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madam--u have used our destroyeed legal system fully
by rachita bholowalia on Jun 27, 2007 04:28 PM

yes--you have usedour corrupted judicial system bureucratic forces fully as u know that u get shielded in the garb of word DALIT and WOMAN. a cruel JOKE that the poorest DALITS facing hunger and having no rooftop gave u money-only MEDIA woul save u as they would say that a DALIT WOMAN was tortured.U r a snake and have used congress legacy fully.FROM JUDICIARY TO ALL SYSTEMS R CORRUPT AND U R SAVED.SEE U AND LALUS WHO HAD NO MONEY BEFORE BECOMING CM AND NOW ASSETS WORTH OF CRORES--ONLY JOKERS AND MEDIA MAY BELIEVE U AND NOT EVEN YR VOTERS.YR VOTERS R HELPLESS AS THEY HAVE NO OTHER DUPLICATE PLATEFORM TO CRY.OBC HAD DUPLICATE IN MULAYAM.GOD SAVE US FROM THESE SNAKES--LALIT KUMAR

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