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Secular congress
by nikita bhatia on Dec 10, 2007 08:13 PM

>Sikhs getting slaughtered in thousands= MISTAKE
>Hindus getting killed in Kashmir= Political Problem
>Muslims getting killed by few hundred=Holocaust
>Poor protestor getting shot in WB under left government = Misunderstanding

>Banning Parzania in Gujarat = Communal Modi
>Banning Da vinci code and Jo bole so nihal= secular

> Kargil attack = NDA Govt. Failure
> Chinese Attack in 1962 =Unfortunate betrayal

> Reservation in every school and college on caste lines = secular
> Reservation in minorities institution = Communal

> Fake ancounter in Guj. =Modi(BJP)communalism
> Fake encounter under Cong-NCP in Maharastra ( Khwaja Yunus) = police atrocity

> taking about hindus and Hinduism appeasement = Communal
> Taking about Muslim and Islam = Secular

> BJP freeing 3 terrorist to save 100 Indian hostages ( Kandhar issue) = Shameful
> Congress withdrawing POTA so that 100s of terrorists go Scot free = Secular

> Attack on Parliament = BJP ineptitude.
> Not hanging terrorist Afjal Guru despite Supreme court orders - Humanity and political dilemma

> if anybody questioning any religion= Communal
> congress question Lord Rama existence = Clerical error, even at the time of death Gandhiji told Hay Ram!

Is there end of such secularism?

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