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Supplement your argument with facts
by Shak IsHere on Mar 03, 2007 02:33 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

People have been writing things here regarding Pakistans economic state which is totally fictitious.
In 2005, the World Bank reported that
"Pakistan was the top reformer in the region and the number 10 reformer globally %u2014 making it easier to start a business, reducing the cost to register property, increasing penalties for violating corporate governance rules, and replacing a requirement to license every shipment with two-year duration licenses for traders."
Also the GDP in Pakistan was ranked at 140 just behind India at 137(2005 figures). Economic rate of growth was 8.5% India's 8%. Point here is there is not much difference in economic conditions in India and Pakistan at present.
For the record, I am not a Paki (before the so called literate people start calling me names). Do some research and educate yourself instead of blabbering lies

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RE:Supplement your argument with facts
by senthil kumar on Mar 03, 2007 03:05 PM  Permalink
Your are entirly wrong man.
Pakistan never can participate in the race of fast growing countries.India,Russia,China and Brazil is the top performers.India and china sustain their strong and robust enconmy growth.I would like to inform,indian companies hungry in cross border acquision.The globalization gives more impact.I can tell confidentely,pakistan is not a place where you invest the money.
Can you ensure political stability in pakistan?Terririsiom,poverty,worst GDP.They never give the importance to the Womens.India has the lot of potential strength.India has the capability of overtake the china in next 20 years and US in next 50 years.I am not tell this.Lot of Econmical experts mentioning in their interviews.Now you can think where pakistan stands?where india stands?

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RE:RE:Supplement your argument with facts
by Shak IsHere on Mar 03, 2007 03:21 PM  Permalink
My intention was not to compare India with Pakistan. I tried to make a point that the economy in Pak is not in shambles as people have been writing here(food for infants etc.).

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RE:RE:Supplement your argument with facts
by Rocky on Mar 03, 2007 03:10 PM  Permalink
Dont get excited man.... I was just joking...hahaha

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RE:Supplement your argument with facts
by sudhir kumar on Mar 03, 2007 03:15 PM  Permalink
There is absolutely no comparison b/w India and Pakistan.Because of its sheer size ,India is better off anytime.
When you translate those growth percentages(which are similar) in to absolute numbers ,the difference would be very very huge(at least 50 times) and there lies our advantageous position anytime.
Also if you have read recent news reports,India has become a donor nation while Pakistan still depends on begging for its survival and these missile tests.

Jai Hind.

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RE:RE:Supplement your argument with facts
by senthil kumar on Mar 03, 2007 04:27 PM  Permalink
you have said what i guess.As a democracy country we will not interfere into any country internal affairs.But pakistan need to solve the poverty and womens development.But they wasted time to test the other country missile.So pakistan may be quality controller.

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RE:Supplement your argument with facts
by mymail rediffmail on Mar 03, 2007 03:41 PM  Permalink
dear shak u got some good figures.
do u watch cricket? once a batsmen who was had faced 40 odd balls and had scored 8 runs. On taking a double a commentator described how his runrate was improving.

wht i mean to say is stop wasting ur time on futile researches.
a developed European country might have a negative a growth rate and lower GDP. its does not mean pak has surpassed these european countries
and besides there is nothing below hell. so pak has only 1 way to go

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RE:RE:Supplement your argument with facts
by senthil kumar on Mar 03, 2007 04:23 PM  Permalink
you have good analytical skills.keep it up!

I think shal learned some lesson from us.

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RE:Supplement your argument with facts
by Rocky on Mar 03, 2007 02:42 PM  Permalink
If that is true I want to pack up my bags and settle down in Pakistan immediately.....lol

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Pakistan's Missile?
by senthil kumar on Mar 03, 2007 02:20 PM  Permalink 

As a friend nation(they may think enemy) we clearly tell to pakistan,improve your technological skills equvalent to other countries.But pakistan is a country that perodically testing other countries missile.is it your own missile?Pak has the capability of testing and change the label of the original missile that is manufactured by other nations.

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RE:anti - missile defence
by Sandeep M on Mar 03, 2007 01:46 PM  Permalink
yeah an anti-missile defence is a must for India we are surrounded by plenty of hostile states like China,Pakistan,Banglades. Even ltte in sri lank cannot be ingored. They can whip up passions is TN and cause problems for India

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RE:RE:RE:anti - missile defence
by Sandeep M on Mar 03, 2007 01:57 PM  Permalink
also china knows that india is a threat to it economically for all i know they might be funding terrorists in Pakistan to hit us below the belt

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:anti - missile defence
by Sandeep M on Mar 03, 2007 02:10 PM  Permalink
dude i knwo wat was in ur mind when u called me a paki, u meant in a bad way and so i responded like that, but anyhow i realize there is nobody worth here to reply to me proerly. u wanna continue stupid personal stuff instead od dicsussing some seirosu stuff. If you are gonna abuse someone u are gonna get a befitting reply. Why did u call me a paki dude ? dont tell me u had any love for me when u called me tat. Enuf of this message board, all rediff baords are crap i will go to iidb and discuss there.
Goodbye folks

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RE:RE:anti - missile defence
by Sandeep M on Mar 03, 2007 01:55 PM  Permalink
china has they want arunachal pradesh and they are angry that we took in Tibetan refugees

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RE:RE:RE:anti - missile defence
by Rocky on Mar 03, 2007 02:07 PM  Permalink
Considering the facts that you have mentioned about china and pakistan, I think there is no other way than becoming economically & militarily advanced and being a step ahead of all our enemies (Israel & USA). It is not impossible. We only need time and determination. Only then, the enemies will think twice before attacking us.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:anti - missile defence
by Rocky on Mar 03, 2007 02:08 PM  Permalink
I meant like Eg. USA and Israel

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what...indegeniously developed???
by akil motiwala on Mar 03, 2007 01:32 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

pak can even beat the US if it claims that it is developing these missiles ndegeniously, it fires a missile every few month..just in the last 5 years or so pakistan has fired innumerable missile, we all know tat these missile are gifted by china & north korea, cuz they are not fire cracker tat u can make over a dozen of those at will in a few years time..

the only thing scary is the response of the world to this huge proliferation of missile technology to a contry which is the hotbed of terrorists..

for gods sake pakistan needs more fund to build its economy rather than a range of expensive dud missiles which are aimed at India

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RE:what...indegeniously developed???
by senthil kumar on Mar 03, 2007 02:50 PM  Permalink
you are right!

Now they also doing some business additionaly.The recongnized countries can only buy the nuclear to the other countries.They are the brokers for some terriroist organization.But the history tells clearly,pakistan has never try to learn from their mistake.Thats why pak was defeated by india in three times.If pak likes one more attempt that will be final for them.

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Pakistan missiles
by Summer on Mar 03, 2007 01:30 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

see pakistan is keeping names of people who cttacked india for their meissiles. one thing to notice that all those rulers could attack india because india was devided among various kings and there were a lot of infighting. there is a lesson guys in this. as long as we are united no ruler or no missile can attack us. the day we devide and start fighting all these missiles are going to pur on india. watch out

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RE:Pakistan missiles
by sudhir kumar on Mar 03, 2007 03:33 PM  Permalink
Keeping the names of looters,attackers or barbarics for their missiles amply demonstrates Pakistan's sick mentality and also speaks volumes regarding their national symbols.

The effect can be gauged from the fact that Pakistan is now epicentre of terrorism in the world.

Well,what else can be expected from followers from Abdalis,Gaznavis and Gauris..........The Azhar Masoods,Md. Attas,Mushraffs and the list goes on.

Pakistan is on the dangerous course of destruction.

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missile test
by shourideb bhattacharyya on Mar 03, 2007 01:29 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

its pretty clear that pak is going down now real fast; they are caught in a nutcracker between the US in afghanistan and their own creation the taliban; cant see how they are going to get out of this one; the taliban are fanatics and wont stop and the US is not backing down either; well folks any ideas or predictions abou the time frame

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RE:missile test
by Sandeep M on Mar 03, 2007 01:31 PM  Permalink
i think they are already collapsed, only US is supporting them, i think US realises the consequences of a failed Pakistan. The number of terrorists from Pakistan will be multiplied by 100 times

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RE:RE:RE:missile test
by Sandeep M on Mar 03, 2007 01:44 PM  Permalink
that is the public front put up by US. They are aware of deeply tragic consequences for the entire world if Pakistan collapses

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RE:RE:RE:RE:missile test
by Rocky on Mar 03, 2007 01:58 PM  Permalink
There is no other way. If Pakistan collapses, then we will have refugee problems as you said. But I think that is a smaller problem compared to being attacked by Pakistan with more advanced missile systems and military hardware.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:missile test
by Sandeep M on Mar 03, 2007 02:00 PM  Permalink
i didnt get ur point. I did agree we need a strong anti-missile defence systems.

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India and Pakistan
by Sandeep M on Mar 03, 2007 01:26 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

There are a lot of stupid things being said in this discussion forum about Pakistan being a failed state. But please remember if Pakistan actually collapses can you imagine the refugee situation ? India will be swamped with millions of refugess, India cannot kill millions of people even if it wanted to. India needs to help Pakistan grow economically for their own selfish interest. Terrorism needs to be stopped of course. India needs to act with tact. It is a highly dangerous situation. Just plain jingoism will not help. There are enuf precedents for this in history. US helped Germany and Japan even though they had killled thousands of US soldier

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RE:India and Pakistan
by shourideb bhattacharyya on Mar 03, 2007 01:32 PM  Permalink
dude are u nuts ? us taking paki refugees we might as well all commit mass suicide; that will be the end of india as a nation; and what is with your desparation to save pakistan; they will suffer or enjoy their own karma which by the way is pretty atrotious

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RE:RE:India and Pakistan
by Sandeep M on Mar 03, 2007 01:37 PM  Permalink
if pakistan collapses india will not only be able to hold the flood of humans coming into india, i never said we will take them, but they are going to flood us. We cannot kill everybody even if want to, it is humanly impossible. Even the US which is far ahead of us in defence can hold back illegal immigrants.

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RE:RE:India and Pakistan
by Sandeep M on Mar 03, 2007 01:38 PM  Permalink
i mean cannot

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Pakistan Test Missile
by karuna garan on Mar 03, 2007 01:24 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I would like to inform pakistan, please don't develop any more missile and better invest such a big amount in infrastructure like hospital, educational institutes, so that pakistan peoples get more and more benefits in future.

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RE:Pakistan Test Missile
by SAYED JAFFAR on Mar 03, 2007 01:38 PM  Permalink
You are right on target. Infact, i think both India and Pakistan should make South Asia as a weapons free zone but you know in a realistic world it is not possible yet. But i am sure if more people think like you, that day isnt too far.

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Abdali? Paki Hero?
by bharatiya on Mar 03, 2007 01:22 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

They name their missiles after all & sundry "conquerers" who invaded India some time or the other. This says a lot about their intentions. They want to remind us of our pathetic military past.

I just want to tell them that they have no hope in the hell of conquering India.

And Guys...just FYI..Abdali, Ghori & Gaznavi were not Paki's. They came from further west of Pak.

The Pakis are celebrating guys who looted, plundered & raped their OWN land along with India. What a neurotic neighbour to have.

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RE:Abdali? Paki Hero?
by SAYED JAFFAR on Mar 03, 2007 01:39 PM  Permalink
You are absolutely right that most names of Pakistani missiles are after the name of those warriors. And another interesting point is that the areas which were looted and attacked, majority of them, are in Pakistan today.

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RE:Abdali? Paki Hero?
by shourideb bhattacharyya on Mar 03, 2007 01:34 PM  Permalink
thats obvious friend basically any deeply mystical or religious people have no sense of history or reality eg-pakistan

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