Offlate political parties are behaving analogous to Software Industry. Young people want to replace the corrupt and sick old people and they are succeeding sometimes and failing others. Simple case of attrition as in Software Company, Mr Suresh Mehta & Keshubhai Pate getting sidelined by Modi who is much younger to them, tried all their antics...but they do not have as much power to do their antics as they earlier use to...after all the antics they are quitting the Company(Oops Party) one after the other.
Modiji can lead Gujarat without traitors like you. Even if other leader desert Modiji , the entire Gujartis will be behind Modiji. He is the saviour of Hindus and Hero of Hindus
RE:Modiji doesnt need you
by abdul hyderabadi on Dec 08, 2007 10:26 PM Permalink
you are idiot. why not you go and clean modi toilet because you like him. you deserve for it according to your knoledge and thoughts. he is a killer you idiot.
RE:RE:Modiji doesnt need you
by imran raza on Dec 08, 2007 09:11 PM Permalink
really dissapointing that in the 21st centuty that there are people who think like you about caste & religon, saying "He is the saviour of Hindus and Hero of Hindus ", the important question should be what has been done for welfare of the people... employment, poverty, basic health, education after this my friend if u still have time.. then i say worry about religon cast.....
RE:Modiji doesnt need you
by Gan Van on Dec 09, 2007 08:35 AM Permalink
Mr Imran, When J&K CM supports muslim, he is not communal, but when Modi supports he becomes communal leader and rationalist. Think of other reasons as to why india is still developing.
RE:RE:Modiji doesnt need you
by on Dec 09, 2007 09:20 AM Permalink
How did Modi save Hindus Mr purnav? Modi like Osama Bin Ladan has only helped to distroy the Hinduistic cultuer of tolerence and love.
Hey Guys! We say India is a developing nation. Our country is one such country which has top brains and due to the brain drain situation we have our brains sitting in high positions in different parts of the world. One of the basic reason for the brain drain is right people are not given the right oppurtunity. We all know our political set up. There is no democracy or any set up where a common man is heard. They are all in books. Like the apartheid which never can be erased. We have goondaism. Everyday we read a particular poilician has switched sides or comes with some funny idea. And this news spreads like wild fire. The best way to cut down these pranks of the politicians is to just ignore these news and treat them like garbage. Just imagine we don't mention changes hapenning in the technological world, then why these silly news of politicians. Such and such politician was in aparticular party for - years and he has now quit for reasons....Why should we be interested. Of what interest is this news to a lay man? The only way we can bring educated people to guide our nation and who really want to help people is to high light their movements and ignore all silly pranks of the politicians. It is high time we change ourselves. I am in no way against any politician nor favouring educated people, but the general public is not interested in knowing a politician who served as high as 50 years in making a party and in one single behavior of another fellow politician he resigns fr
How much you got from Congress man? Well, you will understand what you did and then plese do not come back to BJP again if you have guts. Stay with congress till they will all convert your full family. Bye from Hindustan.
It took Mr. Mehta more than 6 years to realise that BJP was becoming autocratic? And what did he do to prevent that process? And deserting in the midst of an election battle? Tut, tut. Mr. Mehta this is not done. People r aware of ur contribution for taking Gujarat on the path of progress. But the fact is that it was BJP who utilised ur talent, wisdom & skills for the benefit of the state? R u sure u will get similar opportunity in Congress? What has been the fate of the likes of Chimanbhai Patel & Shankarsingh Waghela? Have u forgotten ur grooming in RSS which states that only one person can occupy a designated chair but Services of others are also necessary for the progress of thje Nation? Taral
RE:Suresh Mehta quits BJP
by Pradip Parekh on Dec 09, 2007 08:35 AM Permalink
well stated. thanks. a vastly popular leader like modi needs his space. suresh mehta should have realized it and be a good supporter. progress is when everybody pushes in the same right direction.
RE:Suresh Mehta quits BJP
by on Dec 09, 2007 09:22 AM Permalink
Hey what is Modi popular for? Not for the development in Gujarath? Not for the weaving a social fabric in Gujarath? All the developments that Gujarathis are enjoying were bought in by the previous congress governments.
RE:sorry suresh i even dont know you
by abdul hyderabadi on Dec 08, 2007 10:29 PM Permalink
you fool how you can say modi killer is not hungry of power. if is not hungry of power so why he killed thousands innocents.
It took Mr. Mehta more than 6 years to realise that BJP was becoming autocratic? And what did he do to prevent that process? And desrting in the midst of an election battle? Tut, tut. Mr. Mehta this is not done. People r aware of ur contribution for taking Gujarat on the path of progress. But the fact is that it was BJP who utilised ur talent, wisdom & skills for the benefit of the state? R u sure u will get similar opportunity in Congress? What has been the fate of the likes of Chimanbhai Patel & Shankarsingh Waghela? Have u forgotten ur grooming in RSS which states that only one person can occupy a designated chair Services of others are also necessary for the progress of thje Nation? Taral
RE:Suresh Mehta- showing same Hindu trait
by Kanu Baldha on Dec 08, 2007 08:53 PM Permalink
Suresh Mehta has fear - he looted almost 1000CR of Gujarati - aquired acres of land near Mundra port - took 100CR bribe from Industrialist ADANI. Has sleeping partnership in ADANI industires. Modi dont leave him as you must have his janamkundli - when you will take charge of CM again send him to jail for all these corruption
Suresh Mehta should have quit a long time back. 50 years is a long time. He should be enjoying the fact that he built BJP, as he alleges, and should be proud that his participation mattered. But, if he felt that he is owed any further gratitude then he is mistaken. In any field, memories are great to be shared with ones friends and relatives. They should become a folklore, but showing his disgust, proves that he never grew up in all this time. It is better he quit because such people are not worthy of any appreciation.
RE:50 years is a long time!
by s deb on Dec 08, 2007 08:27 PM Permalink
We need people who will work for the Modi and not 'so called' 'self styled' 'media hyped stalwarts' who are all chors.
Mehta must have got payment from Congress for his recent activities.
Modi's administration suits us well.
It is unfortunate that the Christians consider all foreign missionaries and Sonia as their Messiah, forgetting always that they are here to MISLEED PEOPLE and nothing else.