I came across this relevant message in a group. It hits the nail.
Q: Will Jehad stop if we give them Kashmir?
A: Even if we give them Kashmir, the Jihad cannot stop
vkumar1122 wrote:
>"Washington, July 12. (PTI): After condemning >the Mumbai train blasts, Pakistan has said >the "best way" of dealing with extremism in >South Asia is to tackle "real issue" of Jammu >and Kashmir.
>Noting that there has been progress in Indo->Pak. composite dialogue process to resolve >bilateral issues, Foreign Minister Khurshid >Mahmoud Kasuri, however, said not much >progress >has been made on Kashmir problem." _____
This is Pakistan's modern version of Jinnah's call for Direct Action Day in August 1946. Give us Pakistan or else. Muslims in India today cannot do a Calcutta of August 16, (?) 1946. So they stage a Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi, Varanasi etc -- one after another/. The message is clear -- give "us" what we want or else? The earth belongs to Allah and "we" are His authority on earth.
When will the infidels learn to understand the Muslim psyche?