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Mr.President - Please do not delay justice
by Madan Kumar on Feb 13, 2007 10:22 PM  Permalink 

Traitors and enemies of the country should be unished. Thousands are slipping through the system unpunished. Please do let go of the one which are finally caught. We have ti st an example.
Also please do not forget the lives sacrificed in fightig these elements.

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Hope President will do his duty
by Jesbin joseph on Feb 13, 2007 10:21 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Mercy plea for a normal man used to get rejected.Do u know the reason,because not a vote bank and might be he is not a minority.This is guy who had resulted in killing many people and it was consider as attack against the heart of world largest democracy.
"Big deal who cares abt this we are safe here"
that is the opnion of our gov

People who shout slogans in suppport of Afzal are traitors .I dont really understand why our gov is against hanging.Either it can be two reason's vote bank politics or they are really worried abt minority. I am urging all u guys no to vote for cong and left next time. Because they ruined our country.Our gov is really supporting minorities. I dont have any issues with that, but if they can really ban the present caste system in India I would admire them.Please dont divide people on the basis caste and religion.Cong and Left says BJP as communal party, beacuse they are supporting Hindu's,what abt Cong and Left they are suppoting Muslims.So the bottm line is congress is also religious party.

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RE:Hope President will do his duty
by Ravi Sastry on Feb 14, 2007 01:05 AM  Permalink
very rare to see a christian speaking in such a good spirit(pardon me!) so far, many christians on these forums were concerned about the welfare of christainty or blaming bjp or things like that..simply they were mostly anti-hindu.
again this is my judgement, i may be wrong

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RE:RE:Hope President will do his duty
by dilip mathew on Feb 14, 2007 09:18 AM  Permalink
Yes Mr. Sastry, Christians like Hindus and Muslims are are concerned about their welfare. There is nothing wrong in that. But I guess even Christians are Indians and we don't need to prove our identity to anybody. Afzal has been convicted by the courts and his sentence should be accepted by the President also.

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Please make sure if he is reallly guilty
by Prem Kumar on Feb 13, 2007 10:12 PM  Permalink 

Anyone who attacks, not just Parliament, even a small life in India should be hanged, no doubt. At the same time, please make sure he is really guilty - because it can bring up a New era of violence & Terror, if he hadn't done it. This could be a case of hurried up justice.

'No one left behind' policy - please hang him if guilty or save him if not, Mr. president.

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Some more information
by j ash on Feb 13, 2007 10:07 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Question 1: For months before the attack on parliament, both the government and the police had been saying that parliament could be attacked. On December 12 2001, the then prime minister, AB Vajpayee, warned of an imminent attack. On December 13 it happened. Given that there was an %u201Cimproved security drill%u201D, how did a car bomb packed with explosives enter the parliament complex?

Question 2: Within days of the attack, the Special Cell of the Delhi police said it was a meticulously planned joint operation of Jaish-e-Mohammad and Lashkar-e-Taiba. They said a man called %u201CMohammad%u201D who was also involved in the hijacking of flight IC-814 in 1998 led the attack. (The Central Bureau of Investigation later refuted this.) None of this was ever proved in court. What evidence did the Special Cell have for its claim?

Question 3: The entire attack was recorded live on CCTV. Two Congress party MPs, Kapil Sibal and Najma Heptullah, demanded in parliament that the CCTV recording be shown to the members. They said that there was confusion about the details of the event. The chief whip of the Congress party, Priyaranjan Dasmunshi, said, %u201CI counted six men getting out of the car. But only five were killed. The closed circuit TV camera recording clearly showed the six men.%u201D If Dasmunshi was right, why did the police say that there were only five people in the car? Who was the sixth person? Where is he now? Why did the prosecution as evidence in the trial not produce the CCTV recording? Why was it not released for public viewing?

Question 4: Why was parliament adjourned after some of these questions were raised?

Question 5: A few days after December 13, the government declared that it had %u201Cincontrovertible evidence%u201D of Pakistan%u2019s involvement in the attack, and announced a massive mobilisation of almost half a million soldiers to the Indo-Pakistan border. The subcontinent was pushed to the brink of nuclear war. Apart from Afzal%u2019s %u201Cconfession%u201D, extracted under torture (and later set aside by the supreme court), what was the %u201Cincontrovertible evidence%u201D?

Question 6: Is it true that the military mobilisation to the Pakistan border had begun long before the December 13 attack?

Question 7: How much did this military standoff, which lasted for nearly a year, cost? How many soldiers died in the process? How many soldiers and civilians died because of mishandled landmines, and how many peasants lost their homes and land because trucks and tanks were rolling through their villages and landmines were being planted in their fields?

Question 8: In a criminal investigation, it is vital for the police to show how the evidence gathered at the scene of the attack led them to the accused. The police have not managed to show how they connected Geelani to the attack. And how did the police reach Afzal? The Special Cell says Geelani led them to Afzal. But the message to look out for Afzal was actually flashed to the Srinagar police before Geelani was arrested. So how did the Special Cell connect Afzal to the December 13 attack?

Question 9: The courts acknowledge that Afzal was a surrendered militant who was in regular contact with the security forces, particularly the STF of Jammu and Kashmir police. How do the security forces explain the fact that a person under their surveillance was able to conspire in a major militant operation?

Question 10: Is it plausible that organisations such as Lashkar-e-Taiba or Jaish-e-Mohammad would rely on a person who had been in and out of STF torture chambers, and was under constant police surveillance, as the principal link for a major operation?

Question 11: In his statement before the court, Afzal says that he was introduced to %u201CMohammed%u201D and instructed to take him to Delhi by a man called Tariq, who was working with the STF. Tariq was named in the police charge sheet. Who is Tariq and where is he now?

Question 12: On December 19, 2001, six days after the parliament attack, police commissioner SM Shangari identified one of the attackers who were killed as Mohammad Yasin Fateh Mohammed (alias Abu Hamza) of the Lashkar-e-Taiba, who had been arrested in Mumbai in November 2000 and immediately handed over to the Jammu and Kashmir police. He gave detailed descriptions to support his statement. If police commissioner Shangari was right, how did Yasin, a man in the custody of the Jammu and Kashmir police, end up participating in the parliament attack? If he was wrong, where is Yasin now?

Question 13: Why is it that we still do not know who the five %u201Cterrorists%u201D killed in the parliament attack are?

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RE:Some more information
by Kaushik Das on Feb 14, 2007 05:32 AM  Permalink
You are more concerned about the terrorists, ash, not the people killed by them. What is the evidence that you are not a terrorist yourself? Or their financial and internet advisor and accomplice? Is tarah se chaloge to every case can be proved to be false. The WTC towers were down. That is a reality. The parliament was attacked. THAT is a reality. And it is not too difficult to guess the perpetrators' identity and ideology.
Of course, the courts do not go by guesswork but have arrived at conclusions. You should be enjoying that one of your men, geelani, was let off because of lack of foolproof evidence. If afzal's had been the same case, he would also have been let off.

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RE:RE:Some more information
by Angeline Sharmila on Feb 14, 2007 07:04 PM  Permalink
all u do is trash others opinions.Shouldnt' someone have their opinion?is it against the law or something?or has religion caste a cover over your face?dont go on to tell me that hindus are purists & act clean.i can quote a lot of riots they have created.lets be more mature than that.this is like school children playing the blame game,u wrong,me wrong....
doesnt get us anywhere.

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Remember the soldier who died saving the parliament
by j ash on Feb 13, 2007 09:55 PM  Permalink 

who was the only hope to their parents, he died saving parliament, he kept the flag beside him, all through the coma...How can we still leave this Afzal bhai, even if he is left in jail for umar kaidh, he will make friends in jail and convert their minds to master mind some action, what will happen if cancer spreads, a good doctor will suggest to cut that part, a sensible person like president will do that.
If not India, is not the India we grew in.

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The country is not able to send out a message loudly....
by Naveen Kochoth on Feb 13, 2007 09:52 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Any other country..(however small/large it may be) will not leave a person who masterminded to attack the institution of democracy and it's MP's. It's a shame on the govt. if it does not value the life of the persons died there protecting the prestige of the country...

The real qn. is how long more it is going to take ? to come out with a verdict from the President...If the case going the direction of the Apex court verdict "can be" wrong...then the very same logic should be applied to 1000s other cases in the country...(What a lame excuse!!)..As somebody rightly mentioned below, they are waiting for a plane hijacking or something like that... We're not asking to punish an innocent person...We're asking to punish a person CONVICTED guilty of doing this...In short, The country is not able to send out a message loudly....terrorists know that the legal system is so complex (or made complex) that anything can be negotiated...

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RE:The country is not able to send out a message loudly....
by Amit Jain on Feb 13, 2007 09:54 PM  Permalink
You are right. I wonder if there would have been such a delay if even just one of the "lawmakers" was killed.

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RE:RE:The country is not able to send out a message loudly....
by Ravi Sastry on Feb 14, 2007 01:16 AM  Permalink
According to islamic faith, if CRUEL and SINNER Afzal is hanged he will goto allah directly and and allah is ready to handover fresh 72 virgins to him.

Why should muslims protests after all he is going to see his allah and enjoy 72 virgins along with his master prophet mohammed.
Mohammed himself had many women in his life including 9 years old AYSHA.

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RE:RE:RE:The country is not able to send out a message loudly....
by Kaushik Das on Feb 14, 2007 05:35 AM  Permalink
She was actually 6 when mohd married her (he was 54 then). He made 'love' to her when she was 9.
The source is sahih al bukhari.

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RE:The country is not able to send out a message loudly....
by Kaushik Das on Feb 14, 2007 05:38 AM  Permalink
Actually, this argument that the SC can be wrong was not an excuse - it was to allow the president to take a decision any time and not to wait for the SC ruling.
Idealistically speaking, this is fair - the Prez is supposed to uphold social and moral concerns as well which the court may overlook. Therefore, in this case, the Prez should order the immediate hanging of the culprit afzal in order to uphold the moral and social values of this country.

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Please Hang Afzal Guru
by Kamlesh Daripkar on Feb 13, 2007 09:44 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Dear President,

Please hang Afzal Guru. If he is hanged then we know that you are President of the whole of India. If you pardon him, then we will certainly believe that you have saved one of your brothers by being a True Muslim and not an Indian. Hang him and restore our faith in Indian jurisdiction. Please don%u2019t delay his petition unnecessarily.

Thank You,

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RE:Please Hang Afzal Guru
by Angeline Sharmila on Feb 13, 2007 10:27 PM  Permalink
Please dont bring religion into this.It is enough we have enough strifes over it being politicized without having to deal with religious conflicts too.
It is too immature to threaten the President to comply to your views using his religion.Besides a life is at stake here.What if this guy was really innocent?I'm sure that if he is proven guilty then the necessary steps would be taken,but until otherwise it is easy for others not involved directly to act emotionally.
I'm sure that if you were in the presidents' shoes you wouldnt want to be reminded you are part of a minority sector & should act hastily to avoid a religious riot.

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RE:RE:Please Hang Afzal Guru
by Kaushik Das on Feb 14, 2007 05:44 AM  Permalink
Boss, the guy's family has asked for mercy not on the grounds that he is innocent but on grounds that he has a family. The courts have already judged that he is not innocent. You can't simply caste doubts on the court's actions like this.
A life at stake? What a life at stake, really!
What minority? A minority of 20 crore people with money pouring in from over a billion in the rest of the world??? What a minority, really.
The point is: if the prez takes some action here and justifies his position, nobody will caste aspersions on his religion. The point is there is a lot of delay here already and no explanation has been given for that. Besides, the Prez is the head of the armed forces, too - the supreme protector of the nation. He cannot really PARDON an attacker of the nation, can he?
Lastly, we do not start riots like you guys do.

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RE:Please Hang Afzal Guru
by smitha raj on Feb 13, 2007 11:03 PM  Permalink
Please do not be so narrow minded and comment on the president's religion. Besides we should always remember that the circumstances under which Azfal was convicted is dubious. Even the supreme court judges are humans prone to judgmental errors. When it comes to the question of life and death of a human being, as fellow humans we should be compassionate. Once Afzal id hanged he is dead and gone, and the real culprit might still be walking alive..in flesh and blood...

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RE:RE:Please Hang Afzal Guru
by Kaushik Das on Feb 14, 2007 05:48 AM  Permalink
Then, every case can be doubted upon. The fact that we have lower courts and high courts and the SC is to remove this 'human' error you are talking of.
Was afzal compassionate about his fellow human beings who he killed? Such 'fellows' should be hanged in public and the images telecast live.

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RE:RE:Please Hang Afzal Guru
by thiaga rajan on Feb 14, 2007 05:40 AM  Permalink
i think so you are the real culprit.

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elevate afzal guru to gandhi's level
by ashok krishnamoorthy on Feb 13, 2007 09:42 PM  Permalink 

let us all elevate afzal guru to bapuji's level. he definitely deserves all this. only in India these things can happen.

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Please do justice
by suhas natyan on Feb 13, 2007 09:00 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Dear president pl. do justice at least to those who have faith in our judiciary and for those who sacrificed there life for our parliament. If he is hanged it will be justice and our tribute to them

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RE:Please do justice
by Rahul S on Feb 13, 2007 09:31 PM  Permalink
Do you know what is going to happen eventually? The president will pardon Afsal due to pressure from the congress government. Afsal's life is too valuable for congress as he represents the sentiments of 130 million muslim vote bank in India.

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RE:Please do justice
by SANKALP BALDAWA on Feb 13, 2007 09:21 PM  Permalink
DEAR our people who gave their life for protecting parlamentarians should have allowed them to go inside and kill a few MPs (that to of congress) only then he would have been hanged.

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