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by Inner Stream on Mar 01, 2007 07:49 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies


ALSO MORE IMPORTANTLY...i want to point out one thing that is alraedy there...in case nobody has noticed.. THAT WE TALK OF ONLY KASHMIRIS!!!
Nehru is ( or was or is?!! lol) Kashmiri, so was Indira, so was Rajiv, so is Rahul, so is Priyanka ( and isnt she cute...only the Italian genes are pulling her a bit down) and so is of course Umer faruq and so is Umer Abdullah. Seems Kashmiri's are everywhere...! Why so? Is it the good upper caste Pandit blood?
Iqbal, the great poet (who incidentally gave the concept of Pakistan) was a Kashmiri..it keeps geting better! Anupam Kher is Kashmiri, Kunal Khemu is too, and should we spread a rumor that Sania will marry a handsome Kashmiri !!!
All the best names in medicine, in AIIMS and Apollo are Kashmiri...!
God arent Kashmiri's literally ruling the subcontinent??
Aah there is one best kept secret also... ALL Kashmiri Muslims are PROUD of their Brahmanical heritage...who wouldnt be...after all, ALL Kashmiri's are upper caste Pandits basically which is more than what the average common man in the rest of the country can boast off.
Actually Kashmiri's are meant to rule the country one day.... shall we say in the form of RAHUL GANDHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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by Raj on Mar 01, 2007 07:54 PM  Permalink
Oh yes it is getting better.. Kashmiri people ruling india.
Nehru the coward, Indira the real lady no comments, Rajiv serenated by LTTE, Rahul and priyanka lets see.
Sania mirza talentless tennis player. I think it is better for all if she takes kabul express soon.

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by ravinder agrawal on Mar 01, 2007 08:42 PM  Permalink
Well Said Raj, rather Nehru was a stupid and follish leader who didnt had any quality to lead a country. It was Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel who saved this country from the foolishness of Nehru.

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by srinivasan mv on Mar 02, 2007 05:50 PM  Permalink
How is Rahul and PRiyanka Kashmiri. Theirs can be a mix of Parsi and Italian Genes.

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by A P on Mar 19, 2007 03:25 AM  Permalink
Their grandmother (Indira Gandhi) is Kashmiri.

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Phd in Sufi sect.What an Idiot
by Raj on Mar 01, 2007 07:44 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Mirwaiz Umer Farooq has no modern education and talking to modern media, I do not think he has credential necessary. He is openly claiming his passion to study sufism, dude Mirwaiz, do you know that studying any form of Islam is like taking an express train to stone age.
Look what happened to Osama he was excited about Islam and he took purchased a one way ticket on Kabul express direct to stone age and now he resides in one of those caves in Pakistan.

Stop being a fool, and stop making prediction for 2020AD when living in 7th century, you need to first come to 20th century.
Revert back to your old religion. Idiot.

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RE:Phd in Sufi sect.What an Idiot
by Inner Stream on Mar 01, 2007 07:55 PM  Permalink
Modern Education? Dude Mirwaiz?
Do you know that the Mirwaiz was one of the Board toppers in school and in college?
I can see your 'education' and dont want even to pity you.

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RE:RE:Phd in Sufi sect.What an Idiot
by Raj on Mar 01, 2007 09:54 PM  Permalink
Did you just say " Islamic dude Mirwaiz " was a topper in school and college.
Dude did he top JEE exam,to excell in a muslim dominated school just shows the fact he is an best among the fools.Did you know, people who belong to Monotheistic school of thought have stunted mind devolopment. If he had studied in delhi, mumbai, chennai or bangalore he might be a third class student or failure student.

Your anology is like,boasting the talent of bangladeshi national ccricket team player, while some of our 3rd division players in India might be better than Bangladeshi national team players.
Stop exposing more of our Islamic dudes folish past. We know it, and we need move on.

Inner stream, join hands with us to help revert musalman back to their old religion in India.

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RE:RE:RE:Phd in Sufi sect.What an Idiot
by John C on Mar 01, 2007 11:14 PM  Permalink
i love this Raj dude! what a pithy message.. i loved the express train idea.. i loved the bangladesh comparison.. in the end instead of lashing out at "inner stream" he asks him to join hands! i love u Raj!! (hey.. in the best buddy spirit okay! i am not "that" kind of a guy!!;)

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RE:RE:Phd in Sufi sect.What an Idiot
by ravinder agrawal on Mar 01, 2007 08:43 PM  Permalink
In this coutry you have the privilage to make a donkey into a topper :)

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by Inner Stream on Mar 01, 2007 07:43 PM  Permalink 

Ok i want to point out one thing that is alraedy there...in case nobody has noticed.. THAT WE TALK OF ONLY KASHMIRIS!!!
Nehru is ( or was or is?!! lol) Kashmiri, so was Indira, so was Rajiv, so is Rahul, so is Priyanka ( and isnt she cute...only the Italian genes are pulling her a bit down) and so is of course Umer faruq and so is Umer Abdullah. Seems Kashmiri's are everywhere...! Why so? Is it the good upper caste Pandit blood?
Iqbal, the great poet (who incidentally gave the concept of Pakistan) was a Kashmiri..it keeps geting better! Anupam Kher is Kashmiri, Kunal Khemu is too, and should we spread a rumor that Sania will marry a handsome Kashmiri !!!
All the best names in medicine, in AIIMS and Apollo are Kashmiri...!
God arent Kashmiri's literally ruling the subcontinent??
Aah there is one best kept secret also... ALL Kashmiri Muslims are PROUD of their Brahmanical heritage...who wouldnt be...after all, ALL Kashmiri's are upper caste Pandits basically which is more than what the average common man in the rest of the country can boast off.
Actually Kashmiri's are meant to rule the country one day.... shall we say in the form of RAHUL GANDHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Throw out the so called ''Hurriyat''
by Rohit on Mar 01, 2007 07:16 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Throw these Hurriyat guys out of the country.Let them go to Pakistan. Jab ye Laat khayenge jaise Mohajir Karachi me khaa rahe hain tab samajh me aayega. Bahut dimag chadh gaya hai inka.

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RE:Throw out the so called ''Hurriyat''
by fardeen khan on Mar 02, 2007 12:58 AM  Permalink
They should kick you also along with them

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RE:RE:Throw out the so called ''Hurriyat''
by bharath Hindu on Mar 03, 2007 04:11 AM  Permalink
to the Muslims of India..instead of worshipping a delusion (allah)...I say it's a delsuion because the fellow(muhammed) who said the very existance of ur god is himself a terrorist & rapist.. who killed and advocated the killings of millions in hte name of religion..so one would be a fool to trust this criminals words that allah exists...it's never late..see what Hinduism has to offer to you..just try going through all your days in Islam..what did it give to you? mental agony, extremism, non tolerance, a "terrrorist" brand in the world and most of all a life as stranger in ur own home land...so ..dont keep second thoughts..revert back to the religion of ur forefathers...and live a peaceful life from here after...come back to Hinduism..!!Jai ShriRam!!

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Will Jehad stop if we give them Kashmir?
by venkat on Mar 01, 2007 06:34 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I came across this relevant message in a group. It hits the nail.

Q: Will Jehad stop if we give them Kashmir?

A: Even if we give them Kashmir, the Jihad cannot stop

vkumar1122 wrote:

>"Washington, July 12. (PTI): After condemning >the Mumbai train blasts, Pakistan has said >the "best way" of dealing with extremism in >South Asia is to tackle "real issue" of Jammu >and Kashmir.

>Noting that there has been progress in Indo->Pak. composite dialogue process to resolve >bilateral issues, Foreign Minister Khurshid >Mahmoud Kasuri, however, said not much >progress >has been made on Kashmir problem."

This is Pakistan's modern version of Jinnah's call for Direct Action Day in August 1946. Give us Pakistan or else. Muslims in India today cannot do a Calcutta of August 16, (?) 1946. So they stage a Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi, Varanasi etc -- one after another/. The message is clear -- give "us" what we want or else? The earth belongs to Allah and "we" are His authority on earth.

When will the infidels learn to understand the Muslim psyche?

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RE:Will Jehad stop if we give them Kashmir?
by Rohit on Mar 01, 2007 07:01 PM  Permalink
Agreed. Great that you brought this out. The only solution is the dissolution of the Pakistani state and its amalgamation into India.

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RE:RE:Will Jehad stop if we give them Kashmir?
by ravinder agrawal on Mar 01, 2007 08:35 PM  Permalink
As they say it "SUBHAN - ALLAH".
No doubt that countries like Pakistan, old-Afganistan should be cleaned, but we must remember that it is few hundred people sitting on the top of Politics and religious position who are manipulating the situation and brain-washing the common muslim people. Rather these few hundren people are responsible for the concept of Jihad and misrepresentation of "Kuran".

Remember: It takes just one Hitler to drive the whole world to world war. People like Umer Farooq are just small pawns, playing on the tune of bigger political players.

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Kashmir is named after sage Kashyap
by venkat on Mar 01, 2007 06:26 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

what is Mirwaiz Umer Farooq with regards to the name of Kashmir. Does he plan to change it. Do the people of Kashmir realise it is name after the great sage Kashyap. (According to the oldest manuscript on Kashmir %u201CNilvat Puran)

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RE:Kashmir is named after sage Kashyap
by Inner Stream on Mar 01, 2007 07:59 PM  Permalink
Of course you are right!!! Is that debatable too? Do u know Kashmiris are proud of their pure Aryan blood and Brahmanical lineage. ALL Kashmiris are UPPER CASTE.. the cream of the country!!

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RE:RE:Kashmir is named after sage Kashyap
by Raj on Mar 01, 2007 11:37 PM  Permalink
Inner stream:

Are you suggesting an Bramin musalman or may be upper class musalman. Do I see a crack in your muslim identity.Good revert back to hinduism and redeem your arayan heritage rather than sticking on to arab slave heritage.

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RE:confusing situation....
by Sharan Patil on Mar 01, 2007 06:09 PM  Permalink
if you ppl adamant about kashmir need to go to Pakistan just bcoz muslims are majority..we give you a condiation, Kashmir kya Jammu bhi denge.. lekin hindustan ke akhir muslim bhi le jaana padega.. so it can be final, once & forever.. solved..

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Why are we letting J&K out of our hands
by sg sg on Mar 01, 2007 05:12 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I think a major problem here was caused by the Congress over the decades by letting Pak push themselves on the issue and wage a war with India woithout having to send thier troops. They have continued their propoganda across the POK and bought the so called Hurriyat leaders and shown them the face of Kashmiris. Why as a nation then we keep telling that J&K is not negotiable. We havent done anything than give out doles to the people of J&K and giving into their unreasonable demands. We have to show meturity and spine to call a spade a spade. At this rate not only lose POK but the whole of J&K. Its time the countries politicians either congress or the bjp stop playing games and get behind as one on this issue.

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RE:Why are we letting J&K out of our hands
by venkat on Mar 01, 2007 06:10 PM  Permalink
pseudo secularism ties our hands down. Our soldiers can never match the violent commitment, the hatred espoused by the jehadists.

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RE:RE:Why are we letting J&K out of our hands
by Inner Stream on Mar 01, 2007 08:01 PM  Permalink
wat vajpayee going to do...sell your behinds to ENRON

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RE:RE:RE:Why are we letting J&K out of our hands
by ravinder agrawal on Mar 01, 2007 08:39 PM  Permalink
He had the "Dum" to take inidan army to the borders and attack Pakistan, which no congress party had done so far.

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RE:RE:Why are we letting J&K out of our hands
by Rohit on Mar 01, 2007 07:03 PM  Permalink
Congress and other pseudo secularists are the source of all problems. Throw them out in this election. Bring in someone who will teach a strong lesson to Pakistan and the jehadists.

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confusing situation....
by Rangasamy Vijay on Mar 01, 2007 04:34 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Why not conduct a plebiscite in Kashmir with with people inolved from both sides of Kashmir as well as all those pandits of Kashmir origin driven out due to extremists. What is the use of talking to so many splinter groups who may not even have a popular base at all? The plebiscite can be conducted under UN supervision and India or Paksitan need not feel emotional about it. It is really a pity that both countries spend huge amounts of thier resources to guard a virtual border, never accepted by anybody??

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RE:confusing situation....
by fardeen khan on Mar 02, 2007 01:01 AM  Permalink
Excellent idea.This was promissed by Prime Minister of India Nehru.But when he came to know the ground realities that all Kashmiri will not go woth India he developed cold feet and put Military there

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RE:RE:confusing situation....
by Indian Analyst on Mar 02, 2007 01:22 AM  Permalink
The plebiscite was cancelled bcos UN asked PAK to withdraw from J&K first. They never did after the occupied land in 1947.
Also, India held democratic elections in J&K (similar to plebiscite).
Don't forget that the kashmiris sided with India when PAK attacked in 1947 and 1965.

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What about Kashmir Pandits
by venkat on Mar 01, 2007 04:26 PM  Permalink 

There was no info on resettlement of the Kashmiri Pandits, 95% of whom have been forcibly kicked out.

They are not part of any equation. Wait... this will not end here... we have assam, border districts of Bengal and many more kashmirs comin up.

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