Let's look at this... Advani might not be the best possible candidate for PM BUT he is certainly better than the party of NIL leaders / CONGRESS...where only the Italian Mafia rules.... Desi buddha is ok than deadly foreigners and hybrids
Uma Bharathi can win more votes than Advani. I would rate the BJP power house as, 1. Modi 2. Rajnath Singh 3. Uma Bharathi (may not be with BJP, but will soon join) 4. Advani.
RE:Thats a bad move.
by Mohammed on Dec 10, 2007 09:19 PM Permalink
well the overall Equation is like, State Governments would be ruled by BJPs and Central will be ruled by Congress....
Suggestion to BJP: Guys do not neglect Muslims, in another 20 years, we will be at least 40% of the Indian Population.... and looking at India's cast divide we will be the Majority... So take gaurd.
we have no issues with you people until all of accept India is our Mother country and work for her pride.. Some of your misguided youths are killing your own countrymen on religious countries.Stop supporting Pak militants in Kasmir. Then abondon Muslim league and other religious parties and vote for the National Parties.Also understand who is exploiting your community as votebank and ignore that psedo secular Parties. Then We will be welcome you on both hands as brothers and sisters.
RE:Thats a bad move.
by HP on Dec 10, 2007 09:43 PM Permalink
I think Mr Murli as a citizen of a country all have equal rights just like you, dont deny any one citizenship only becoz that person does not belong to your religion....u are taking about terrorism, do u know how manu muslim lost their lives including innocent women and children in Gujrat riots and Nandigram
RE:Thats a bad move.
by nandu rajurikar on Dec 10, 2007 09:22 PM Permalink
He couldn't carry his brother with him, how would he carry the party with him?
by Val Usa on Dec 10, 2007 09:19 PM Permalink
You are right...pure Hindustani...Advani is not...he is a breed of Pakistan..born and raised in Pakistan..Please fine out. He could take care of his own party...failed totally as a president..made mess and still in filty dirt...do you want such individual as a President of my beloved India? No way....may be in his dream....
Modi has made BJP irrelevant in Gujarat. There is not a single picture of Advani, Atal Bihar or Rajnath in Gujarat campaign. If Modi wins, his first target will be BJP's central leadership. Modi will finish them!
BJP has sensed the danger & hurriedly showed that central leadership is alive & kicking!
If Modi wins (which is unlikely), then the first showdown will be between Modi & Advani.
Clever Vajpayee as usual asked Advani to fight, he will take care of clothes!
Poor Advani, will always remain PM permenantly in waiting!
RE:Plan to contain Modi !
by Maximus.Decimus.Meridius on Dec 10, 2007 09:26 PM Permalink
Do you think Modi will not get enough seats? I am not a Modi fan, but I think, he will make it because the opposition is all messed up.
RE:Plan to contain Modi !
by HP on Dec 10, 2007 09:35 PM Permalink
Not becoz the opposition is messed up but becoz he plays communal card to polarize the voters
RE:Plan to contain Modi !
by PKN on Dec 10, 2007 09:52 PM Permalink
I hope some one is Bollywood is reading this. This could make the script for a good potboiler. I assume this sort of logic comes from too much viewing of NDTV and IBN CNN . Think quitely and see the logic ( or the absence)of it. Modi , if he wins he will as you suggest target the central leadership of the BJP . Why ? If he loses ( something you seem sure he will) he will again take on Advani . Why ? Much as you may not know and many others swearing by Mr Modi would not care to Know is that Modi ( Modivita to the national media ) is not relevant at a national level. Modi being an intelligent politician understands that well . He has turf where his brand of politics works and outside that turf he is not going to be able to function well. Why are you so worried of Modi not using pictures of other BJP leaders in the campaign. Just because the Congress party cannot even issue a handbill without Soniaji's or Rahulji's photo. CPI-M doesnot campaign with Prakash Karats photographs. does that mean that Buddadev is going to take on Mr and Mrs Karat and the Polit Beaureu in New Delhi. The CPI doesnto do it . It is one-man-show run parties such as the JD(S) , RJD , BSP that use their one and only one leader on everything from Backdrops to hand bills.
ADVANI is doghla buddah hai. He is a Hypocrite. In the parliament he said I ashmed that Babri Mosque destroyed. Out of the parliament he said I am proud of that the Babri Mosque destroyed. In India he abuse Jinnah and in Pakistan he appreciate. He is double standard person. Two mouth snakes are not good for the country and for the people. These people never be a great national leaders. The great leaders are a symbol and moral character for their people as well for the world.
RE:Doghla Buddah
by Sanjay Gobind on Dec 10, 2007 09:39 PM Permalink
And who are these great national leaders: that debauch Karunanidhi, whose name you flaunt, or the imported Sonia Gandhi, or Buddhadeb; maybe Jyoti Basu, and yes, the most morally upright, constipated windbag, "Dr" Manmohan Singh?
BJP is building castle in the air. Its not bad but unrealistic. First and foremost is that UPA Government will last for full five year term. And by that time Advani will be 83 years and nearing retirement like Vajpayee. Then another announcement will come that Modi will be their PM candidate. Secondly, even there are to be elections, BJP will be nowhere near to form the opposition, how it dreams of capturing power and making Advani PM. Poor chap Advani who has numerous enemies within and out BJP, sitting on his side is Murli Manohar Joshi, who has more than one occasion disapproved with Advani's candidature, is given a dream to be PM. He would not become PM in his life time that is for sure. Its because the BJP is an issue less party banking heavily on Modi, who will take them like a Piper to the sea of oblivion. When the very party whose main plank is hatred and anomosity towards minorities could never win an election on its own. Even if some 20 odd unworthy small regional parties join together, they will be no where near Congress led alliance. Congress will continue to rule the country for another ten years either singly or in alliance with other parties. This is for sure. Mr. Advani do not believe this people, they will ditch you in the middle as they are banking on Modi and tomorrow who knows he may be projected as a PM candidates in the dream land they are living. All said and done, BJP will never come back to power at the Centre. Let them first taste defeat in Gujarat.
RE:Advani and PM post.
by Indian on Dec 10, 2007 09:16 PM Permalink
This is truth. BJP is making the old man see day dreams. He will die seeing these dreams.
RE:RE:Advani and PM post.
by Indian on Dec 10, 2007 09:19 PM Permalink
Modi is loosing support even within BJP. How he can make a coalition government. It is sure BJP will never get a majority enough for government atleast in next 50 years.
RE:BJP has Prime Minister of India? Advani or RajNath Singh( joint account:either one of surviver)
by PKN on Dec 10, 2007 10:06 PM Permalink
What will happen in future neither I nor you know. But what we know for sure is that you know nothing about banking. I never heard of a joint account with 'either of survivor' . Your headline is worse . never heard of either one of survivor. Dont fire a gun if you dont know which is the muzzle and which is the butt. You could shoot yourself in the foot and and spend a life time wondering what you would put into you mouth every time you have to open it .