Mirwaiz Umer Farooq entire world knows that Pakistan made many mistakes, now discuss new topic. Who the hell Hurryat?? You are talking about Kashmiri Muslims only, what about Kashmiri Pandits? They forcefully converted them to islam, remaining all quit because of you people, Kashmir is place of pandits only. You all want indian food,clothes,place everything and supports Pakistan which school from you all are. You know why Dog is mans best friend?? because dog Jis Thali Mein Khata Hai Us Mein Ched Nahi Karata.
RE:Pakisatn Made Many Mistakes, What U Expect From 3rd Class Country
by on Mar 01, 2007 11:37 AM Permalink
HISTORY poorly views the DESERTER! Pandits DESERTED! No better word I can think off. Y do u think the Govt doesnt ASK them anything?Its DTKP...Dont Trust Kashmiri Pandit.. better talk to an intelligent 'enemy'
RE:RE:Pakisatn Made Many Mistakes, What U Expect From 3rd Class Country
by r patil on Mar 02, 2007 09:35 AM Permalink
palestanians DEERTED!No better word i can think off.Y do u think the Govt(isreal) doesnt ASK them anything?Its DTPM...Dont Trust palestanian muslims.. better talk to an intelligent 'enemy'
RE:RE:Pakisatn Made Many Mistakes, What U Expect From 3rd Class Country
by on Mar 01, 2007 11:40 AM Permalink
hey i didnt ever hear of a Kash Pandit getting converted forcefully... I mean if they convert then they R really shitty man...
RE:RE:RE:Pakisatn Made Many Mistakes, What U Expect From 3rd Class Country
by Rishi Raj Singh on Mar 01, 2007 02:34 PM Permalink
Kash Pandit's didn't got converted forcefully...it's the Kashmiri Muslims that were converted forcefully.
Any I will bet that you wouldn't have heard of that either, as to hear anything you need to keep your ears open !!!
RE:Pakisatn Made Many Mistakes, What U Expect From 3rd Class Country
by Pragya Tripathi on Mar 01, 2007 10:38 AM Permalink
Very correct.... Why are only muslims entitled to talk and take decesions on kashmir issue??? Why are kashmiri pandits considered non kashmiris... not only by these hurriyats etc... but also by Indian govt... why is not Govt of India asking these fellows to call thae kashmiri pandits back... ensure their secirity and safety first and include there representatives in any kind of talks on kashmir???
Enough is Enough. This is very clear to pakistanis to talk about kashmir - DOODH MAANGOGE TO KHEER DENGE KASHMIR KE BARE MEIN SOCHEGO TO CHEER DENGE. THIS IS VERY CLEAR TO PAKISTANIS AS WELL AS MUSLIMS WHO LIVE IN INDIA & HAVE THE SAME OPINION. What we had not given to Indian Muslims they are free as we are, then what makes them to think about pakistan. Its my request to all Indian Muslims we always respected u & always given the same importance but due to some bloody buggers dont mix with them.
kashmir was the land of the hindus..... then most of them were converted forcefully into islam......and still they are being drunk the religious wine everyday.they forced kashmiri pundits (the true native of this land)to leave their mother land. then who authorised Mirwaiz/pakistan to voice for separation...... just place them in front of guns.
RE:RE:who are the hurryat confrnce
by on Mar 01, 2007 11:44 AM Permalink
did i miss something? I mean someone forcefully converted a Pandit into a muslim or someone forcefully made him flee...? please clarify. Also Y r they called Pandits..r they higher caste only?? That means Indian Hindu's are lower cast?
RE:RE:RE:who are the hurryat confrnce
by Sharan Patil on Mar 01, 2007 05:31 PM Permalink
ON, when we talk about hindus.. every caste... higher/lower.. there is not much importance.. just they are hindus..
by Morris Modi on Mar 01, 2007 10:35 AM Permalink
When did we become the world's 3rd largest economy? hmm Good if we did :) but my thoughts are gandhian and I had love to work with our neighbours so we both live in peace.
by Vineet Saxena on Mar 01, 2007 10:26 AM Permalink
This is a good idea, then Pakistan won't need to print Indian currency to fund terrorists.
Pakis will devote full time to Jihad and we have to feed them:)-
Post 1947 - no economic, political union. Pakis as such drifting towards Arabic culture - so cultural exchanges will become less gradually, if not already/
RE:Kick judiciary protesting kannadigas out of india
by shankar on Mar 01, 2007 10:20 AM Permalink
Kinda true..........These ppl (kannadigas) are suffering from an identity crisis.. They want to prove themselves to the world, but, they are doing it in all the wrong ways possible.
Otherwise, what has the blocking of tamil channels got to do with the tribunal award. Also, they are obsessed with tamil-bashing.
They just want to prove the world that they are better than tamils in every walk of life... which is impossible. This obsession is taking them to heights of idiocracy.
RE:RE:Kick judiciary protesting kannadigas out of india
by karthik on Mar 01, 2007 10:25 AM Permalink
shankar, greatly put up.. Thanks.. And trying to take ownership of all growth happening in bangalore is like Native Americans (Red indians) telling the other guys that we were the one responsibile for all the growth in US.. I feel cities like Chennai, Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai, Calcutta should be taken out of state control and will have direct monitoring in terms of infrastructure development from Central
RE:RE:RE:Kick judiciary protesting kannadigas out of india
by shankar on Mar 01, 2007 10:36 AM Permalink
These ppl have a lot of inferiority complex....
Once i saw something written on one of the Walls of Bangalore. It read "India, Recognise Tamil eelam, a hindu country". Who would've written this is understandable. We dont have to be a scientist to recognize that. But, the shock came to me after a month or so. One fine day, when i was passing through that road, the writings have been erased and rewritten. Tamil has been changed to Kannada. The new writings read this "India, recognise Kannada eelam, a hindu country".
I could not help but laugh at these dumb-idiots whoever has done that re-writing... God save them from their crazy obsessions
RE:RE:RE:Kick judiciary protesting kannadigas out of india
by karthik on Mar 01, 2007 10:37 AM Permalink
I know, your culture. Thats why when of your greats, Girish Karnad voiced his opinion, u suddenly diswoned him and threatened him. U kannadigas dont even talk to each other in your mother tongue. where is the pride man?
RE:Kick judiciary protesting kannadigas out of india
by suresh vaggannavar on Mar 01, 2007 10:47 AM Permalink
totally agree. All kanndiags must know some rivers in india flows in pakisatn, we are ready to share with country like pakistan then whats the problem with Tamilians. We know bangloreian as good human being and educated but they are showing themself as a Quack.
RE:RE:Kick judiciary protesting kannadigas out of india
by karthik on Mar 01, 2007 10:54 AM Permalink
Thanks xyz and shankar, You guys seems to hit nail on the head..
RE:RE:RE:Kick judiciary protesting kannadigas out of india
by Shreedhar Shivapuji on Mar 01, 2007 01:16 PM Permalink
K ... are you illegitimate son of Karunanidhi & Amma ... living in B'lore ?
RE:RE:Kick judiciary protesting kannadigas out of india
by karthik on Mar 01, 2007 10:35 AM Permalink
Hi Vishwa!
Guys you lost a legal battle. WHy protest in roads? You seems to be very poor on ur geography.
Do you think cauvery is the only thing for us? I have never seen cauvery in my place and still i have enough water for every thing..
By the way, if u dare to say no tamils in Bangalore and karnataka (in terms of contribution), I feel you guys wont even need to wash your backside, because u might end up die of hunger..
By the way I feel all those supporting LTTE should be hanged. For me India comes first than Tamil Nadu. If for some reason, The state of tamil nadu have to be sacrificied for the rest of India, I will be happy to oblige. Can u say the same thing.
RE:Kick judiciary protesting kannadigas out of india
by on Mar 01, 2007 10:36 AM Permalink
Tamil arrogance is visible in K's message. India would be better off without 2 chaotic states ... TN & Bihar. Look at the way you treat your ex-CMs ... what better way to show what kind of people you are !!!
RE:RE:Kick judiciary protesting kannadigas out of india
by xyz abc on Mar 01, 2007 10:49 AM Permalink
Why this fight between Tamil and Kannad going on ?
RE:RE:Kick judiciary protesting kannadigas out of india
by karthik on Mar 01, 2007 10:40 AM Permalink
And look at your CMs. Wominizer, Land Grabber, Sleeper in PM Chair, political Monkey, and where do u get that funny looking vattal nagaraj.. He can act as a comedian..
RE:RE:Kick judiciary protesting kannadigas out of india
by karthik on Mar 01, 2007 10:43 AM Permalink
having said that, next time I would assume you are a b******, if you take pride in V.Anand's vicotories, tap ur foot for rahman's Music, deep dive into MS Musical classics, listen to poorly imitated Ilayaraja's tunes in kannada, eat a paddy rice that came out of MS swaminathan's research or invite Abdul kalam and seeing ur CM to give an ugly pose next to him..
RE:RE:Itis Realisation that is too late -Umer
by on Mar 01, 2007 11:49 AM Permalink
..efforts should be made... whos gonna make the effort? Alas Nehru is in his grave.
RE:RE:Itis Realisation that is too late -Umer
by on Mar 01, 2007 11:52 AM Permalink
Correct assessment. I am glad people like u post here. Every word is correct. I would add that some people view Abdullah senior's engagement with India as India'a arm twisting. Nehru, being a Kashmiri, didnt want Abdullah to think an alternative...
1. Pak encouraged terrorism in Punjab 2. We somehow controlled it 3. Then they started the blood bath in Kashmir. It still continues. 4. Pakistan does not bloody care about the people in so called Azad Kashmir, the people who were affected by the massive earthquake (well it was god's punishment for what is going on) are still withour shelter. Pakistan only collected funds from the world for the cause and god knows there those funds are now 5. Pakistan has handed over a part of Kashmir to China 6. India's article 370 allows a special status to Kashmir. 7. India is the perhaps only coutry in the world where separatists are allowed to talk. They are allowed to meet visiting foregin minister of Pak. 8. Continous foolishness on the part of Indian leadership is the only cause of the continuation of this problem 9. Nehru made three blunders in his lfe and we are still suffering a) Partition of India because Nehru wanted to be PM. Pakistan is bigggest destabilising factor for India. b) Ordering of ceasefire in Kashmir and his going to UN. We are still suffering because of this. c) His dosti with Chinese people and 1962 conflict. 10) Indira did no better. After capturing more than 90,000 soldiers of Pakistan by brave military effort, she went for a honeymoon with Bhutto at Shimla. That was the most opportunate time to wrest whole of the Kashmir and solve this problem. 11) Subsequent leaders continue to dither, soldiers continue to die either due to militancy or by committing suicide because life has become hell for them there.
by xyz abc on Mar 01, 2007 10:23 AM Permalink
yeah ur right.
Indira made a mistake.
There were 2 situations where we would have ended our miseries --> 1. We should have captured the whole Kashmir when Pak attacked Kasmir in 1947. We didn't do that.
2. 1971 war was another chance. We didn't do that.