His defining moment was the Ram mandir movement. Which in scale was like the freedom movement. He dusted the intelligentsia mind from the cobwebs of pseudo securalism. But the realization that coalition politics have come to stay. Advani has moderated his stand so that he can be projected as Prime minister. And why not did he not set aside his political ambition and project Atal Bihari Vajpayee as BJP's Prime Ministerial Candidate.
Already jailed so many times ..symbolically or otherwise..this person's place should be in a jail or extradited to the Hague Tribunal.People who politicise on hatred and death should be consigned to jails, history or where he came from originally Pakistan
RE:He should be in Jail
by Srikanth on Dec 10, 2007 08:31 PM Permalink
Gujral and the present PM has come from Pakistan too. You are not the only one to select him and there are lot. Lot of graves have been found in Nandigram.
If the same guys give you reservation then you will accept. This is the reason people don't like you.
RE:He should be in Jail
by rajesh on Dec 10, 2007 08:24 PM Permalink
ya sayed can u ppl march for hanging afzal guru, all hurriyat leaders.first do that then speak of advani
RE:He should be in Jail
by HP on Dec 10, 2007 09:09 PM Permalink
What about Modi he is no less than a Terrorist , he shud be tried along with all other Terrorist irrespective of their religion... no one has right to kill innocent people including MODI
RE:He should be in Jail
by birakishore dash on Dec 10, 2007 08:29 PM Permalink
u should accept the reality.advani speaks the truth.u compare advani with sonia.real secular is bjp.congress is for minor appeasement & vote bank politics.many times they have hurt hindu sentiments.
RE:He should be in Jail
by Dhiman Mohajan on Dec 10, 2007 08:26 PM Permalink
Mr. Ahmad at first speak publicly about the muslim terrorist. Demand death for Afjal and other terrorist. Than speak about Advani. Otherwise you are a hypocrate.
RE:He should be in Jail
by Sree. on Dec 10, 2007 08:30 PM Permalink
Hi Rajesh and Dhiman,
These people like syed have no guts to speak the truth. Just they will comment and will not reply to other questions.. they dont have guts to speak on afsal guru..becoz its well known that they have opened the fire and killed our security people.. but still they will not think of that..
RE:He should be in Jail
by Sameer on Dec 10, 2007 08:47 PM Permalink
you are talking about afzal guru, if he has done crime sure he should be hang without any mercy. But these people like advani roaming freely outside big terrorist big threat to nation.
This seems like Advanis check mate to Modi as Advani is very sure after the Gujarat results Modi will be too strong to handle and Advani will loose his last chance too.
RE:Advanis check mate to Modi
by Sathish N on Dec 10, 2007 08:29 PM Permalink
Modi is the right choice for Gujarat and LKA for India. Perfect decision. They will compliment each other.
RE:Advanis check mate to Modi
by mariappanpm on Dec 10, 2007 08:26 PM Permalink
Yes.Modi will be the best choice for prime ministerial candidate than old and tired Adhvani
In my view, the way Mr. Rajnath, being the president of BJP has handled the pressure & overcome with lots of success for NDA is superb. Lots of Kudos to him........
He will be right canditate for the PM post, who cxan handle pressure & can continue to take our country on the top of the world as superpower.
RE:Rajnath Singh will be the right canditate for the post of PM.
by Sathish N on Dec 10, 2007 08:30 PM Permalink
Rajnath singh will still head the party. It is a combined effort to make sure that India wins!
RE:Rajnath Singh will be the right canditate for the post of PM.
by rightman on Dec 10, 2007 08:20 PM Permalink
saif khan,is that really ur name?generally ur tribe doesnt have anything nice to say about a honest and good party like the BJP..really surprising..
RE:Rajnath Singh will be the right canditate for the post of PM.
by Saif Khan on Dec 10, 2007 08:40 PM Permalink
Yes this is really my name & i m proud to be india.
RE:Age need not be the criteria
by sunny on Dec 10, 2007 08:32 PM Permalink
Iron Man?? HAHAHAHAHA.. he wont be called just because the BJP cadres call him so
>Sikhs getting slaughtered in thousands= MISTAKE >Hindus getting killed in Kashmir= Political Problem >Muslims getting killed by few hundred=Holocaust >Poor protestor getting shot in WB under left government = Misunderstanding
>Banning Parzania in Gujarat = Communal Modi >Banning Da vinci code and Jo bole so nihal= secular
> Kargil attack = NDA Govt. Failure > Chinese Attack in 1962 =Unfortunate betrayal
> Reservation in every school and college on caste lines = secular > Reservation in minorities institution = Communal
> Fake ancounter in Guj. =Modi(BJP)communalism > Fake encounter under Cong-NCP in Maharastra ( Khwaja Yunus) = police atrocity
> taking about hindus and Hinduism appeasement = Communal > Taking about Muslim and Islam = Secular
> BJP freeing 3 terrorist to save 100 Indian hostages ( Kandhar issue) = Shameful > Congress withdrawing POTA so that 100s of terrorists go Scot free = Secular
> Attack on Parliament = BJP ineptitude. > Not hanging terrorist Afjal Guru despite Supreme court orders - Humanity and political dilemma
> if anybody questioning any religion= Communal > congress question Lord Rama existence = Clerical error, even at the time of death Gandhiji told Hay Ram!
RE:RE:Secular congress
by Ravi Kumar on Dec 10, 2007 08:52 PM Permalink
Like to add one more line!
Tasleema Nasreen Critisising Islam (Her own religion)= Hurting the sentiments of Muslims MF Hussain's nude paintings of goddesses (Other's religion)= Freedom of expression
RE:Congress plz answer
by avinash on Dec 10, 2007 08:18 PM Permalink
The questionaire is endless show of ignorance. I am not a congress supporter but certain questions are not only irrational but illogical.