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Level of Mind of Woman Mohan Singh?
by Vijay urf Teesmaar Khan on Dec 11, 2007 04:44 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I want to know the name of that person who awarded doctorate to Woman Mohan Singh. I want to file a petition against him as to why he awarded such a degree to a very low levelled mind. It is insult of all doctorates.

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RE:Level of Mind of Woman Mohan Singh?
by ravi g on Dec 11, 2007 04:46 PM  Permalink
Academically he may be good, lets not take the credit from him. But when it comes to save his Gaddi, he behaves like this just to please Italy madam, poor old man.

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RE:Level of Mind of Woman Mohan Singh?
by Paramvir Sawhney on Dec 11, 2007 04:50 PM  Permalink
Congress ne nikamma/kharab kar diya Ghalib Manmohan ko warna aadmi tha ye bhi kam ka!!!!!!!

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RE:Level of Mind of Woman Mohan Singh?
by Rahul on Dec 11, 2007 04:46 PM  Permalink

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RE:Level of Mind of Woman Mohan Singh?
by devdass on Dec 11, 2007 04:47 PM  Permalink
You can't blame the PM! He can't disobey Sonia!

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RE:Level of Mind of Woman Mohan Singh?
by naik on Dec 11, 2007 04:48 PM  Permalink
can i ask u same thing, how could u call urself teesmaar khan

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India shinning - Advani head shinning!
by Balakumaran on Dec 11, 2007 04:44 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Yatra Advani firstly you are an disgrace to India. Please retire from your dirty life and take rest.

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RE:India shinning - Advani head shinning!
by devdass on Dec 11, 2007 04:48 PM  Permalink
Tell this to that shameless Karuna who licks minorities feet for power!

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RE:RE:India shinning - Advani head shinning!
by Sun on Dec 11, 2007 05:02 PM  Permalink
Not only their feet but also........shameless geriatric.

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Our Central Merchants of Death
by jithendra nambiar on Dec 11, 2007 04:44 PM  Permalink 

The real Merchants of Death are those who keep silent when atrocities are being committed against human beings, the Congress will be eligible for that term more than any one else, because they slaughtered 4000 Sikhs, and not to mention the numebr of Jehadi terrorists they are still giving a comfortable vip treatment in our jails instead of hanging them for plotting agaisnt the nation.

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@DK- Muslims can only rule INDIA ??
by GN on Dec 11, 2007 04:43 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I had seen one member boasting about muslims ruling INDIA. with the current developments and with the support of people like balakumaran, Prasun chatterjee

80% of HINDUS are divided into differnt small groups.
25% - Hardcore - major vote bank for BJP,
20% - Congress,
10% - Communists,
10% - Taken away from main stream sepeated as Scheduled - Major vote bank for SP, BSP
35% - not worried about whatever happens,frustrated and dissappointed by whatever happens around in the name of religion, party. - they dont even go for voting.

You people are united and even get support from the 20% and 10% congress and communists will able to acheive that dream sooner.

Although i rate your dream as very much childish and immatured, unintentionally you did highlighted the real problems of INDIA. The majority is divided !!!

its time for the MAJORITY TO unite as the MINORITIES UNITED. Not to defame or destroy othere religion , BUT TO make india progress high

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RE:@DK- Muslims can only rule INDIA ??
by Balakumaran on Dec 11, 2007 04:47 PM  Permalink
25% extremist. 5% extremist in rediff message board.

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RE:@DK- Muslims can only rule INDIA ??
by ravi g on Dec 11, 2007 04:49 PM  Permalink
Hope you have not missed out yourself. Dont point others, by seeing all the statements that you have made in this forum, rightly you have called your self with this title, well done. TRULY AGREED

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RE:RE:RE:@DK- Muslims can only rule INDIA ??
by Sun on Dec 11, 2007 05:04 PM  Permalink
dont forget the free rice& TV

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RE:RE:@DK- Muslims can only rule INDIA ??
by GN on Dec 11, 2007 04:58 PM  Permalink
I do agree, 25% hardcore is trying to reply hatred with hatred. But beware your abuses to hinduism targetting this 25% will slowly awakening the 35% sleeping. and with such abuses they may slowly start merging into the 25%. If that happens, people like you will never find a place to hide.

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RE:@DK- Muslims can only rule INDIA ??
by Prasun Chatterjee on Dec 11, 2007 04:46 PM  Permalink
The BJP will NEVER get an absolute majority in India because at least 30% of Hindus in Idia are morally upright and will not vote a communal party. Kerala, AP, Karnataka, Bengal, TamilNadu will KICK out the saffron mafia if they try to enter.

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RE:RE:@DK- Muslims can only rule INDIA ??
by GN on Dec 11, 2007 04:55 PM  Permalink
the competition i rate is between the two ugly ones - one is BJP and the other is COngress.

But the UGLY , dirty and the dangerous coward among the group is COMMUNISTS.

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RE:@DK- Muslims can only rule INDIA ??
by ASHOK on Dec 11, 2007 04:46 PM  Permalink
It all adds to 180% !!

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RE:RE:@DK- Muslims can only rule INDIA ??
by Prasun Chatterjee on Dec 11, 2007 04:47 PM  Permalink

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RE:RE:@DK- Muslims can only rule INDIA ??
by GN on Dec 11, 2007 04:52 PM  Permalink
80% is the total percentage
and later the percentage of division. Hope you didnot noticed, but there are people like prasun, illiterate lots from bengal who laugh at anything

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RE:@DK- Muslims can only rule INDIA ??
by Prasun Chatterjee on Dec 11, 2007 04:44 PM  Permalink
LOL! The kind of insecurity that the saffron mafia has into morons like you is so hilarious!

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RE:@DK- Muslims can only rule INDIA ??
by GN on Dec 11, 2007 04:50 PM  Permalink
Whatever you call us , you people are worst than the pakistanis. Pakistanis abuse us supporting their nation. But you being here in India, support china and cuba. shame on you communists.

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RE:RE:@DK- Muslims can only rule INDIA ??
by Sun on Dec 11, 2007 05:03 PM  Permalink

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History Repeat Itself!!
by Tataghata Mukherjee on Dec 11, 2007 04:42 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I will give two instances that comes my mind when i read this vociferous suport for Modi & co in these msges.

No 1: It reminds me the overwhelming heros welcome & applause General Dyre got when he landed in England after commiting horrible grusome massacres of sikhs in Jaliyanawalabag,punjabin 1920.

No 2.It also reminds me about the unflinching support HITLER got from the German population for espousing a concept of super German race and branding Jews as worthless rodents & massacreing them.He also ended up destroying the same German nation & breaking it in to pieces as he lost WWII.

And history does repeat itself.

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RE:History Repeat Itself!!
by Raju Raina on Dec 11, 2007 04:53 PM  Permalink
Mr. Mukharjee why you are going so back in History, Just remember 1984 and our PM who was responsible for killing 4000 sikhs in Delhi and the Govt confereing him Padma Bushan. Even Subash Chander Bose didn't get Padma Bushan for his scarifices he has made for independence struggle.

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RE:RE:History Repeat Itself!!
by Paramvir Sawhney on Dec 11, 2007 05:03 PM  Permalink

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RE:History Repeat Itself!!
by Aakash kumar on Dec 11, 2007 04:44 PM  Permalink
Even otherwise, India will be destroyed by the growing muslim population... in your own state WB, its is 25% already (18% in 1947)... Either way, hindus will lose

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RE:History Repeat Itself!!
by ASHOK on Dec 11, 2007 04:47 PM  Permalink
Check this out and decide

1) Oct 23/2002 SAMIR KHAN PATHAN ( arrested for killing a cop, gunned down in police encounter)
Accused of being a part of conspiracy to kill Modi.

2) Jan 10/2003 >> Sadiq Jamal Mehtar >> Gunned down in Naroda by crime branch ( Near Ahmedabad)
Copps claim he was working for Dawood / chota shakeel & LET /ISI

3) Jan 23 / 2003 ( Ganesh Kunthe & Mahesh Jadav) Residents of Mumbai. Gunned down near Kalupur ( Ahmedabad Railstation area) Accused of working for Dawood / Chota shakeel / ISI

4 ) June 15 / 2004 >> Ishrat Jehan & Javed Shaikh ( from Pune) 2 Pakistani natinals Killed near Kotrapur. >> Accuse as working for LET

5) Nov 26 / 2005 >> Sohrabudin shaikh >> An underworld operative , known extortinist from Marble industry. Fate >> Killed , accussed of targetting Political leaders.

6) March 17 >> 4 Harkatul ansar mujahideen kiilled planning to plant bomb in a place of worship.

7) Dec 28 / 2006 >> Tulsi ram Prajapati >> History sheeter of Ujjain , shot down in Banaskantha.

Source ; Todays TOI

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RE:RE:History Repeat Itself!!
by ASHOK on Dec 11, 2007 04:49 PM  Permalink
All these guys killed during Modi regime have no link to Martayers of Jalianwalla.

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RE:History Repeat Itself!!
by Vijay urf Teesmaar Khan on Dec 11, 2007 04:46 PM  Permalink
Do you not remember the overhelmed majority Rajive Gandhi got after murder of 5000 sikhs in 1984? That is a real example if you want to give.

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It is not Modi but Chranjivi is the challenger
by shanthipriya on Dec 11, 2007 04:42 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

My dear friends watch Chirajivi movies. You will love him. One day he will be PM. Just watch out

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RE:It is not Modi but Chranjivi is the challenger
by Krish Koundy on Dec 11, 2007 04:43 PM  Permalink

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RE:It is not Modi but Chranjivi is the challenger
by Rahul on Dec 11, 2007 04:43 PM  Permalink
I agree .. and his daughter?

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RE:It is not Modi but Chranjivi is the challenger
by Rahul on Dec 11, 2007 04:44 PM  Permalink
NTR couldnot become, nor could MGR how can he become one whose daughter doesnot love him?
But anyways I like him and his dances

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Modi Fear
by jithendra nambiar on Dec 11, 2007 04:40 PM  Permalink 

Good the Prime Minister did not tell that seeing Modi or hearing of him does not make him pass urine in his pass involuntarily,

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Indian Politics
by Hariharan shankaran on Dec 11, 2007 04:40 PM  Permalink 

When persons at high level talk they should understand the consequences. P.M. inadvertantly admits Modi is a better P.M. All the mudslingings from the Congress about Modi and his administration comes back to them by the above observation

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Not Expected from you Mr. Manmohan Singh
by Suresh Hegde on Dec 11, 2007 04:40 PM  Permalink 

Such sarcastic comments were not expected from Mr. Manmohan Singh.

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Prime Ministrers Acknowledgement of Modi
by jithendra nambiar on Dec 11, 2007 04:39 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies


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RE:Prime Ministrers Acknowledgement of Modi
by ravi g on Dec 11, 2007 04:40 PM  Permalink
Right now they are facing, forget about Modi's power in future.

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RE:Prime Ministrers Acknowledgement of Modi
by AJA PROMOTERS on Dec 11, 2007 04:51 PM  Permalink
Then what was the need? Illusion, but Advaniji the only person in Indian history goes to Pakistan and goes to Zinah's Majar and sheds tears for the person responsible of killing 10 lakhs Hindus and for the liking of Pakistani People declares the demolition of the Babri Masjid was the most unfortunate Day and also endrossed that riots after the Godhra Kand was blemish act ... This is the Zinha Bhakti of Advaniji ... hindus be alert

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