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Let's do a referendum..
by rishi singh on Mar 01, 2007 03:24 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

OK...Let's do a referendum...the question is

"If Kashmiri want to be with India, then be like Indians or pack your bags and take next bus to cross the border."

The Govt has already started couple of bus-services linking Sri nagar and Muzzafarabad for your convience.

Also add a condition that people going once there will be refused Visa's for next 3 generations.

Let us see, how many Kashmiri's really support Pak.

This idea of J&K belonging only to Kashmiri's is out of context, it is not in touch with current reality. All of India from Kashmir to Kaniyakumari is just plain simple INDIA and nothing more, whoever is not comfortable with this idea, can do leave India.

And if you talk of History, let's go a bit further down the line and convert you all back to Hinduism.....as your forefathers were all converted forcibly to Islam.

But one thing is very clear, "agar India main rehna hai, to bharat mata ki jai bolna padega."

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RE:Let's do a referendum..
by Rohit on Mar 01, 2007 07:06 PM  Permalink
Fantastic Rishi.

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RE:Let's do a referendum..
by P Mulay on Mar 01, 2007 06:26 PM  Permalink
excellent Rishi..........

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by suresh singh on Mar 01, 2007 02:09 PM  Permalink 


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RE:Kashmiris need to be behave honest
by Inner Stream on Mar 01, 2007 08:21 PM  Permalink

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RE:Kashmiris need to be behave honest
by tahir rah on Mar 01, 2007 02:19 PM  Permalink
Mr. Maha,

We do not have elictricity for the whole year as you people have. Kashmir is the biggest supplier of elictricity yet has little for itself tell us why?

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RE:RE:Kashmiris need to be behave honest
by A p on Mar 01, 2007 02:30 PM  Permalink
Hi Tahir,
If you are from Kashmir, I would suggest please refrain from posting anything. Most of the commentators here are not from Kashmir and they have never been there. You'll know that from their "views" on the problem and how to solve it. Whatever you say will not be given credibility because I know what you will say will be bold truth which many will find very difficult to digest and eventually spit it out on you. Just ignore.

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RE:RE:Kashmiris need to be behave honest
by rishi singh on Mar 01, 2007 02:45 PM  Permalink
Ok Tahir...Get the facts right before replying.

What did u said...J&K is the biggest supplier of electricity..now what is this supplier....i guess u wanted to say that J&K is biggest generator of electricity and it flows out of J&K.

Let me tell you, installed capacity in J&K is 1625 MW and even a much smaller state like HP generates 1836 MW. Go to this link :


Now alas...I don't have any info on your long lost brothers, across the LOC.....maybe theu still have to see the light !!!!

As far as the question of supplying electricity in J&K is concerned, can you gurantee that tower lines and distribution system will not be blown up by terrorists, as we the tax-payer's of this country are not ready to spend even a penny to appease you guys.....If you like stay here or cross the border to dark ages. You are free....but don't come back.

I guess the only referendum in J&K should be, if people should be deported to POK or not???

Khate yahan ka ho, aur joote padosi ki chate ho !!

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RE:RE:RE:Kashmiris need to be behave honest
by Suraj Yadav on Mar 01, 2007 03:02 PM  Permalink

I totally agree with you. yeh salon ko jab tak laat nahin padegi tab tak sudherenge nahin. kaash nehru ne ballabh bhai ki baat maan li hoti to yeh problem hi nahin hoti

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RE:RE:RE:RE:Kashmiris need to be behave honest
by P Mulay on Mar 01, 2007 06:29 PM  Permalink
correct.......the gandi clan is the bane of this nation

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Kashmiris need to be behave honest
by Rohit on Mar 01, 2007 07:10 PM  Permalink
Great guys. Throw these Hurriyat guys out of the country.Let them go to Pakistan. Jab ye Laat khayenge jaise Mohajir Karachi me khaa rahe hain tab samajh me aayega. Bahut dimag chadh gaya hai inka.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:Kashmiris need to be behave honest
by venkat on Mar 01, 2007 06:28 PM  Permalink
If kashmir goes sovereign, you can rest be assured, the next stop will be HP, Punjab and onwards. This will never stop still all of India is conquered.

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since when is sufism part of islam?
by John Fernandes on Mar 01, 2007 01:42 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

this idiot mirwaiz doesnt know or doesnt want to know that sufism is not part of islam . throughout arab world sufis are looked upon as barbaric people living on peripheries of islamic civilisation
they are accused of taking islam back to age of jahiliyah because according to arab muslims ( who know what real islam is , rather than their subcontinental slaves , after all they ' gave ' islam to these idiots in the subcontinent ) worship at dargah is forbidden yet u see so many indian muslims going to dargahs .
in medina even if u stop for some time in front of prophet mohammeds dargah u are whipped by saudi guards because after all mohammed is only a prophet and he is not to be worshipped. so if the worship at the grave of the prophet himself is disallowed what can u say of worship at dargahs of lesser muslims like one in ajmer or mumbai
i know all this because i myself was a shia before my conversion to christianity. i challenge any muslim to debate with me on this including the barelvi idiot zakir naik

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RE:since when is sufism part of islam?
by Suraj Yadav on Mar 01, 2007 03:04 PM  Permalink
ur absolutely right bro

here is the link for more information


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RE:since when is sufism part of islam?
by Indian Analyst on Mar 02, 2007 01:32 AM  Permalink
I am very curios to know about your reasons for conversion.
1. Christianity says that there is only one god and Jesus is the god, son of god, prophet etc... These religions have intolerance built into the religion (no other god other than jesus).
Why do you think that outside bullshit is better than our bullshit ?

Also, sufism has given an Indian color to Islam. It does deviate from the basic Sunni beliefs. Maybe the sunnis believe that sufism is not part of Islam, but who's asking them.

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Huriyat is like an mis guided horse
by Jitendra Soni on Mar 01, 2007 12:51 PM  Permalink 

Huriyat and all Islamic millitants operating in the valley should first go and fight in pakistan for diving the Kashmir they occupied. POK was divided into two Northern areas & Azad J&K (which has a puppet governement) and they call the democriatcally elected government in the Valley as puupet government.
Ask Pakistan why did it divide Kashmir into two.
Ask Pakistan why don't northern areas has any freedom.
Ask pakistan about the no development being done in either AZAD J&K and Northern areas
The budget allocated by centre (Indian Govt) for J&K hugely outnubers the budget of POK put together. Can't Huriyat see al this.
Why can't hurriyat participate in elections if they think they can administer kashmir better.

Can hurriyat of General Musharraf answer these questions. The same General Musharraf who had refused to take his soldiers body back (killede in Kargil) and the reason they belonged to NLi (Northern Areas) and their commanders Punjabi muslims ran away like rats

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by on Mar 01, 2007 12:20 PM  Permalink 

Ok i want to point out one thing that is alraedy there...in case nobody has noticed.. THAT WE TALK OF ONLY KASHMIRIS!!!
Nehru is ( or was or is?!! lol) Kashmiri, so was Indira, so was Rajiv, so is Rahul, so is Priyanka ( and isnt she cute...only the Italian genes are pulling her a bit down) and so is of course Umer faruq and so is Umer Abdullah. Seems Kashmiri's are everywhere...! Why so? Is it the good upper caste Pandit blood?
Iqbal, the great poet (who incidentally gave the concept of Pakistan) was a Kashmiri..it keeps geting better! Anupam Kher is Kashmiri, Kunal Khemu is too, and should we spread a rumor that Sania will marry a handsome Kashmiri !!!
All the best names in medicine, in AIIMS and Apollo are Kashmiri...!
God arent Kashmiri's literally ruling the subcontinent??
Aah there is one best kept secret also... ALL Kashmiri Muslims are PROUD of their Brahmanical heritage...who wouldnt be...after all, ALL Kashmiri's are upper caste Pandits basically which is more than what the average common man in the rest of the country can boast off.
Actually Kashmiri's are meant to rule the country one day.... shall we say in the form of RAHUL GANDHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Truth is above all...
by on Mar 01, 2007 12:01 PM  Permalink 

Ok ...enough is enough! Y dont u finally tell the truth.
1.That Pandit's are an exploitative community that move ahead by hook and crook...ask any "Hindu"...they concur
2.That its not the first time U guys hightailed it out of Kashmir...this is probably the 12th time in our long history u have done it...and U will do it again...tell me what type of a person leaves his motherland, to get outraged by others..... arre kuch to sharam karo..
3.When U used to come back to Kashmir after these 'forced' migrations... u used to blame these very 'Hindu's' of discrimination ..so that it might please the man on the street.. one look at Kalhan's Rajatarangini will confirm this important fact: Message: Dont trust the deserter!
4.In case of confusion , restart from point no 1

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As soon as 400,000 Kashmiris thrown out, kashmir's future was doomed
by Bhaskar Chattopadhyay on Mar 01, 2007 11:41 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Even a Nehru was frustated and put Sheikh to Jail. Indira didn't make any major compromise.

With India's stature growing and Pakis stock falling, specially after 911 & growing islamic terrorism - there is no way Kashmiris will get even an inch extra in rights - they already enjoy more that any other Indian state.

UPA is simply playing, the actual key of Indian making peace with Pakistan, Kashmir lies actually with BJP.

When Vajpayeeji extended his hand - his hand should have been grabbed. Pakis, kashmiri terrorists lost that.

New leader will be Modi. And he wouldn;t even give what Vajpayeeji wanted to give.

Islamic Fundamentalists like Noorani can write any number of pieces - PDF lady chief may meet Sonia many a times. Nothing is going to happen.

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RE:As soon as 400,000 Kashmiris thrown out, kashmir's future was doomed
by on Mar 01, 2007 12:03 PM  Permalink
Nehru 'put' Abdullah in jail...emphasis mine
Haha ....dont u realise the irony..one Kashmiri putting another in Jail... Pandit jailing Muslim

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RE:RE:As soon as 400,000 Kashmiris thrown out, kashmir's future was doomed
by Sejal dhaval desai on Mar 01, 2007 01:00 PM  Permalink
Shame.U have very poor knowledge about Indian Politics & that is why u r asking Who is Modi?
For ur information, MR.Narendra Modi's abbreaviation is NAMO that means do namaskar.So start doing nowonward.

Before,criticising any leader one should go to his area, & do the survey of local public.
Come to Gujarat u will feel the difference.The people or society should be punished if they are not faithful for the soil.Read Chanakya's Nitishastra.

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RE:RE:RE:As soon as 400,000 Kashmiris thrown out, kashmir's future was doomed
by sreekumar on Mar 01, 2007 02:46 PM  Permalink
Well Said.

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RE:RE:RE:As soon as 400,000 Kashmiris thrown out, kashmir's future was doomed
by A p on Mar 01, 2007 02:34 PM  Permalink
How can little children fit in your argument on unfaithful people and society?

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Request for ''Indian'' and others who are using slang
by Bhaskar Chattopadhyay on Mar 01, 2007 11:35 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

We understand your outrage and share that deep to our heart. Jihadis must not be pampered and should be dealt by bullet.

But, please do NOT use slangs in these Rediff Pages, as it demeans the whole discussion and make the whole page bad. Needless to say, it becomes more difficult for Rediff to monitor these stuff.

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RE:Request for ''Indian'' and others who are using slang
by on Mar 01, 2007 12:26 PM  Permalink
yes ..only intelligent people like Bhaskarji should write here.. rest of U cant write..Bhaskar writes such flowery stuff... he shud be given Padma Shri!
I have forgotten how t laugh...

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