i dont have words, to express about Modiji, taught a very good lesson to Italian Waiter, mrs.Sonia.keep going ,mean while dont forget to continue ur good work, strive for the upliftment of poor peoples, and dont go away from Hindutva
RE:Awsome, Terrific,Glorious,fantastic,Marvellous Mega Star Modiji
by Oye on Dec 24, 2007 10:13 AM Permalink
If you dont hve words dont express it.... just say "JAi HIND" we will understand u
Someone on the blog rightly congratulated the Gujjus for backing Modi to the hilt. Well done Gujjus, you guys are much more intelligent than the media and the pseudo secular intellectuals thought you to be. They did everything to malign Modi but he came out a winner all due to the Gujjus awareness and being grounded to reality. Hope the whole of India learns from the intelligent Gujratis. Gujaratis know the policies of Congress and their shallowness. They are a party out to appease a particular community who are not progressive thinking at all due to their religious belief. India can never progress under Congress. The economy started booming once BJP came to power. The nuclear blast under Mr Vajapyee started a chain reaction and we announced to the world that we have arrived. Please throw the commies and Congress out before they stall our progress by introducing reservations and open their pants for the mouzzis to ...........
RE:Gujjus are Intelligent
by victory on Dec 24, 2007 10:12 AM Permalink
Gujjus are not only Intelligent but they are united as well, so they stand tall whereever they go. Cheer to all Gujjus.
First I would like to clear that I am not a supporter of any party but supporter of the best candidate of my constuncy. I do not vote on the bais of religion but vote on the basis of merit of isssues. When u make a group of Muslim, Yadav, Dalit than u are secular but anybody is there to explain how the Yadav and Dalit are different from Hindu? It means every body is using the caste, religion, rezion, breeds for their vote bank. Every time we are being told to remember 2002 and that is only after Godhara too. Why this cut of date, if u want to learn the lesson from history than tell me where are the Kashmiri Pandit in their own country they are being called Kashmiri Migrant our intlectual are syaing anybody who has gone to pakistan (from J and K) can obtain their land etc but what about kashmiri migrant. Why ther is no procession by the so called secularist parties to eastablished them in thier own home land. Why we are assisting our wards for militancy. Why are we destroying our own properties live and hated environment.Why we do not have a uniform civil code? why the divide among society with different name like sc/st, hindu/muslim/sikh dalit/Brahiman so forth so on. Why we are failed to apply the family planning in strict manner and with same yardstick to every citizen of India. Why people are able to cross the border even just paying Rs. Twenty. Why differnt education pattern. Why are we generating inferiority complex even from schooldays SARKARI SCHOOL vs PUBLIC SCHOOL.
So those critic & opposing Modiji have got tight slap on their face. The people have given their verdict. Only Modiji can rule because he is the true leader. Modiji's victory is not only victory for gujrat but a victory for entire nation. We have enough of Modiji as a CM now its time for Modiji to occupy PM's seat at centre. India needs strong PM for development & tought stance against terror & only only Modiji can deliver. Jeet Modiji ki, Jeet India ki!!
It is time to Congratulate Mr. Modi on his historic win in Gujrat. Mr Modi has secured 48% of Total Votes polled. Hope he carries 52% who have voted against him with him irrespective of their cast and reliion After all they also belong the Gujrat and are part of "Jitega Gujrat" It is the time for congress to do some introspection. Project young leaders. Though Naresh Rawal have been defeated btu he seems to be good leader.Hv to courage to fight with own and trusted cadre rather depending on BJP dissidence like Keshu Bhai and Co. Regards
First I would like to clear that I am not a supporter of any party but supporter of the best candidate of my constuncy. I do not vote on the bais of religion but vote on the basis of merit of isssues. When u make a group of Muslim, Yadav, Dalit than u are secular but anybody is there to explain how the Yadav and Dalit are different from Hindu? It means every body is using the caste, religion, rezion, breeds for their vote bank. Every time we are being told to remember 2002 and that is only after Godhara too. Why this cut of date, if u want to learn the lesson from history than tell me where are the Kashmiri Pandit in their own country they are being called Kashmiri Migrant our intlectual are syaing anybody who has gone to pakistan (from J and K) can obtain their land etc but what about kashmiri migrant. Why ther is no procession by the so called secularist parties to eastablished them in thier own home land. Why we are assisting our wards for militancy. Why are we destroying our own properties live and hated environment.Why we do not have a uniform civil code? why the divide among society with different name like sc/st, hindu/muslim/sikh dalit/Brahiman so forth so on. Why we are failed to apply the family planning in strict manner and with same yardstick to every citizen of India. Why people are able to cross the border even just paying Rs. Twenty. Why differnt education pattern. Why are we generating inferiority complex even from schooldays SARKARI SCHOOL vs PUBLIC SCHOOL.
by Sahadevan KK on Dec 24, 2007 10:17 AM Permalink
We do not sit back, join without cast and religion, otherwise, our country will be in terrorist's hands. Advani will be another Prime Minister, who is the best choice for George Bush to implement globalization. Another India Shining on farmer's death!!
by shaji vincent on Dec 24, 2007 10:18 AM Permalink
this election congress lost at least 1% vote for carrying a dirty betal like communist party and ghost of Nandigram on their shoulders
by shaji vincent on Dec 24, 2007 10:10 AM Permalink
It means that Sahadevan and his Marxist fascists lost when box(petti) was opened for counting
by krishna ramesh on Dec 24, 2007 10:17 AM Permalink
communists has got no right to talk about modis victory.they have killed innocrnt people and raped womens.they have all nonsense leaders
by shaji vincent on Dec 24, 2007 10:17 AM Permalink
In this election congress lost at least 1% vote for carrying a dirty betal like communist party and ghost of Nandigram on their shoulders
by Sahadevan KK on Dec 24, 2007 10:24 AM Permalink
We do not sit back, join without cast and religion, otherwise, our country will be in terrorist's hands. Advani will be another Prime Minister, who is the best choice for George Bush to implement globalization. Another India Shining on farmer's death!! I hope Advani should not pardon his things one by one. He should have said that his previous whole works were wrong. Heis a would be 'Chalaki' (crooked) Prime Minister. He believes he can become a PM after cheating people like Modi.