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by pungi on Mar 01, 2007 10:10 AM

1. Pak encouraged terrorism in Punjab
2. We somehow controlled it
3. Then they started the blood bath in Kashmir. It still continues.
4. Pakistan does not bloody care about the people in so called Azad Kashmir, the people who were affected by the massive earthquake (well it was god's punishment for what is going on) are still withour shelter. Pakistan only collected funds from the world for the cause and god knows there those funds are now
5. Pakistan has handed over a part of Kashmir to China
6. India's article 370 allows a special status to Kashmir.
7. India is the perhaps only coutry in the world where separatists are allowed to talk. They are allowed to meet visiting foregin minister of Pak.
8. Continous foolishness on the part of Indian leadership is the only cause of the continuation of this problem
9. Nehru made three blunders in his lfe and we are still suffering
a) Partition of India because Nehru wanted to be PM. Pakistan is bigggest destabilising factor for India.
b) Ordering of ceasefire in Kashmir and his going to UN. We are still suffering because of this.
c) His dosti with Chinese people and 1962 conflict.
10) Indira did no better. After capturing more than 90,000 soldiers of Pakistan by brave military effort, she went for a honeymoon with Bhutto at Shimla. That was the most opportunate time to wrest whole of the Kashmir and solve this problem.
11) Subsequent leaders continue to dither, soldiers continue to die either due to militancy or by committing suicide because life has become hell for them there.

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'Pak made many mistakes on J&K'