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Assets before joining Politics!
by India on Jun 27, 2007 04:58 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Mayawati - May be few thousands
Jayalalitha - May be few lakhs(came to chennai with a set of dress)
Karunanithi - May be few thousand(came to chennai with a pen)
Mayawati - Accountable 52 crore
Jayalatha - More than 100 crores
Karunathi - More than 150 crores.

Who Money:
Party money - no our money

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by nidhish on Jun 27, 2007 04:55 PM  Permalink 

Is it true she was so poor?????????????????

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by DurgaSankar Bandyopadhyay on Jun 27, 2007 04:54 PM  Permalink 


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by sachin w on Jun 27, 2007 04:54 PM  Permalink 

what did media write abt mayavatis "assests"?

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Time to return it back
by Ashutosh Batra on Jun 27, 2007 04:53 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

It is good that Mayawati, unlike other leaders, hadn't hide what she has received from her BSP workers, now keeping in line with her stature - leader of lower caste, she should donate 51Cr out of this 52Cr (1 Cr is good enough for a single lady) so that some of her people/ public can become a part of main streamline which I believe is a ultimate goal of her and BSP Party.

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RE:Time to return it back
by Joyee Funee on Jun 27, 2007 04:59 PM  Permalink
First of all Why she accepted 52 crore which she cud have easily directed doners to give to the party fund
Moreover the Party represents Poor and Lower caste people
How this people have got 52 crore to dispos off from thier pocket ?
Something fishy

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madam--u have used our destroyeed legal system fully
by rachita bholowalia on Jun 27, 2007 04:28 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

yes--you have usedour corrupted judicial system bureucratic forces fully as u know that u get shielded in the garb of word DALIT and WOMAN. a cruel JOKE that the poorest DALITS facing hunger and having no rooftop gave u money-only MEDIA woul save u as they would say that a DALIT WOMAN was tortured.U r a snake and have used congress legacy fully.FROM JUDICIARY TO ALL SYSTEMS R CORRUPT AND U R SAVED.SEE U AND LALUS WHO HAD NO MONEY BEFORE BECOMING CM AND NOW ASSETS WORTH OF CRORES--ONLY JOKERS AND MEDIA MAY BELIEVE U AND NOT EVEN YR VOTERS.YR VOTERS R HELPLESS AS THEY HAVE NO OTHER DUPLICATE PLATEFORM TO CRY.OBC HAD DUPLICATE IN MULAYAM.GOD SAVE US FROM THESE SNAKES--LALIT KUMAR

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RE:madam--u have used our destroyeed legal system fully
by Manjunath on Jun 27, 2007 04:59 PM  Permalink
Befoe becoming Minister Pramod Mahajan has nothing with hime no asset nothing and after BJP came to power know the world knows that the leader of the BJP late Mahjan have more than 100 crores of Property in his name. From where this money came? if Mayawathi and Lalu and Mulayam are snakes what will u call this late leader of BJP?

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RE:madam--u have used our destroyeed legal system fully
by A G on Jun 27, 2007 05:03 PM  Permalink
A Saint

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RE:madam--u have used our destroyeed legal system fully
by India on Jun 27, 2007 05:08 PM  Permalink
his on a drug abuser

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RE:RE:madam--u have used our destroyeed legal system fully
by India on Jun 27, 2007 05:08 PM  Permalink

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RE:madam--u have used our destroyeed legal system fully
by SK on Jun 27, 2007 05:13 PM  Permalink
Difference is this: Mahajan, as a politician had a different set of ideals. He did not eat, drink, sleep, and breathe Dalit upliftment. This lady does all this and still comes across as having amassed a lot of wealth. Talk of hypocrisy.

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RE:madam--u have used our destroyeed legal system fully
by Anand Selot on Jun 28, 2007 04:25 AM  Permalink
mahajan had a different set of ideals.amass wealth and take drugs with his son!

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RE:madam--u have used our destroyeed legal system fully
by Noule Srinivas on Jun 27, 2007 05:08 PM  Permalink
Who said that Indians R poor.. V don't need World Bank to lend loan. These Politicians can easily lend us loans with assured interest.

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RE:madam--u have used our destroyeed legal system fully
by rachita bholowalia on Jun 27, 2007 05:30 PM  Permalink
i have already read replies from dear viewers.i do not know why u link this case with mahajan. he never talked of dying for poor whreas this lady given clothes by poor was always talked of poor.her mentor kanshiram clothed her with a magical yardstick--SAY I OPEN--WE r DALITS and DIE for DALITS.kanshiram slapped physically media person many a time and this lady did abuse openly so called upper castes.now she ditched those poor only after becoming SUCH CRORE--PATI--NO--PATNI--NO--Then what we can say of her as she does not have children and then why she looted this much.JUST REMEMBER ONE BJP PRESIDENT A DALIT/OBC TAKING MONEY DIRECTLY AND HE WAS SUSPENDED IMMEDIATELY BY BJP--NOW WHO WOULD SUSPEND WHOM HERE--PLS TELL US VIEWRS- i now talk of this PRACTICE of Viewers--if one did so then why she/he cannot do now--it is really very sad--we brought a change because someone was doing wrong and if now this she/he acts same way then where we have the solution, pls reply--lalitkumar

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