The real terrorism started in the year 1992. When Hindu Terrorists Organisations like VHP, Bajrang Dal, RSS along with political wing of BJP & Shiv Sena demolished the Babri Masjid. After that series of communal riots broke in all over India. It is very ironical Muslims lost their Ibada Gaha (Place of Worship) and instead of share sorrows lakhs of innocent muslims were massacred in almost every parts of India. Story of Bombay was very worst where un-abetted aggression of fascist, communal Shiv Sena was in progress. At least five thousand people lost their valuable lives. So many women lost their chastity. Muslims were torched every sphere in Bombay to death. Is it not very big example of Terrorism? That is not enough Government machineries were also involved in the act of Terrorism. Politicians whether in centre or in the state of Maharashtra asked the police and Hindu hooligans to come down heavily on these Muslims Landiyas. Police were not ready to file an F.I.R. of the incidents; Doctors were not ready to treat Muslims, big industrialists not ready to pay their charities to Muslims. In a frustration if Muslim youths commit any culpable crime, then from every part of India we can hear shouting voice about Islamic Terrorism, and police labelled these innocent youths as a terrorists. Police don%u2019t care about the circumstances. Is it a real justice? No; If you punished the bomb blast jihadis then what about the Hindu Terrorists who destroy the communal
RE:Hindu Terrorists expanding thier tentacles
by Naser Vattuvara on Jun 05, 2007 08:06 PM Permalink
I agree with U Zuber. Let us pray for the peace to prevail in our great country
RE:Hindu Terrorists expanding thier tentacles
by sameer on Jun 06, 2007 02:46 AM Permalink
i m very much impressed with u zuber dis is a very gud ans to all
RE:Hindu Terrorists expanding thier tentacles
by nk on Jun 07, 2007 05:45 PM Permalink
Beesmilla, i am very disappointed on u, u always degrade Muslim peoples u always show down to them. i doubt r u Muslim. people like u we r in trouble we r not getting justice. u don't feel peety on Muslim people who had suffered & till today date they r suffering u, because of u people
RE:RE:Hindu Terrorists expanding thier tentacles
by on Jun 19, 2007 11:56 PM Permalink
What is there to degrade MUSLIMS. They have already degraded themselves to bottom level by fighting everywhere in the name of ISLAM.
RE:Hindu Terrorists expanding thier tentacles
by JR on Jun 06, 2007 02:00 PM Permalink
From where you learn these quotes..?? I think these concept of your teachings.Islam gives equal rites to every human being...You must educate yourself and don't go by RSS/Bajrang Dal/VHP teachings...Be a good human being first and take all religion & respect every Indian..Do not compare your views with Kashmiri Strugles that too created by RSS/VHP and Hard line Hindutwa....
RE:Hindu Terrorists expanding thier tentacles
by on Jun 19, 2007 11:51 PM Permalink
Pls answer few questions...
1) Why terrorism is only/mostly in those part of the world where muslims are in minority.
2) Why ISLAM does not teaches to live in harmony with other faiths.
3) Why a muslim Pakistan or Bangladesh does not allow Hindus to live and flourish there like India(with Hindu majority) allowed muslims to grow in India?
4) Why Muslims are always fighting with others and today if not all muslims are terrorist, you will have to accept that 99.9 % terrorists are MUSLIM ?
5) Hindus never tried to convert muslims, its only Muslim invaders who converted by force?
6) Why you become secular in the morning and plan bomb blast hiding in bhindi bazar in the night ?
7) Hindu hardliners came only after they realised that MUSLIMS cant live in harmony with others.
8) Why you dont say a word for Kashmiri pundits ?
9) Can a hindu/christian enjoy kind of freedom muslims enjoy in India ?
What purpose it serves? In certain cases court says that pay 2 lakh fine or 6 months sentence extra. That means anyone who has powerful/rich family can get away with light sentences while other poor people end up higher sentence for same crime??? In this case Mr. Gupta has been in jail for 14 years how can he pay 2 Lakh fine? If court believe that rigorous life imprisonment is right sentence for him, then why bother to drama of imposing fine on him? And if that was not enough sentence then give capital punishment.
Many accused been in jail for 14 years waiting for verdict, after that period whether they are found guilty or not guilty does not make any difference. We have to change our justice system to speed up process.
I am not sympathetic for these terrorists, however we have to make fundamental changes in the way we deal with accused in our system.
A criminal should not be able to get away in any case, on contrary an innocent should not be punished wrongly.
Delayed justice is denial of justice!
End of the day main accused of this case are living good life away from India and others are punished.
What happend about those accused of being involve for the killing of thousands of innocent people after the demolition of Babri Structure and looted people's property.....Do they don't deseve the justice.. and justice is more imfportant for one group than the larg society invole including the Govt. mechinery...Please think all of you...
They try to rip apart this great land and yet they r awarded such paltry sentences, had we encountered and killed em call....then we get the NHRC and amnesty international askin for the scalps of the anti- terrorist squads. Day in and day out we try to wipe these swine out of the valley....we die in the process...who gives a shit fr the army (we r tyrants ain't we???) and get booked for human rights violations for executing terrorists...we r supposed to arrest em...loss real men and beloved mates in the process and present them to the courts for symbolic sentencing of 5 to 15 yrs...that is the sad reality. Rest assured we will kill many more of this scum...human rights or not..coz when u as a terrorist court and plan deaths of millions.....we don't consider them humans in any sense of definition.
RE:Half Justice
by arriey on Jun 05, 2007 04:30 PM Permalink
Brother you can also preach your religion (whether you are Hinduism or islam) in any part of the world,that does not mean you deserve to be killed.This is inhuman.
RE:Half Justice
by Ice Fruit on Jun 05, 2007 04:35 PM Permalink
Can you preach in Saudi arabia. Dont preach can you just pray or read a bible in soudi arabia. Be happy india is better for you
RE:Half Justice
by sameer on Jun 06, 2007 02:54 AM Permalink
hey indianboy who told hindus r not in saudi arabia there r lot of hinduas in saudi work der they dont have a seperat temple over there they worship in home itself coz its a muslim country
by Luv India on Jun 05, 2007 04:02 PM Permalink
Which Inncoent persons r u talking abt those who helped in landing of explosives or those who planted bombs?