Hey Guys! We say India is a developing nation. Our country is one such country which has top brains and due to the brain drain situation we have our brains sitting in high positions in different parts of the world. One of the basic reason for the brain drain is right people are not given the right oppurtunity. We all know our political set up. There is no democracy or any set up where a common man is heard. They are all in books. Like the apartheid which never can be erased. We have goondaism. Everyday we read a particular poilician has switched sides or comes with some funny idea. And this news spreads like wild fire. The best way to cut down these pranks of the politicians is to just ignore these news and treat them like garbage. Just imagine we don't mention changes hapenning in the technological world, then why these silly news of politicians. Such and such politician was in aparticular party for - years and he has now quit for reasons....Why should we be interested. Of what interest is this news to a lay man? The only way we can bring educated people to guide our nation and who really want to help people is to high light their movements and ignore all silly pranks of the politicians. It is high time we change ourselves. I am in no way against any politician nor favouring educated people, but the general public is not interested in knowing a politician who served as high as 50 years in making a party and in one single behavior of another fellow politician he resigns fr