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@DK- Muslims can only rule INDIA ??
by GN on Dec 11, 2007 04:43 PM

I had seen one member boasting about muslims ruling INDIA. with the current developments and with the support of people like balakumaran, Prasun chatterjee

80% of HINDUS are divided into differnt small groups.
25% - Hardcore - major vote bank for BJP,
20% - Congress,
10% - Communists,
10% - Taken away from main stream sepeated as Scheduled - Major vote bank for SP, BSP
35% - not worried about whatever happens,frustrated and dissappointed by whatever happens around in the name of religion, party. - they dont even go for voting.

You people are united and even get support from the 20% and 10% congress and communists will able to acheive that dream sooner.

Although i rate your dream as very much childish and immatured, unintentionally you did highlighted the real problems of INDIA. The majority is divided !!!

its time for the MAJORITY TO unite as the MINORITIES UNITED. Not to defame or destroy othere religion , BUT TO make india progress high

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