RE:RE:laden in laalmasjid
by vasudev shetti on Jul 07, 2007 02:18 PM Permalink
from pakis TV Channel. Open and see. anyway you can not do anything by knowing this
Indian Government, beware and learn from Pakistan Government as to how to deal with such situations. Now please forget about your vote bank appeasement and take hard decisions to wipe out terrorism otherwise one day again you will face the music.
RE:Lal Masjid
by Gita Yeshwanth on Jul 07, 2007 02:56 PM Permalink
To clean the drain someone has to enter to do the job irrespective of smell,health hazard. Let us not become hostages.
RE:Lal Masjid
by ajaykumar Vyomakesan on Jul 07, 2007 03:09 PM Permalink
This will happen, you have to run out from the masjid in burkha as your leaders do, to save your life. Be practical man. You can hide in masjid and can do any antisocial activities in the name of islam. Actually like you people spoil your religion. Sensible human cannot command like this. beware before making fools statement.
It is not well controlled. There are emotions going up and down. Rediff should stop this OR moderate the postings. There has to be healthy discussion that builds confidence and togetherness and Love. There is a serious fight going between our EDUCATED READERS.
First messages to those who love violence Hindus and muslims who wants annihilate each others community. To select and kill one by one will consume time. Better nuke the whole country. Second messages to those who loves peace India one of the fastest growing economy in the world. Prosperity and happiness is at your door steps. Embrace each other and there will be enough for everyone.
RE:Two Messages
by Snehal Joshi on Jul 07, 2007 02:06 PM Permalink
shut up. Indians whether hindus or muslims have always wanted peace. Its you pakistanis that want to create unrest in the whole continent. India has forwarded the hand of peace many times, but you pakis never learn from you mistakes.
RE:Two Messages
by mohd khan on Jul 07, 2007 02:16 PM Permalink
you ..... snehal joshi...Rehaman is more Indian than you and loves his .... Nepali gorkha go back to Nepal
RE:Two Messages
by KALYAN MITRA on Jul 07, 2007 02:38 PM Permalink
mohd khan - How do you know Snehal Joshi a Nepali...that way I can treat you as Pakistani..
RE:Two Messages
by mohd khan on Jul 07, 2007 02:58 PM Permalink
Sorry for hurting...infact you understood the the same way there are moderate muslims everywhere who might be having a muslim name but not necessarily a the same manner all joshis are not Nepali...thanks for understanding that if there are 50,000 Rehmans in Pakistan there would 10 lakh Rehmans in there was no need for Joshi take for granted that Rehman was a pakistani when he was raising a point that did not hurt Indian sentiments...please throw out of your mind that Indian Muslims are not hurt when someone cast aspersions towards India...Infact the Indian Muslims are the most tortured lots....after 1947 we were mistrusted in our own country and also those who "bhagoras" or muhajirs who prospered in Pakistan looked towards us as low people...In Arab..Indian Muslims are called "Hindi" or "Hindu"...
RE:Two Messages
by Anurag Shrivastava on Jul 07, 2007 02:44 PM Permalink
that we already do - all muslims as per many Hindus are closet Pakistani. Mohmad Khan made the right suggestion. How about sending all those who want a Hindu Rashtra to Nepal - the only remaining ( not for long ) Hindu kingdom in the world. ( its my real name - am not a muslim disguising as a Hindu- nor a left front pseudo secular - but people who are blindly anti-muslim or call them Pakistani really pisses me off )
RE:Two Messages
by softouch on Jul 07, 2007 02:32 PM Permalink
Who says Hindus want to kill Muslims ? Muslims are doing the job themselves, aren't they ??
RE:Two Messages
by garden pOint on Jul 07, 2007 02:18 PM Permalink
Whoever is annihilating whomsoever is for the sake of development. Development means erecting concrete structures, housing gadgets and running vehicles, emitting smoke, leaving effluents into drinking water resources. At what cost? At the cost of three most important supporting elements of our lives, that is pure air, potable water, and healthy raw food. The person who loves nature and the creator of this nature, never resort to unhealthy practices like terrorism or extremism.
RE:Two Messages
by D P K on Jul 07, 2007 03:28 PM Permalink
You look like a sensible non-Indian.You shd have born some 2000 years back ie before muslims attacked Hinduism,Hindu states,Hindu temples,Hindu women everything that they did with Hindus , you would have been the greatest human being , but there is no chance now . What all havoc is required to disturb peace that has happenned.You are rather late in preaching like this!!!
RE:Two Messages
by Rohit Mehta on Jul 07, 2007 02:14 PM Permalink
your message is very good, but what it says actually, are you giving a lust thought of money and develoment in future for indians, secondly you dont consider yourself as indian or what. The situation going in PAK is created by themselves, we are just watching how the show goes
RE:RE:Two Messages
by Rehman on Jul 07, 2007 02:18 PM Permalink
My first message is an Ironic message for those who think Violence and hatred is the solutions to the problems. Its a message for them that they are wrong.
Islam means peace. The colour of Islam is green. Islam advocates on judicious utilization of natural resources with least disturbance to nature, greenery (vegetation) to achieve mental peace, spirituality, & tranquility among human societies. Our artificial development is nothing but destruction of nature and ecosystem. One who understands the real theme of Islam either from muslim community nor from other communities never create or use weapons of mass destruction. This is against humanity, natural flora, fauna and the precious earth, soil, water & air and also against Islam (Peace). Whatever we see these days in the name of religion, caste, language or regions is not for the sake of human physical, mental or spiritual development nut for the sake of material development. Killing human or his natural sorroundings for the sake of material needs. The modern mullahs who are adopting terrorism as a misnomer to jihad are the enemies of this nature and indirectly the enemies of the creator of this nature. One who is the true lover of God never resort to this kind of activities.
RE:Exploiting Humane Religion for the sake Material Development
by garden pOint on Jul 07, 2007 02:24 PM Permalink
Killing animals, plants, bacteria or fungus is a natural phenomenon on this earth. This is called ecodynamism comes through food chains. This is not destruction this is only eco-maintenance. Nothing survives without this on this earth. But it shouhd not lead to consumption explosion.
RE:Exploiting Humane Religion for the sake Material Development
by srini on Jul 07, 2007 02:38 PM Permalink
History has shown that Islam is not for peace. It has ruled ruthlessly over people and demonstrated that it is always for war as long as there are non islamists in the world . Where do you get this crap of islam is for peace and all sorts of things . Look at the world today , whole world is paranoid of the islamic terrorists. Where is peace?. Where is peace in Iraq?. Where is peace in Pakistan ?. Where is peace in Indonesia ? and now in India . I have read a international paper which says that India is the new ground for terrorism . All muslims are not terrorists ,but all terrorists are muslims. Unless muslims go for introspection themselves this world will not be a better place. They are stuck in the medival age,hence the wide spread poverty .
RE:Exploiting Humane Religion for the sake Material Development
by garden pOint on Jul 07, 2007 02:53 PM Permalink
This is true with all religions. Aaryan & Dravidian rivalry, Budhism, Jainism, Hinduism and inter rivalries, Lingayat & Shaivite rivalry, Christianity & Judaism. Today also you are permitted to disturb those who disturb nature for the sake of artificiality. Besides this even if rivalry erupts bind to battle ethics. Do not resort to weapons of mass destruction. First kill those scientists who invented these weapons. Kill those leaders or nations who encourage production and supply of these weapons, to achieve peace.
RE:Exploiting Humane Religion for the sake Material Development
by garden pOint on Jul 07, 2007 03:03 PM Permalink
All terrorists are not muslims, there are sikh terrorists, catholoic terrorists, protestant terrorists, Irish terrorists, African terrorists, etc and etc.
by jay kay on Jul 07, 2007 02:04 PM Permalink
by kartik on Jul 07, 2007 02:22 PM Permalink
crazy funky you are frustrated a lot, cant digest the truth, go and take a cool bath.
by MonteeJain on Jul 07, 2007 02:10 PM Permalink
by kartik on Jul 07, 2007 02:18 PM Permalink
crazy funky you are frustrated a lot, cant digest the truth, go and take a cool bath.
Dont compare India with Pakistan you fools.....India has sound 'licensing of arms' system, beat policing and LIU, which are all preventive policing and the pillars of democracy in the country....through these system the central and state governments keep a round the clock vigil on small anti social activities....which have permissible limits....only those crimes have permissions in India which bring money to the authorities, like illegal alcohol trade, commercial sex, rapes, murders, land grabbing, selling spurious drugs, organ transplant, drug trafficking, amputations for begging, burning brides for dowry, stealing and robberies, bank frauds, loan frauds, scams, spurios defence deals, tax evasion, rioting, election related crimes and crimes done by high and mighty etc. etc. etc. Therefore, we Indians have no big problems in our country....only minor crimes going on all the time.....just a few naxalites here and there, a few militant groups in kashmir and north east and some dorment sikh groups demading khalistan...of course India has a vast Army to break these splinter groups..But the problem of fundamentalist muslim militancy India does not have..fortunately because.....Indians are basically tolerant, to the core.
RE:DONT Compare India to Pakistan you fools
by Navratan Sethia on Jul 07, 2007 01:55 PM Permalink
well said this the reality of india .thanks to khan for real calculation.
RE:DONT Compare India to Pakistan you fools
by mohd khan on Jul 07, 2007 02:17 PM Permalink
thanks dear have touched my heart with your support
RE:DONT Compare India to Pakistan you fools
by bhagwan majila on Jul 07, 2007 02:29 PM Permalink
Mohd. Khan, exceptoinal thoughts thats prove that India is a great country.
As expected and I knew the blame to shifts to those muslims who fired cricketer on Pakistan victory. But I expected my friend to embrace me and celebrate our countries victory together. But by repelling me which I felt that he wanted me to grieve on pakistan loss. So what can I say it is my hindu friend who is forcing me away to shun my patriotism. An introspective for those all who think.
RE:Reactions to my cricket story
by mohd khan on Jul 07, 2007 02:13 PM Permalink
Dear Rehman, dont beg for friendship and understanding, your fault is that you are in an era which is most confusing for the muslims of the world, though not most tragic, for the most tragic was when south asia was divided and millions lost their homes, or during 1st world war turkey lost its empire, or when the british made the muslims slave..this era is not tragic at all....but confusing yes....because today the war is not is driven by greed and lust....the lust for oil...the lust for control over economy....the lust for control over land...but tell me truth....are these mission of muslims?? Those who think that muslims are supporter of the terrorism...are wrong...for those who support terrorism are not muslim at all...what does being a muslim entails?? Find the answer first and then complain...all those who cast upon venom are doing so because they are suffering from some kind of heart disease/or may be mental disease due to prolonged exposure to the internet...Remember why India is respected today is becuase Indians have learned to be good to others, repect all religions and cultures, speak truth and be reasonable...though awestuck by its economic power why today people have become so critical of america is because it is trying to thrust upon others its own culture and beliefs...while India is still respected by the world
RE:Reactions to my cricket story
by mohd khan on Jul 07, 2007 03:39 PM Permalink
agreed...infact, there wont be many muslims to accept this...its Arab culture in the disguise of Islam...but the Arab way of life of that time was superior to the prevailing conditions in Asia in those days...the Arab culture was rich in literature, economy and political thought...even today many state government in India work in Arabic...e.g. in UP the land records and court records are kept in Farsi and Arabic...Infact that was not wrong...the conflict arrived when the desert people of Arab failed to understand the simple "Aryan" way of life...which was nothing but a thatched mud house, vast greenary and mother "cow" which gave milk, curd and desi ghee...the Arab butchered the cow and made a huge red stone building called Forte for himself using the local poor people, artisan and resources...probably that was the start of the conflict
RE:Reactions to my cricket story
by KALYAN MITRA on Jul 07, 2007 02:44 PM Permalink
mohd khan - can we know your view on Kashmiri pandits? Or you are secular like JAVED AKHTHAR,TESTA,and lots of NGOs.....
RE:Reactions to my cricket story
by mohd khan on Jul 07, 2007 03:19 PM Permalink
Dear Kalyan Mitra....the people you have named have no meaning to me...Tiesta and Javed Akhtar because they have not seen the life from the close quarters and have not lived what they preached..(infact I had a long argument with Jaweds Brother Salmaan who married his children in Pakistan and then wrote a Book "along the Ganges" which was hyped by India).I have views on Kashmir, though I am not from Kashmir....I am from Uttar Pradesh and the land of Shaheed-e-watan Ashfaq and Ram Prasad Bismil...Shahjahanpur...The problem with Kashmir is that Kashmiris are different...they are not like us north Indians ... and their fault is that they do not mix up with us....they flock together and due to the long standing dispute they get emmigration to UK, US and Canada there is no need for them to toil in Delhi and Mumbai for a Job...they easily get admission in AMU and other average Kashmiri is also not you see they do not see themselves as part of India...infact, they have a sense of superiority over Indian's...Now for Kashmiri Pandits....they have lost their lands and properties to Muslim Kashmiris and the Government of India is not providing any subsistance to them at the same time when Afghan Refugees in India are getting subsistance allowances and support...coutl write more if there was space..