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N Deal with U.S.
by ASHOK KELKAR on Aug 21, 2007 10:32 AM  Permalink 

We are forgetfull society. We awayas forget our glorious history. The Vishwa-Purush Maharaj Chatrapati Shri Shivaji has also had some deals with his enimies, at right time he has broken also such pacts/deals for better interest of Swaraj. All Indians should support this deal and if time comes we should go for N test at our own let U.S. breake this deal at that time. Till then we can or we will be most developed in all sectors. Power, Production, Farming, Infrastracture etc.

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Ideology of left.
by Rana Dutta on Aug 21, 2007 10:28 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Here are some examples of left ideology.

1). During Chinese aggression left supported China, today look at the idiots they are talking about national cause.
2). During freedom struggle they made derogatory remarks about Netaji (Gen Tojo-r kutta) Gen Tojo%u2019s dog, now they have asked for forgiveness.
3). 40 yrs back they opposed Computers fearing working class will loose jobs, but now they want to make Bengal a Giant in IT industry.
4). 30 yrs back they removed English from schools in Bengal, now they have backtracked from this policy.
5). Under land reforms they gave land to farmers (only to party workers), today they are snatching land from them for industrialization.
6). They believed in strikes and bandhs and today Bengal is nowhere in the in the list of industrial states, who were earlier in the top slot. Today they are assuring industrialists that there will be no strikes or bandhs so that they can come up with some investments.

So people of India can very well predict that 30 yrs from now the left will realize their mistake. Mr Chow Ramaswamy rightly said, IF LEFT HAS GOT FUTURE IN INDIA, INDIA HAS GOT NO FUTURE LEFT.

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RE:Ideology of left.
by sumit kumar dey on Aug 21, 2007 10:38 AM  Permalink
I had done a survey in 2003 for a company . I had found that about 42 companies had closed in last two years in the area near Taralola road and adjoining areas. The reason attributed to the policies of government which included "Inability to fire the left supported labour leader who were supporting band now and then and not doing any work " , " Government increase of sales tax and also for wages " ...
All these industries closed and mazority of them moved out of Bengal to Orissa ,Jharkhand and Anadra Pradesh.

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RE:RE:Ideology of left.
by Rana Dutta on Aug 21, 2007 10:45 AM  Permalink
Mr Dey, I stay in Hyderabad so I know how much faster A.P. is developing.

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withdrawal of support
by Nandakumar R on Aug 21, 2007 10:20 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I wish that the congress has to taste the fruit of withdrawal as they had done it earlier for very very petty and political reasons. They had ousted the Gujral because DMK's ( now the important ally of congress) name was figured in the Jain commission interim report and jain wanted to the then govt to look in to the matter. Gujral never wanted to disally the DMK and congress withdrew their support. Again they had forced the AIADMK to withdraw the support to 13 day BJP regime to only make them (congress) to come in power. But the move was thwarted by Pawar as he didn't want Sonia to become PM ( But again he is parter in the current ally). Deva Gowda's was also their victim. Withdrawal of support is easy joke as for as congress concerned. Now they have to feel the same for themselves. Then only they realise it. Jayalalitha has been suffering since she withdraw the suppor to BJP. I need congress also to suffer the same way.

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RE:withdrawal of support
by vikas sethi on Aug 21, 2007 10:32 AM  Permalink
What will be the net result on this politics of brinkmanship besides serving prsonal egos. Where does it leave the country????????

Are you a politician Mr. Nandakumar who breeds on hatred or are you an Indian national who thinks of India First.

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RE:withdrawal of support
by ravi mishra on Aug 21, 2007 10:34 AM  Permalink
It's very depressing to knopw that under this circuimstances also some people are interested in taking revenge with a political party rather than looking for national interest.That is not only congress who is going to suffer or enjoy, but this deal is going to Decide the future of INDIA. Think about this first

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Answer to
by Tathagata Mukherjee on Aug 21, 2007 10:18 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Answer to "Will the govt pass N-deal and go to polls?" is NO.

Because COngress will loose huge Muslim Vote. Lalu and many others will ditch Congress, as without Muslim Vote, they are history.

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RE:Answer to
by Mihirkanti Choudhury on Aug 21, 2007 08:35 PM  Permalink
from Sylhet, Bangladesh ----
Mr. Mukherjee, you one day called me an Islamist since I had opposed Tasleema. Please let me know if you have any WEBCAM. Then I can help you by ......................

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RE:Answer to
by anil b on Aug 21, 2007 10:44 AM  Permalink
they will go to the pols .congress will gian the support of the middle class whic can decide some 150 seats and congress is strong in another 70 or so plus with frinds like bsp they can get a majority.main loser is that stupid fellow advani and his rss friends or fiends . left will rot and stew and those who vote for them in kerala and bengal will not get anything only doses of rhetoric .

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Just who exactly are these Left ?
by Gumpy on Aug 21, 2007 10:16 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Friends, who are these left that are opposing the Nuke deal - lets get to some history about them..
1. These left are the same people who had got several Indian freedom fighter arrested during World War 2, 1945-46, at Soviet Russia's instance.

2. these Left are the very same people who had taken China's side when 1967 Indo-Chinese war broke out.

3. Today they want to stop the Nuke deal the the instance of China's Communist party.

Can we Indians trust these very same Left with India's national interest ? Think yourself after carefully going thru history.

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RE:Just who exactly are these Left ?
by Anubhav Tuknait on Aug 21, 2007 10:28 AM  Permalink
You are absolutely right ... these left will never allow India to grow and take over china

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RE:Just who exactly are these Left ?
by Vijay Kumar on Aug 21, 2007 10:23 AM  Permalink
You are right. Just correct year as 1962 for 1967.

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RE:Just who exactly are these Left ?
by vikas sethi on Aug 21, 2007 10:37 AM  Permalink
It is high time we Indians spread the message across the length and breadth of the country (not to forget Bengal, Kerala & Tripura where they have a presence)that COMMUNISTS ARE TRAITORS.THEY R AS MUCH ENEMIES OF INDIA AS R PAKISTAN & CHINA.


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Nuclear deal and Communists
by TS Prasad on Aug 21, 2007 10:15 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The Communists are mostly right in opposing nuclear ("123") deal. Not that the comrades are right in every other issue, just like other mortals they also committed mistakes and blunders. I do condemn their blunders (such as allowing illegal immigrants from Bangladesh or other countries).

Someone says they are Chinese stooge. Then what is wrong if someone calls Manmohan and his goddess Sonia stooges of the capitalists? Why can't they say, "we will not become slaves of the Americans or Chinese or Russians or anybody else. Let's build our own reactors, even it take a few years more."?

From the nuclear point of view, why can't the US help in self sustenance of India if they are so concerned about India? First point is that Indian Government falling at the feet of the US for this so called deal itself is a Himalayan blunder.

India suffers a lot of power transmission losses (>35%!). Why are measures not being taken to lessen the losses? Why not we harness the tidal energy for power considering the fact that India has a boon of very long coast? If the sea can fulfill the power needs, it could be much safer than a nuclear reactor, the latter is in effect a nuclear bomb behind the screen!

Coming into %u2018the junk sold by the erstwhile USSR%u2019, India purchased something also from similar from non-Communist countries. Just because we purchased a warship from USSR it was a junk, while if it was purchased from, say, Americans a warship would not become something sacred

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RE:Nuclear deal and Communists
by George Fernandez on Aug 21, 2007 10:17 AM  Permalink
No sir. India still has the right to test after the deal. If India tests in response to Chinese or Pakistani test then US has no problem. Even if India test on her own then also US has to supply for 1 year and then it can decide whether to stop or not the agreement. But it will continue to support the agreement because by then India will be the biggest ally of US in Asia and US will have no option but to support India
This Nuclear deal is Good for US, Good for the world and Very Good for India. Now you decide which party is National and which anti-National. We all know who supported Godse instad of Gandhi and which party supported China when it attacked India
Growth is the only way for national security. True national security will come only with economical Growth. For growth we need energy. While we bring oil pipeline through Pakistan what is this nonsense opposition to N.Deal. infact we are increasing our security through this Deal. We can test N-Wepons even after this deal as it agrees a test of N-Wepon is necessary to counter the tests of China or Pakistan. Even after the deal even if India wishes to test a N weapon on Her own She can as No one can stop Her as the ones(China,Russia,US) that tries to stop Her as got thousands of nuclear weapons.
Its absolute waste to have early polls. It will through a hung parliment with no one with a Majority. We need stabilty. We should make a strict law saying There will be election only once in 5 years. If a govt falls or parlim

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RE:RE:Nuclear deal and Communists
by George Fernandez on Aug 21, 2007 10:17 AM  Permalink
If a govt falls or parliment fails to form a govt we should have presidents rule for the rest of the term. Irrespective of the Govt India can function. What is most important is the choice given to the people every 5 years.

Communists are necessary evil. They oppose all progress. they are against freedom and democracy even though it is enabling them to shout in Inda. The support the naxals. They dont care for India and will support China again when it again attacks India. They support illegal and immoral strikes of Trade Unions. They support illegal pavement shops and the traffic offenders and Manual rikshas etc. But they are still necessary because otherwise the capitallist will totally ignore the poor of India and Make India the most corrupt nation of the world

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congress must stop acting as our bosses
by Prof R K Gupta-India on Aug 21, 2007 10:15 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The major failure of politicians today is that they have taken for granted the demicracy model.They should understnd that in democracy power is with people and not these elected or appointed servants.They are supposed to execute rotuine fucntions and take direction from people in all major decisions and policies.How can they go ahead with such deeply affecting issue for India's future in two things-Impact of nuclear deala nd defesne aspects and Extent to which alliance (politico-economic) India would like to have with USA>USA are not angels they are financial. Imperialist and exploiters like Russians.They are more rutghless being capitalists.Governemnt should have started a pub,icity capmpaign in media and presented all important aspects positive and negative in all types of media for people ti fully understand it and form opinion.the polticians shoudl stop thinking that they are our masters.They should now learn to remain inlimits and stop corruption or face serious consequences.It is 2007 and not 1857.Leftists have rightly put a spoke,whatever be their own objectives.They are no better.Indian people will in future not give clear majority to any party as all are corrupt and it is important to have check and balances.If Leftists were not there, Indian capitalists and corrupt polticiuans would have plundered the country by now.Even now they have.Globalisation is big fraud to loot and spread capitalism.Congress must be wound up now.Indian copy of british queen is listening?

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RE:congress must stop acting as our bosses
by Sahadevan KK on Aug 21, 2007 01:15 PM  Permalink
Dear Rajendra Gupta,

Those people attack you, who does not have much knowledge about the nuclear deal or about the discussion.

Left gives support government to avoid communal forces; It takes the role of a progressive opposition, because BJP is a dead horse.

Left only creates problems, when ruling UPA and opposition NDA go against people.

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RE:congress must stop acting as our bosses
by Bhupinder Singh on Aug 21, 2007 10:27 AM  Permalink
prof you are genious person, expecting you to contest coming next election,,, cheers

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RE:congress must stop acting as our bosses
by anil b on Aug 21, 2007 10:46 AM  Permalink
well dear professor , your typing skills and language say that the doctorate you have got is really not deserving for you .it shows to what extent our education system has got into when guys like you get doctorates.

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RE:congress must stop acting as our bosses
by Rajendra Gupta on Aug 21, 2007 11:15 AM  Permalink
I am a professor and not typist.That is why the mistakes.You seem to have better skills in this.The readers should focus on problem and keep it impersonal.Dont attack other readres. we can make bigger fun of you, dude.Talk about issues.Like illiterate women don't do personal attacks.Rediff space is not for wasting like this.Counter the arguments with logic .You too have right to express your opinion.

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Details of the DEAL
by anup bhattacharya on Aug 21, 2007 10:11 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Can anybody give us some details of the DEAL?what actually it is?

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RE:Details of the DEAL
by Jai Singh on Aug 21, 2007 10:27 AM  Permalink
Hi Anup,

Please go through the complete text at

I feel the text is too hazy and a no. of things are just implied. So you must also read in between the lines.

JP Singh

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Who are these Left thats opposing Nuke deal ?
by Gumpy on Aug 21, 2007 10:11 AM  Permalink 

Friends, who are these left that are opposing the Nuke deal - lets get to some history about them..
1. These left are the same people who had got several Indian freedom fighter arrested during World War 2, 1945-46, at Soviet Russia's instance.

2. these Left are the very same people who has taken China's side when 1967 Indo-Chinese war broke out.

3. Today they want to stop the Nuke deal the the instance of China's Communist party.

Can we Indians trust these very same Left with India's national interest ? Think yourself after carefully going thru history.

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