RE:EC Should apologise !!
by Srinivasa Murthy on Dec 24, 2007 10:18 AM Permalink
Exactly, no person is above law., that too the italian lady who doesn't know what is the do's & don'ts should not have been spared. Then why only Modi was warned.
RE:Congratulation Mr IRON man :: MODI
by Sahadevan KK on Dec 24, 2007 10:17 AM Permalink
We do not sit back, join without cast and religion, otherwise, our country will be in terrorist's hands. Advani will be another Prime Minister, who is the best choice for George Bush to implement globalization. Another India Shining on farmer's death!!
"However, Chief Election Commissioner N Goapalswami said there was a need for making a distinction between the Congress president and the Gujarat chief minister in the observations on their violation of code of conduct." So election commission thinks that a mistake done by Sonia is lesser guilt than Modi. They do not want us to even know the reason for this extra show of respect to Itly.
Politician have always exploited the nature of muslims using them as pure vote banks.
This is the time for people of India to teach them a lesson & vote kangress out of power @ centre..... commies out of bengal & kerala. those days are not far away....
RE:Time for BJP to Rule @ Centre
by Sahadevan KK on Dec 24, 2007 12:29 PM Permalink
Hindu Fascism is an ideology to kill Muslims and Christians to make Hindu Rashtra. We have to resist them with our blood like Bhagat Singh.
Modi's 'no nonsense' and efficient governance has paid off. Inspite of allegations from Congress and hostile media (merchants of death and what not...blah, blah...), Gujratis are true patriots and have shown that good governance is a must for winning elections. 'Vote Bank' and caste politics are the things of the past.
Thanks Gujratis for electing Mr. Modi. I hope the rest of the indians follow suit and choose the leader that's right for them and not fall prey to 'divisiv' and 'vote bank' politics.
RE:Well done Modi and Gujratis!!!
by kallol mukherjee on Dec 24, 2007 10:25 AM Permalink
your observation is correct.Even modi brand of hindutva will find no takers beyond gujrat but his style of governace should be appreciated.If we ignore the riots, his achievement in tackling terrorism,wiping out corruption from beuracracy,projecting an honest face of administration has gone a long way in reinstalling him as an able chief minister.
RE:Well done Modi and Gujratis!!!
by Mahesh on Dec 24, 2007 09:58 AM Permalink
They never had any leader worth their fathers and mothers name since independence - not even Vallabhai. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was the only name worth mentioning among the Gujju lot. Wow, it is incredible to note that Gujarat has come a long way from producing a non-violent son like Gandhi and a barbarian like Modi . That is truly an enterprising Gujju evolution over the years. Cant beat them at this game!!!!! So Gujju bhais - you have not done the nation any proud - on the contrary - just bought in shame on yourself. The world is laughing at you guys. The NRI Gujjus are the ones to be blamed for all what is happening in Gujarat. So Gujjus keep sucking to the so-called protoganists of the Hindu culture with the parties like - BJP, VHP, Bajrang Dal etc. The only Hindu outfit that I praise in our country is the RSS %u2013 a truly disciplined force. Gujju bhais your nightmare has just begun. Happy days for all Gujjus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RE:Well done Modi and Gujratis!!!
by Mahesh on Dec 24, 2007 09:58 AM Permalink
Way back in 1984 when the BJP was formed I called a suck up party. How very true. Being a Hindu myself, I feel ashamed that inspite of all the wrong doings, the Gujjus have voted blood stained and tainted Modi back. What a shame on the so-called democracy of our country. One man's arrogance holds sway over the gullible Gujjus. People keep talking about the enterprising Gujjus - is this the one. I would rather not call it enterprising - but plain suck ups. I am surprised to hear about Gujarat being a developed state, non-violent state for the past five years, etc., - what about the carnage of 2002 - was that part of the development programme too. This man may have escaped the noose this time, but not for long. The past will catch up with him one day. No wrong goes unpunished. The bloggers on this site will still be alive then to tell a different story and sing a different tune. If you think I am some pseudo secularist or a Congress guy, then I would laugh at you. I am a Hindu and an upper caste one at that %u2013 a devout God fearing person, not the Moditva Hindu. That brand will sell only in state of Gujarat not in the rest of India. Let the BJP try that and they will lose all the chances they have to stage a comeback at the centre. Mark my words. All this talk of him taking the central stage of Indian politics and becoming PM - well the Gujjus can keep dreaming. That will not happen in this life time.
RE:Well done Modi and Gujratis!!!
by Sam on Dec 24, 2007 10:02 AM Permalink
Muslims are prohibited from writing their name, so Mr. Mahesh aka Some biggish Muslim is wring some stupid thoughts....keep pork on your head.
RE:RE:Well done Modi and Gujratis!!!
by Alpha System on Dec 24, 2007 10:18 AM Permalink
The dog barked again , dogs are ment for barking You should understand by what i mean by dogs Jai Hind, Jai Bharat
RE:RE:Well done Modi and Gujratis!!!
by Sam on Dec 24, 2007 10:08 AM Permalink
True true...100% true. They call Afzal an innocent because congress believe in licking the muslims a55.