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Are we Literate
by mohinder thapar on Dec 24, 2007 10:05 AM

First I would like to clear that I am not a supporter of any party but supporter of the best candidate of my constuncy. I do not vote on the bais of religion but vote on the basis of merit of isssues. When u make a group of Muslim, Yadav, Dalit than u are secular but anybody is there to explain how the Yadav and Dalit are different from Hindu? It means every body is using the caste, religion, rezion, breeds for their vote bank. Every time we are being told to remember 2002 and that is only after Godhara too. Why this cut of date, if u want to learn the lesson from history than tell me where are the Kashmiri Pandit in their own country they are being called Kashmiri Migrant our intlectual are syaing anybody who has gone to pakistan (from J and K) can obtain their land etc but what about kashmiri migrant. Why ther is no procession by the so called secularist parties to eastablished them in thier own home land. Why we are assisting our wards for militancy. Why are we destroying our own properties live and hated environment.Why we do not have a uniform civil code? why the divide among society with different name like sc/st, hindu/muslim/sikh dalit/Brahiman so forth so on. Why we are failed to apply the family planning in strict manner and with same yardstick to every citizen of India. Why people are able to cross the border even just paying Rs. Twenty. Why differnt education pattern. Why are we generating inferiority complex even from schooldays SARKARI SCHOOL vs PUBLIC SCHOOL.

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