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RE:Well done Modi and Gujratis!!!
by Mahesh on Dec 24, 2007 09:58 AM

Way back in 1984 when the BJP was formed I called a suck up party. How very true. Being a Hindu myself, I feel ashamed that inspite of all the wrong doings, the Gujjus have voted blood stained and tainted Modi back. What a shame on the so-called democracy of our country. One man's arrogance holds sway over the gullible Gujjus. People keep talking about the enterprising Gujjus - is this the one. I would rather not call it enterprising - but plain suck ups. I am surprised to hear about Gujarat being a developed state, non-violent state for the past five years, etc., - what about the carnage of 2002 - was that part of the development programme too. This man may have escaped the noose this time, but not for long. The past will catch up with him one day. No wrong goes unpunished. The bloggers on this site will still be alive then to tell a different story and sing a different tune. If you think I am some pseudo secularist or a Congress guy, then I would laugh at you. I am a Hindu and an upper caste one at that %u2013 a devout God fearing person, not the Moditva Hindu. That brand will sell only in state of Gujarat not in the rest of India. Let the BJP try that and they will lose all the chances they have to stage a comeback at the centre. Mark my words. All this talk of him taking the central stage of Indian politics and becoming PM - well the Gujjus can keep dreaming. That will not happen in this life time.

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