India cannot afford to go for mid-term polls, inspite of the fact that a common man is not happy with the functioning of Congress, engining UPA and maneouvring the country. Communists have U.S. phobia and there is no prescription to treat this fear. Communists by bringing this hurdle are actually helping Pakistan and China. It is evident that even Indian muslims have hidden feelings of painting India green by bringing muslims of three countries together. And with U.S.A. presence in this area the dream of Islamization programme in India will be weaken. See Pakistan, Indoneisa, Bangladesh etc. all are Islamic countries but cannot compete with India. Saudi Arabia and other middle east countries if boast of their richness, it is because of the nature gift to them. These countries still import think tank and work force in their country. We should click deal with U.S.A. and remember that U.S.A. is a fair country and not like Saudi Arabia where there is no scope for other faiths. There are over 60 lakhs Indian working in U.S.A. most of them happier than being in their own country, as U.S.A. if takes taxes provide basic infrastructure, unlike India.