We have often come across so many times politicians all over the world crying that terrorism is an unseen enemy, they are hidden, need to be sniffed out etc etc & etc. This thing really confuses oneself. When we have tangible proofs in hand about who are the REAL SPONSORS then why can't we go straight away punishing them... Please be aware this LAL MASJID episode is neither the beginning of the end of terrorism nor a renewed spirit on part of Pakistan to play a role in anti terror war game. This is just an eye wash. And even for a moment if we believe it to be true then there goes the saying "CHICKENS ARE COMING HOME TO ROOST". Well we all know that Mush mian cannot afford to antagonize crazy mullahs that leaves him looking for applying for visas to live. We all will see that in a couple of weeks time everything will cool down & these groups will re-organize (thanx to Pak Army) to carry out their HOLY agendas. Musharraf is just trying to win a symapathy all over the world by staging these sort of drama. Didn't he realized or knew before that what all is going in Lal Masjid or did he got wise overnight???
There is only ONE way. In medical terms if a tumor starts becoming cancer we have to cut that part of body to avoid spreading it all over. These mullahs are already running a parallel government. The only way is to get unite & take some stern military action against these people. Just wait & we will see how Mian musharraf has fooled the world. He should better