"If Kashmiri want to be with India, then be like Indians or pack your bags and take next bus to cross the border."
The Govt has already started couple of bus-services linking Sri nagar and Muzzafarabad for your convience.
Also add a condition that people going once there will be refused Visa's for next 3 generations.
Let us see, how many Kashmiri's really support Pak.
This idea of J&K belonging only to Kashmiri's is out of context, it is not in touch with current reality. All of India from Kashmir to Kaniyakumari is just plain simple INDIA and nothing more, whoever is not comfortable with this idea, can do leave India.
And if you talk of History, let's go a bit further down the line and convert you all back to Hinduism.....as your forefathers were all converted forcibly to Islam.
But one thing is very clear, "agar India main rehna hai, to bharat mata ki jai bolna padega."