We need nuclear energy/electricity for our fields as well as for industry. Coal/gas etc., cannot fulfill our requirements.Without US help, we cannot produce it as we do not have raw material for our nuclear plants. None others have also not offerrred it so far. We should give up false ego problem of left,who has otherwise ruined Indian development and Indian public only, should try to reconcile as far as possible, without affecting dignity of the nation.
by gatzzz on Jul 16, 2007 12:30 PM Permalink
Nah!! Dont say we dont have nuclear fuel. We have abundance of plutonium in our own country. But all the advance nuclear reactors available in the world are capable of processing uranium. Thus our long term goal should be to develop indegenious plutonium reactors. In the mean time we can proceed with 123 agreement and get the technological edge from other countries.
Even if this deal do not go through also Americans now have the idea of all indian nuclear instalations and arsenel as we have already given them complete details of that. The Americans might have wanted that information only and they will be more than happy now. Who knows even our politians/beuracrats and media(Especially NDTV, CNN IBN kind) was also involved in helping americans to stage this drama of Indo US nuclear deal and get away with all sensitive information.
by SRINIVASA GOWDA on Jul 16, 2007 11:24 AM Permalink
a enemy in disguise of friend is more dangerous as u cant expect when they will attack or betray India. hence usa is the disguised friend here. Remember what happened in 1998? Usa santioned India in the wake of Nuclear Test by Shri. Atal Bihari Vaajpayee'ji's NDA Rule. But that time no meida made so much fuss like now they are doing. Just saying usa usa usa is what these Indian side meida is doing. I think all these have been promised of Green Card in usa...
Even if this deal do not go through also Americans now have the idea of all indian neuclear instalations and arsenel as we have already given them complete details of that. The Americans might have wanted that information only and they will be more than happy now. Who knows even our politians/beuracrats and media(Especially NDTV, CNN IBN kind) was also involved in helping americans to stage this drama of Indo US neuclear deal and get away with all sensitive information.
by SRINIVASA GOWDA on Jul 16, 2007 11:16 AM Permalink
hmm cant rule out this.. Our politicians are like indan cricket team. Lions within Indian territory and Mean mice/rat in front of world... These congress needs a kick at their a$$..
India should agree with US on the deal to obtain US technology and refrain from nuclear test. This will help on decrease oil price and keep the peace of the world. No unclear test is needed when we have nuclear bomb. No other nuclear country conduct nuclear test since 1998.
RE:Deal or No Deal
by Nitin Kumar on Jul 16, 2007 09:56 AM Permalink
Are you nuts or what? What if Pakistan or China conducts a test? If you don't understand the geopolitical scenario of this region, then you should keep your mouth shut rather than making these ridiculous statements.
RE:Deal or No Deal
by SRINIVASA GOWDA on Jul 16, 2007 11:09 AM Permalink
u are full of blundes, dude.. Think many times before reporting here. Though Oil price reduces by entering into this deal, The money spent on this deal should also be considered. Its like saving inOil and spending on Nuclear fuel. WHere is the decrese its more since spent fuel ois not allowed to be reused/processed. I am sure u dont know about this. No nuclear country is nedded is correct but all three sides India is surrounded by Enemies with Nuclear capabilities. In pre Cold War era usa did Nuclear tests since it wnated to topple USSR and that time hwat it did is also wrong. Then why now u are claiming that nuclear tests are not to be done. Let usa dump everything and declare itself non nuclear country then India shall think in reciprocation. Ur main blunder is that after 1998 North Korea has conducted the Nuclear test in August Last year. Lols, u forgot taht entirely.. Before supporting usa think and understand where she is wrong..
RE:Deal or No Deal
by Anti Terrorist on Jul 16, 2007 10:22 AM Permalink
"..No other nuclear country conduct nuclear test since 1998." which "other" contries you are refering to ? US,Russia and China have conducted Nuclear Test 1000's of time , UK and France have conducted 100's of times .they dont need to test yet again , in comparision we have conducted test ONLY on 6 times since 1974.
And I dont understand you logic of linking india Nuclear test and World peace and Oil Prices ??? May be you have confused yourself somewhere
There is no connection between the two. Also, India's oil requirements are peanuts comapred to those of the West and Japan.
Oil Prices are manipulated by OPEC by controlling the supplies. Let us not compormise our nuclear program (THE UPA GOVERNMENT OF MANMOHAN SINGH HAS ALREADY DONE ENOUGH DAMAGE ANYWAY!!!!) for some stupid reasons.
RE:Deal or No Deal
by inkypinky on Jul 16, 2007 10:18 AM Permalink
america saved mao's & chinese ass from being slaughtered by imperial japanese army by defeating japan.
the deal boils down to this. Compromise your strategic interests for energy security. The former is a real issue with bad, undemocractic and ruthlessly proliferative neighbors cum enemies on both sides. the latter a long and uncertain road. Junk the deal and go it alone I say. We are blessed with enough solar input to harness till we crack our own fusion reactors - it's a fifty year old technology for god's sake.
RE:let's go it alone
by inkypinky on Jul 16, 2007 09:59 AM Permalink
you must be alice in wonderland !
"we crack our own fusion reactors"
india need russian or american collaboration to make fission reactors and you are talking about a FUSION reactor ??? not even america or russia has even managed a controlled fusion not to mention constructing a fusion reactor !!!
RE:let's go it alone
by tathya on Jul 16, 2007 10:56 AM Permalink
Fusion reactors are possible.Our own indeginious technology.That what report in The Hindu says.Few months back there was high tech seminar conducted by our scientists in this area and report says that this fact is accepted by a leading French spealist in the feild.Thats what news paper reports says.Actual facts should(might) be closer to that fact.Then also it seems we need processed fuel to augument those fusion reactors.We have unexplored uranium mines in Jharkhand and Nalgonda(AP). regarding THE DEAL,Let us stick to July 2005 declaration.Other things later than that are at wide off mark.If not wrong,statement said equal status to us & US.But Hyde act,later negotiations-where are they leading us to?v v confusing..what legal bindings and language of it...
RE:let's go it alone
by SRINIVASA GOWDA on Jul 16, 2007 11:21 AM Permalink
stop making fun of others. Tathya has vey clearly mentioned that his writings are based on report in THE HINDU. Hes just sharing with us.
RE:let's go it alone
by inkypinky on Jul 16, 2007 12:39 PM Permalink
nonsense, "fusion reactors" !
ITER (of which india is a member) is only planning to construct an experimenntal fusion reactor which is planned to be completed in 2050.....with a great deal of luck.
india has joined the ITER project last year. anyway its highly unlikely that ITER (comprised of USA, russia, european union, india, china, japan) will be able to achieve a controlled fusion or build a fusion reactor.
ITER is a joint international research and development project that aims to demonstrate the scientific and technical feasibility of fusion power. The partners in the project - the ITER Parties - are the European Union (represented by EURATOM), Japan, the People´s Republic of China, India, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation and the USA. ITER will be constructed in Europe, at Cadarache in the South of France.
some problems are just too BIG for humans to solve........just have to depend on the sun which is the only fusion reactor in the vicinity !
RE:let's go it alone
by cool on Jul 16, 2007 10:09 AM Permalink
ha ha ha
no there are 2 alice in one wonderland.
hey you "Cracking JOES" comon yaar u r not from the nuclear industry....than why you try to become scientist and make comments on the topic which you dont no anything about !!!