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DONT Compare India to Pakistan you fools
by mohd khan on Jul 07, 2007 01:55 PM

Dont compare India with Pakistan you fools.....India has sound 'licensing of arms' system, beat policing and LIU, which are all preventive policing and the pillars of democracy in the country....through these system the central and state governments keep a round the clock vigil on small anti social activities....which have permissible limits....only those crimes have permissions in India which bring money to the authorities, like illegal alcohol trade, commercial sex, rapes, murders, land grabbing, selling spurious drugs, organ transplant, drug trafficking, amputations for begging, burning brides for dowry, stealing and robberies, bank frauds, loan frauds, scams, spurios defence deals, tax evasion, rioting, election related crimes and crimes done by high and mighty etc. etc. etc. Therefore, we Indians have no big problems in our country....only minor crimes going on all the time.....just a few naxalites here and there, a few militant groups in kashmir and north east and some dorment sikh groups demading khalistan...of course India has a vast Army to break these splinter groups..But the problem of fundamentalist muslim militancy India does not have..fortunately because.....Indians are basically tolerant, to the core.

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