08, 2007 10:43 AM  Permalink
well said indeed.. US has their fingers in more pots than they can handle !!!!

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U S A thinks??
by Chandrashekar Shivkumar on Mar 08, 2007 10:32 AM  Permalink 

Do we care a hoot as to what the yanks think? We subsidise them so they should worry about what we think, not the reverse.

And the only ones worried about American praises are the netas and babus in the Northblock looking for opportunities to curry favours for thier next visas.

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India, Pak acted in a statesman-like manner: US
by on Mar 08, 2007 10:32 AM  Permalink 

Its a waste of time and Hard earned money by Indians that is wasted for high level talks with Pak Deligates. I am sure even if the talks goes for 1000 yrs the result will be a big ZERO. So Govt. Please understand that Their are other big issues also which can be solved.Mr. ZA Bhutto had already remarked that they will fight 1000 yrs war with India and only 57 yrs has passed, So please wakeup.

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