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Advani and PM post.
by jamsheed abumohammed on Dec 10, 2007 09:11 PM

BJP is building castle in the air. Its not bad but unrealistic. First and foremost is that UPA Government will last for full five year term. And by that time Advani will be 83 years and nearing retirement like Vajpayee. Then another announcement will come that Modi will be their PM candidate. Secondly, even there are to be elections, BJP will be nowhere near to form the opposition, how it dreams of capturing power and making Advani PM. Poor chap Advani who has numerous enemies within and out BJP, sitting on his side is Murli Manohar Joshi, who has more than one occasion disapproved with Advani's candidature, is given a dream to be PM. He would not become PM in his life time that is for sure. Its because the BJP is an issue less party banking heavily on Modi, who will take them like a Piper to the sea of oblivion. When the very party whose main plank is hatred and anomosity towards minorities could never win an election on its own. Even if some 20 odd unworthy small regional parties join together, they will be no where near Congress led alliance. Congress will continue to rule the country for another ten years either singly or in alliance with other parties. This is for sure. Mr. Advani do not believe this people, they will ditch you in the middle as they are banking on Modi and tomorrow who knows he may be projected as a PM candidates in the dream land they are living. All said and done, BJP will never come back to power at the Centre. Let them first taste defeat in Gujarat.

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BJP to project Advani as prime minister