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by Romy on Jul 06, 2007 10:30 AM  Permalink 

Dear All,

We have often come across so many times politicians all over the world crying that terrorism is an unseen enemy, they are hidden, need to be sniffed out etc etc & etc. This thing really confuses oneself. When we have tangible proofs in hand about who are the REAL SPONSORS then why can't we go straight away punishing them... Please be aware this LAL MASJID episode is neither the beginning of the end of terrorism nor a renewed spirit on part of Pakistan to play a role in anti terror war game. This is just an eye wash. And even for a moment if we believe it to be true then there goes the saying "CHICKENS ARE COMING HOME TO ROOST". Well we all know that Mush mian cannot afford to antagonize crazy mullahs that leaves him looking for applying for visas to live. We all will see that in a couple of weeks time everything will cool down & these groups will re-organize (thanx to Pak Army) to carry out their HOLY agendas. Musharraf is just trying to win a symapathy all over the world by staging these sort of drama. Didn't he realized or knew before that what all is going in Lal Masjid or did he got wise overnight???

There is only ONE way. In medical terms if a tumor starts becoming cancer we have to cut that part of body to avoid spreading it all over. These mullahs are already running a parallel government. The only way is to get unite & take some stern military action against these people. Just wait & we will see how Mian musharraf has fooled the world. He should better

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The condition in pakistan.
by Thrinadh vasantavada on Jul 06, 2007 10:20 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

No one will be surprised these things were expected with the events in pakistan. these things were expected to happen one day. the way the pakistan rulers were appeasing fundamentallists to keep their seats safelead to this type of happenings. It should be an eye opener for not only pakistans future rulers but to india and western countries.the duuble game AMERICA plays with respect to terrorisam is now getting its fruits.
It is high time for our UPA govt. to review their policies towards pakistan andthe politicks of minority appeasement.no sensible man will say that minoriyies should not get their due rights in a secular country. but they should not be treated more than equals.there are certain statemens and decissions of the present govt. are causing heart burn tothe secular minded pupil of the country.
T he self styled champion of minorities MR. ARJUN SINGH.now should rethink about his views about madarasas.no doubt all madarsas may not be breeding centers of fundamentalists definetly some are spreading and propagating terroriasam.
T he congress party and its left parteners who are responsible for heavy infiltaration of muslims from bagladesh shold not think about their vote bank only but also think about the nation.

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RE:The condition in pakistan.
by Seenu Subbu on Jul 06, 2007 11:14 AM  Permalink
" T he congress party and its left parteners who are responsible for heavy infiltaration of muslims from bagladesh shold not think about their vote bank only but also think about the nation."
Wrong country, wrong people to ask for this sacrifice. Congress folks will sell their mothers if it can fund their elections. Not that others are any better. Leftists need to be lined up and executed in mercy, there is no other hope for them.

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guess what is the latest
by Saibaskar Parthasarathy on Jul 06, 2007 09:52 AM  Permalink 

Indian government is planning to provide grants to Madarasas through its sarva siksha program. So now it is our government's turn to fund the institutions which creates to put it moderately 'fundamental muslim'. We are not far off from this sort of a stand-off in our own country if we let this 'secular' congress government to run the show.

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A Warning for Indias politicians
by sg sg on Jul 06, 2007 09:40 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I think we as Indians have to take this more seriously as stroking muslim appeasement will only create avenues for the muslims to ask for a seperate home land in decades to come. They will only abide by the ulema when a stand needs to be taken. Threre is no democrasy in Islam. Its better that we intergrate them rather than keep them seperate and make them feel special or above the law of the land. We can live in harmony provided we are all equals.

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RE:A Warning for Indias politicians
by Ajay P on Jul 06, 2007 10:33 AM  Permalink
well said...

But in India, Congress is not leaving a single chance to appease muslims and in turn creating hatred..

Probably Muslims understand that, and hope that they give a lesson to congress that divide n rule will not work..

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Attention - Arjun Singh
by Hemant on Jul 06, 2007 09:34 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The Congress, specially Arjun Singh, must note that by introducing muslim banks, muslim courts etc. he is going to install similar forces in India. They must also take notice that in Pakistan, the base of Mullahs, a masjid can be attacked, so why not in India if criminals hide in these mosques. And it is a practice of, so called peace loving muslims, to execute a crime and get shelter in Masjids and mosques.

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RE:Attention - Arjun Singh
by Seenu Subbu on Jul 06, 2007 11:23 AM  Permalink
Arjun Singh probably belongs to one of those Rajput clans, whose ancestors were castrated and put in Jananas to serve the Begums. He could be in the same lineage as Rajah Mansingh who sold his sister to Akbar (or was it his daughter?), and then betrayed Rana Pratap. There is not much expectation from this lineage of traitors and cowards.

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A lesson to Indian Politicians
by Srinivas on Jul 06, 2007 08:31 AM  Permalink 

This will be a lesson to the Indian Politicians who lick the feet of Minorities for their votes. They should understand the repurcussions of minority appeasement. They have degraded to the extent of not executing Afzal Guru, they was no strong reaction to the Mumbai blasts.

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Fate of Pakistan
by Srinivas on Jul 06, 2007 08:08 AM  Permalink 

Though there is nothing new about Pakistan.
This will be the begining of the End of Pakistan.
As you Sow, So you reap.

I was wondering why these guys wanted a separate nation. Now I understand they wanted a battlefield.

Satyameva Jayate,

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by GURU on Jul 06, 2007 07:57 AM  Permalink 

The guys were having a wonderful time both with the figures and the guns, mush played a spoil sport. Eradicating these guys from this land is an impossible task with politicians counting on their support, nevertheless measures need to be taken to do so.

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Muslim Fundamentalism
by Krishnaswamy Narasimhan on Jul 06, 2007 07:57 AM  Permalink 

Muslim kings and later Britishers not only ruled us but looted our treasures. But one good thing with the queen's dynasty was that they did not destroy our monuments but Muslim rulers did it ruthlessly. That being the case, how can you say that Islam does not preach destruction of other religions and their followers?

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