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RE:RE:(United) Statesmen like?
by Kishore Babu TVN on Mar 08, 2007 12:33 PM

Right,India might have interfered with SL or some other countries.This is all due to Congress and Indira sort of leaders who think
that India is their dynasty. Not only with regards to Mayanmar even in seversl occasions our policy makers do what they think is correct but not what ppl want .

This got proved right from Nehru who blindly believed in his superstition concepts (Kashmir and china issues) and finally country paid and still paying for it.

Indira,even after Army capturing lahore and 90000 pak soliders left all, without settling Kashmir issue as she might have thought that she is queeen and can take any decision.Another example is Sikh terrorism, finally it got stopped as terrorists understood that it%u2019s the mistake of leaders and not that of ppl. Even Kashsmir terrorism also will stop once for all when terrorists realize it and signs are showing that most militants are giving it up, after coming out of brainwash.

Never attribute those things to country or ppl , those are blunders done by leaders even when ppl cried don%u2019t do such things, had ppl wanted those things rulers might have been continued doing them even till today.

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India, Pak acted statesman-like'