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Will Jehad stop if we give them Kashmir?
by venkat on Mar 01, 2007 06:34 PM

I came across this relevant message in a group. It hits the nail.

Q: Will Jehad stop if we give them Kashmir?

A: Even if we give them Kashmir, the Jihad cannot stop

vkumar1122 wrote:

>"Washington, July 12. (PTI): After condemning >the Mumbai train blasts, Pakistan has said >the "best way" of dealing with extremism in >South Asia is to tackle "real issue" of Jammu >and Kashmir.

>Noting that there has been progress in Indo->Pak. composite dialogue process to resolve >bilateral issues, Foreign Minister Khurshid >Mahmoud Kasuri, however, said not much >progress >has been made on Kashmir problem."

This is Pakistan's modern version of Jinnah's call for Direct Action Day in August 1946. Give us Pakistan or else. Muslims in India today cannot do a Calcutta of August 16, (?) 1946. So they stage a Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi, Varanasi etc -- one after another/. The message is clear -- give "us" what we want or else? The earth belongs to Allah and "we" are His authority on earth.

When will the infidels learn to understand the Muslim psyche?

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
'Pak made many mistakes on J&K'