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RE:let's go it alone
by tathya on Jul 16, 2007 10:56 AM

Fusion reactors are possible.Our own indeginious technology.That what report in The Hindu says.Few months back there was high tech seminar conducted by our scientists in this area and report says that this fact is accepted by a leading French spealist in the feild.Thats what news paper reports says.Actual facts should(might) be closer to that fact.Then also it seems we need processed fuel to augument those fusion reactors.We have unexplored uranium mines in Jharkhand and Nalgonda(AP).
regarding THE DEAL,Let us stick to July 2005 declaration.Other things later than that are at wide off mark.If not wrong,statement said equal status to us & US.But Hyde act,later negotiations-where are they leading us to?v v confusing..what legal bindings and language of it...

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'N-deal a high-stakes gamble'