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Sad reality
by Maverick on Jun 05, 2007 04:26 PM

They try to rip apart this great land and yet they r awarded such paltry sentences, had we encountered and killed em call....then we get the NHRC and amnesty international askin for the scalps of the anti- terrorist squads. Day in and day out we try to wipe these swine out of the valley....we die in the process...who gives a shit fr the army (we r tyrants ain't we???) and get booked for human rights violations for executing terrorists...we r supposed to arrest em...loss real men and beloved mates in the process and present them to the courts for symbolic sentencing of 5 to 15 yrs...that is the sad reality. Rest assured we will kill many more of this scum...human rights or not..coz when u as a terrorist court and plan deaths of millions.....we don't consider them humans in any sense of definition.

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2 get life, 3 given 5-14 years