Left ideology is to oppose for everything what goverment does.When India has done atomic test they opposed it now they are opposing the nuclear deal as they think that india will not able to test again....So i think left is more dangerous than America.
by Mihirkanti Choudhury on Aug 21, 2007 09:56 AM Permalink
from Sylhet,Bangladesh ---
The Left are following Chinese dictation. They are more Chinese than Indians. In the past, they did like this on many issues that concerned China's interests. Don't the Indians understand this?
by alok gautam on Aug 21, 2007 11:55 AM Permalink
yes u r right,left ve to take nothing with country interest.....they are in politics just for there interest..
It is the need of hour. With many of ur commercial REACTORS are shutdown due to accute fuel shortage and global technology isolation over a dacade. At present no country is given free cheque for nuke test. it is the indegenous technology we use . Thus we can break the deal any time when we have enough capabilities to stand full in our own feet. The deal is opposed for narrow intrersts only.
India cannot afford to go for mid-term polls, inspite of the fact that a common man is not happy with the functioning of Congress, engining UPA and maneouvring the country. Communists have U.S. phobia and there is no prescription to treat this fear. Communists by bringing this hurdle are actually helping Pakistan and China. It is evident that even Indian muslims have hidden feelings of painting India green by bringing muslims of three countries together. And with U.S.A. presence in this area the dream of Islamization programme in India will be weaken. See Pakistan, Indoneisa, Bangladesh etc. all are Islamic countries but cannot compete with India. Saudi Arabia and other middle east countries if boast of their richness, it is because of the nature gift to them. These countries still import think tank and work force in their country. We should click deal with U.S.A. and remember that U.S.A. is a fair country and not like Saudi Arabia where there is no scope for other faiths. There are over 60 lakhs Indian working in U.S.A. most of them happier than being in their own country, as U.S.A. if takes taxes provide basic infrastructure, unlike India.
No sir. India still has the right to test after the deal. If India tests in response to Chinese or Pakistani test then US has no problem. Even if India test on her own then also US has to supply for 1 year and then it can decide whether to stop or not the agreement. But it will continue to support the agreement because by then India will be the biggest ally of US in Asia and US will have no option but to support India This Nuclear deal is Good for US, Good for the world and Very Good for India. Now you decide which party is National and which anti-National. We all know who supported Godse instad of Gandhi and which party supported China when it attacked India Growth is the only way for national security. True national security will come only with economical Growth. For growth we need energy. While we bring oil pipeline through Pakistan what is this nonsense opposition to N.Deal. infact we are increasing our security through this Deal. We can test N-Wepons even after this deal as it agrees a test of N-Wepon is necessary to counter the tests of China or Pakistan. Even after the deal even if India wishes to test a N weapon on Her own She can as No one can stop Her as the ones(China,Russia,US) that tries to stop Her as got thousands of nuclear weapons. Its absolute waste to have early polls. It will through a hung parliment with no one with a Majority. We need stabilty. We should make a strict law saying There will be election only once in 5 years. If a govt falls or parliment
RE:Response to Shrinvasan and bharat.
by bharat on Aug 21, 2007 10:00 AM Permalink
I agree. The deal does not stop India from carrying out a nuclear test. But in such an event, the US will be bound to stop any further implementation of the deal. Such a reaction is natural and it is unreasonable to expect US to continue its commitment towards the deal if we still go ahead with the deal. You have to view this from the US point of view as well. If they continue to support India's civilian nuclear program after India has done a nuclear test, they will lose credibility in the world. Besides, this will be something the US President will have no basis to justify to its people.
For India, it is impractical to expect a deal without this condition. We feel threatened by the possibility of the deal falling apart if we do a nuclear test. But our government and the nuclear establishment are in the best position to determine how realistic is the possibility of another nuclear test being carried out. If we are in a position to develop nuclear weapons without further testing, then the threat of US pulling out of the deal will always remain on paper. In that case, there is no need for us to worry too much about this eventuallity.
I believe that in general, the government has done a good job in negotiating the deal. The fact that US has agreed to allow India to reprocess the nuclear fuel, even if it can be done in a safeguarded facility, is a big gain for India. The Atomic Energy Commission has also been actively involved.
RE:Response to Shrinvasan and bharat.
by George Fernandez on Aug 21, 2007 09:41 AM Permalink
If a govt falls or parliment fails to form a govt we should have presidents rule for the rest of the term. Irrespective of the Govt India can function. What is most important is the choice given to the people every 5 years.
Communists are necessary evil. They oppose all progress. they are against freedom and democracy even though it is enabling them to shout in Inda. The support the naxals. They dont care for India and will support China again when it again attacks India. They support illegal and immoral strikes of Trade Unions. They support illegal pavement shops and the traffic offenders and Manual rikshas etc. But they are still necessary because otherwise the capitallist will totally ignore the poor of India and Make India the most corrupt nation of the world.
RE:Response to Shrinvasan and bharat.
by bharat on Aug 21, 2007 10:03 AM Permalink
I agree. The deal does not stop India from carrying out a nuclear test. But in such an event, the US will be bound to stop any further implementation of the deal. Such a reaction is natural and it is unreasonable to expect US to continue its commitment towards the deal if we still go ahead with the nuclear test. You have to view this from the US point of view as well. If they continue to support India's civilian nuclear program after India has done a nuclear test, they will lose credibility in the world. Besides, this will be something the US President will have no basis to justify to its people.
For India, it is impractical to expect a deal without this condition. We feel threatened by the possibility of the deal falling apart if we do a nuclear test. But our government and the nuclear establishment are in the best position to determine how realistic is the possibility of another nuclear test being carried out. If we are in a position to develop nuclear weapons without further testing, then the threat of US pulling out of the deal will always remain on paper. In that case, there is no need for us to worry too much about this eventuallity.
I believe that in general, the government has done a good job in negotiating the deal. The fact that US has agreed to allow India to reprocess the nuclear fuel, even if it can be done in a safeguarded facility, is a big gain for India. The Atomic Energy Commission has also been actively involved.
The treaty will be put on ice, the unkil sam will go to work on bha ja pa, then the treaty will be resurrected by next year. Else this treaty will be dead since i dont see Ms Hillary Clinton & Mr Barrack Obama have any interests in letting this agreement go through. This is bush's baby and his legacy to the US. Unfortunately due to MMS's obstinacy and reluctance to involve other people/parties this treaty is about to die.
RE:No chance in a mid-term poll unless Kangress is confident of winning..
by gurcharan nangiana on Aug 21, 2007 10:18 AM Permalink
You cannot see; your visionb is blurred.. America wants to see India progress in all spheres, to counter China; Internally, they are also fed up with Pakistan. Cp(o)mmies want India to continue as a poor country. The electrorate will see through the Communists game-plan and Congress will win, and work for the good of the country.
RE:No chance in a mid-term poll unless Kangress is confident of winning..
by Peter Parker on Aug 21, 2007 11:11 AM Permalink
Oye punjab da puttar, 123 treaty sign kar ke aapko black label sasti nahin milne wali. If america wanted india to succeed they would remove all restrictions to tech transfer to india, which by the way they dont even allow to do with the brits. There are limits to what US can do and cannot do. In the end they are just an enabling power, for india to be powerful we need to get our priorities straight first. IMHO so far no government is able to get its act together, except during a brief period in 1991 - 1992 where it was a do or die situation, this being partly due to domestic compulsions. Of course it doesnt help when you have commies, socialists, gundas etc in the parliament and therefore in power.
After the Singur or munnar incidents in the 2 key states, even the left may not be ready for mid term poll, they can very evidently see the discontent of the people in these 2 states. Hence, they will bark till the end and will never bring down the government. Even, government knows about it and they should go ahead with the deal..
RE:left will not withdraw support
by amit sawant on Aug 21, 2007 09:34 AM Permalink
Yup I agree with you... And if they go for the election the only party which will be absolutely benefited will be BJP. Hope BJP wins majority this time
RE:left will not withdraw support
by George Fernandez on Aug 21, 2007 09:32 AM Permalink
Singur was a horrible incident. Munnar was a wonderfull incident. Please do not put them together.
THE GOVT OF THIS DAY SHOULD INDEED PASS THE DEAL!!!!!!!!! Whateva might be the eventualities... It will be written in the annals of history as the turning point of this nation..