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India requires Nuclear energy
by Bhavani Singh on Aug 21, 2007 10:54 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

India definately is facing energy crisis and this will only compound further if we do not get a clean energy that is nuclear. This is definately in India's interest and politicans should keep india's interest first and then should look at their pety politics.

Left parties who are not supporting india's nuclear plan are actually playing at the hands of China and Pakistan which does not want india to grow in power and become self reliant.

We initially had only Paki agents...now we have chinese too

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RE:India requires Nuclear energy
by vikas sethi on Aug 21, 2007 11:05 AM  Permalink
You could not have put it better. Every true Indian will agree and support your comments.

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LETf Roale in country
by NNB Investigation Pvt Ltd on Aug 21, 2007 10:51 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Dear all,
As all of us now a days feeling the politically uncertainty due to 123 agreement. If you all will study the agreement there are many plus points. and definightly the contry will go ahead. if this agreement will not happen then India will not able to active the goal, where it should be in near future. the LEFT parties are taking a huge amount of money from Chaina and creating this situation. Left is ruling WB since last 30 years. if anybody has visited WB, he can understand theire development projects. If we will compair all mejor citied, Kolakata will be the worst place to stay. where as Kolkata was one of the most developed city in 1900. Left does not want to come out from their cave and face the world. they are just a problem creaters.

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RE:LETf Roale in country
by diba on Aug 21, 2007 10:53 AM  Permalink
why BJP is opposing it? pl explain? Mr. Bajpai is less patritic than any one else?

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RE:LETf Roale in country
by vivek balkrishna tare on Aug 21, 2007 11:14 AM  Permalink
No one in discussion answered this questions why bjp opposing it? They are equally petriotic .

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RE:LETf Roale in country
by rkjack on Aug 21, 2007 11:56 AM  Permalink
BJP is not against the N-Agreement. They are against the some important points, where BJP thinks that Govt. would have done better bargaining with the US as US needs India.

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RE:RE:LETf Roale in country
by vikas sethi on Aug 21, 2007 11:09 AM  Permalink
We are opposing the BJP on this also. I am a traditional BJP supporter, but their stance is opportunistic on the NDeal.

Mr Diba, forget BJP, Congress, it is time to think of the country.We want the politicians to think of the country not their personal benefits or power.

India must come first.......always. Our identity is because of India not bcos of BJP or congress.

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RE:LETf Roale in country
by bungbumi on Aug 21, 2007 11:17 AM  Permalink
BJP is opposing it b'cos it is currently in the opposition. They have done such kind of things in the past too. For eg. in 1991-92 when the economy was opened (by reducing the licnece raj levels) by P. V. Narsimha Rao as PM and our current PM as FM, BJP was one of the major opposers of the move. But in 2004 the same BJP begain their "Indian Shining" campaign which was a direct fallout of the 1991-92 economic move. Also, if you examine carefully you will see that the 5 years BJP was in power, its rule was in no way different from that of the previous Cong-I rules. I too had been under the impression that BJP would be better than others. But actually all these fellows are crooks. So need to be overtly concerned about Vajpayees stand

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RE:LETf Roale in country
by Xurjya on Aug 21, 2007 11:06 AM  Permalink
BJP is opposing for only one reason - why it is UPA government who is signing the N-Deal? Why is it not NDA government? They are opposing because they would have liked to take the credit of making India a recognised Nuclear Power. They don't want the credit going to UPA. Period.

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RE:RE:LETf Roale in country
by rkjack on Aug 21, 2007 12:00 PM  Permalink
BJP is not against the N-Deal, if you have watched the TV channel i.e. Times Now where Mr. Yashwant Singh was a panelist, he clearly mentioned that BJP is not against the N-Deal, but they are against some points in the agreements, where they think that Govt.would have done better bargaining with the US as US needs India for their own benefits.

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Manmohan singh is doing the right thing
by srivatsa yb on Aug 21, 2007 10:51 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

This is deal is required for india's energy security...the Left and BJp are opposing just for the sake of opposition....i want our PM to stick to his stand and pass the deal....

call early elections if need be...atlast in india governments are being decided based on core issues...kudos to democrazy

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RE:Manmohan singh is doing the right thing
by rkjack on Aug 21, 2007 11:48 AM  Permalink
Have you read the 123 Agreement? If haven't, plase go to the thehindu.com news paper to have a feel of it before commenting?

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nuke deal
by Edwin Colaco on Aug 21, 2007 10:43 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Why are we discussing the aspect of india conducting nuclear test, my countrymen who are opposed to the deal on the ground that india cannot conduct anymore nuclear test is so absurd for the reason that even the experts have said that there is no need to do the test in conventional way, which can be done with computers.. god help us from the left idology

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RE:nuke deal
by diba on Aug 21, 2007 10:54 AM  Permalink
who are those experts? to simulate u need lots of data, that comes from nuclear test. then why did india tested in the first place?

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RE:nuke deal
by Surjyabrat Buragohain on Aug 21, 2007 10:55 AM  Permalink
Left parties have 59 seats in the Lok Sabha. If they have to maintain this number if not more, they need poverty to exist in the country...coz if there is no poverty, there is no relevance of so called Leftist ideology. Leftists get votes by inciting the 'have-nots' against the 'haves' who have benefitted from development. So the Leftists would never want complete eradication of poverty from the country because if there are no 'have-nots', they will never get votes from the 'haves'. And therefore the N-Deal which can take the country towards further development and improve common man's living standards is like death of communism. They will oppose it forever. Simple ideology

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RE:RE:nuke deal
by shanmuga subramanian on Aug 21, 2007 11:24 AM  Permalink
I agree with you!

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RE:nuke deal
by Mohan Kini on Aug 21, 2007 11:35 AM  Permalink
I absolutely agree with u.They are in power in West Bengal for the last 30 years & made it Kangal & majority of population there, are poor & getting poorer by voting these commies.Come on the brothers & sisters of West Bengal throw chinese agents out of power for your prosperity & at least for the sake of the bright future of your future generations.

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by vikas sethi on Aug 21, 2007 10:39 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

It is high time we Indians spread the message across the length and breadth of the country (not to forget Bengal, Kerala & Tripura where they have a presence)that COMMUNISTS ARE TRAITORS.THEY R AS MUCH ENEMIES OF INDIA AS R PAKISTAN & CHINA.


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by Vinod V Nadoda on Aug 21, 2007 10:49 AM  Permalink
let me correct you. COMMUNISTS are more dangerous than china and pakistan.,,,

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midterm polls
by Nandakumar R on Aug 21, 2007 10:38 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

What will Communists do if the same scenerio occur.That is Congress come to power with other's support. Will not communist support them if it needs. Other wise will they go out of the election ally in many states except in Kerala and culcutta. They will have electoral understanding again and secure seats. People of India is only to blame for electing wrong parties always. They vote on emotional ways many times. Though the stage is different the drama is going to be the same.

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RE:midterm polls
by Sahadevan KK on Aug 21, 2007 03:52 PM  Permalink
Manmohan Singh did a lot for the US; but not for India. Please read on http://sahadevan.blogspot.com/

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RE:midterm polls
by rkjack on Aug 21, 2007 11:53 AM  Permalink
The Drama will be created by the TV channels just like last time they did, specially the NDTV who is having its hidden agenda. After the chief of the channel is the leftiest's relative.

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N deal
by arungopal agarwal on Aug 21, 2007 10:35 AM  Permalink 

It is unfortunate that Left has taken anti national stand, but in a democratic set up and the type of constitution, we have, Face backgear.

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tell me, what we gain from the deal?
by diba on Aug 21, 2007 10:33 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

the only people going to get benefit from the deal are - US atomic industry at the cost of indian research in this area.
once we start producing electricty from atomic energy (although it is going to be very very leass as compared to other source of electricity, this is true even for advanced country. just ask homemuch electricity autralia , which has one of the largest deposit of urnium, produces from nuclear reactors as compared to other sources). Our industry and cities would be dependent on that electricty, it would be impossible for us to take any chance. That means, what may come, we would unable to test nucear bomb. this is becuase, US laws says, in case India does a testing, they are bound to take back the uranium suppled along with the reactors. please read auron shourie's article in IE. So indirectly we are saying good bye to atomic bomb. I am not bothered whether this is left or BJP, I am not bothered what ever is the motive, but this is a valid point of national interest. We just should not think to please US at any cost. after all this is our country

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RE:tell me, what we gain from the deal?
by Saurabh Goyal on Aug 21, 2007 10:53 AM  Permalink
first of all there is nothing like that we cant test a nuclcear bomb if its necessary...but even if this is the case who need a nuclear bomb when most of india dont even have the electricity supply...i used to think that BJP was a good party and i always voted for them but they i had to change my point of view after they protested against this deal....

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RE:RE:tell me, what we gain from the deal?
by diba on Aug 21, 2007 10:58 AM  Permalink
no wonder, we were slaves all through. only BJP things of national interest.

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RE:tell me, what we gain from the deal?
by anil b on Aug 21, 2007 10:39 AM  Permalink
you are tottaly crazy . how will u use the atpmic bomb against pakisthan. dont forget that we and pakisthan are of the same kind and the only difference we have with them is religion that is it .Everything else we have with them is common , the same ethinicity , almost similiar behavious etc. we cannot use it against china and china will not use their bombs against anybody because that will result in a retaliation from US .
we can only be friends and allies of a great country like US and that is what we gain from this deal.

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RE:tell me, what we gain from the deal?
by surendra singh on Aug 21, 2007 10:39 AM  Permalink
chu..tiyee... kuch pata nahin ho tuo bakwas nahin karte hain....first fully understand what is 123 deal and then spit shit out of your mouth...

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RE:RE:tell me, what we gain from the deal?
by sumit kumar dey on Aug 21, 2007 10:44 AM  Permalink
My Dear, India doesnot have a good reserve of Uranium. It has a good reseve for Plutonium.
Also India still imports enriched Nuclear fuel from Cananda. We are still not competent enough to produce the Nuclear fuel.
As far as Test goes. It is about testing of Nuclear Bombs. And during pokharan blasts we were told that we did not need to test again in next 20years.
And once technilogy comes to india, It will be here and we can do as we want .
The things that u talk seems like a Beggar goes to an Bank and Asks for a Loan to start a company . Bank tell him that since the proposition is risky , u have to give 50% of your profit. Beggar says "well I will become a billionare so u cannot charge that much" ....We still dont have the proper technology and you are talking of US benefiting....

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RE:tell me, what we gain from the deal?
by ashish kumar on Aug 21, 2007 10:44 AM  Permalink
Can't Anil & Surendra see that DIBA is from West Bengal? Only a Bengali can give such ideas which are against the interests on our own country. Remember, East India Company was able to enter India through Bengal.

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RE:tell me, what we gain from the deal?
by diba on Aug 21, 2007 10:56 AM  Permalink
bengal faught against the British. Most people from other states acted as slaves. Bengal has produces maximum no of Freedom fighters, who went to gallow. Any way that does not answer my questions.

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RE:tell me, what we gain from the deal?
by Sun on Aug 21, 2007 11:09 AM  Permalink
Yes you gave lot of freedom fighters, creative people etc, but after a couple of decades of commie rule you have become robots

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RE:tell me, what we gain from the deal?
by ashish kumar on Aug 21, 2007 11:00 AM  Permalink
Also West Bengal is responsible for the intrusion of 3 crore Bangladesis in India. Any reasons?

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RE:tell me, what we gain from the deal?
by Rana Dutta on Aug 21, 2007 11:08 AM  Permalink
Mr Ashish. Please get the facts right. Bengal was not responsible for intrusion. it was Congress and commies who are reponsible. they have done it for muslim votes and apeasement.

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RE:tell me, what we gain from the deal?
by Rana Dutta on Aug 21, 2007 10:57 AM  Permalink
Mr Ashish. How are you so sure that DIBA is from Bengal. Not all Bengalees are commies. In fact educated Bengalees are not commies. Left wins elections in bengal only and only through rigging. I am a bengalee and stay out of Bengal I have spoken to several people in Bengal most of them are against Left. For that matter, Karats, Sitaram yechury, D Raja are not Bengalees. Please do not make it a regional issue. Please do remember that it is a national issue.

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RE:RE:tell me, what we gain from the deal?
by ashish kumar on Aug 21, 2007 11:06 AM  Permalink
Mr. Dutta, why Left is not able to win elections in other states by rigging (except Karela, which again like WB thinks that they are the most intelligent creatures on the surface of this earth)

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RE:RE:RE:tell me, what we gain from the deal?
by Sun on Aug 21, 2007 11:11 AM  Permalink
Well Ashish, you do have a valid point, these Mallu's & Bongs always behave as if they are God's gift to mankind and all others are illiterate's.

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RE:RE:RE:tell me, what we gain from the deal?
by Rana Dutta on Aug 21, 2007 11:11 AM  Permalink
Mr Ashish, Had bengalees not been intelligent they would not have 3 noble prizes. You may hate Bangalees, but you are bound to sing a bangali song, and it was written for the Nation and not for only Bengal. Jana gana nana is a Bengali song

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N-Deal is good for India
by sumit kumar dey on Aug 21, 2007 10:33 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

N-Deal is good for India. India needs energy more than the Bombs. Last time when Pokharam blast was done it was explicitly told that no more blasts was required in next 20 years. So I think it is better to go for the deal. After that if we get a need to do a test, we can do that. After all we will be techinically sufficient not to be dependent on US or any other nation.
Left like always is a "Traitor".They just want to oppose US .
I had not been a supporter of Congress, but this is sthg that I would like to support.

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RE:N-Deal is good for India
by diba on Aug 21, 2007 10:38 AM  Permalink
how much energy we are going to produce from uranium for next 10 yrs? why other countries, who have deposits and technology are not producing all of their energy from atomic source? ask question, read between the lines?
why we need to make a pact with USA to bye uranium even from france and russia? what happens, if we need to test an atomic bomb? whether they take back all the uranium and reactors? then what happens to the invest india makes in those power plants. what happens to those industries and cities dependent on those power supply.

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RE:RE:N-Deal is good for India
by Saurabh Goyal on Aug 21, 2007 11:00 AM  Permalink
france produces 80% of its electricity from nulcear technology...moreover every country will need to switch to nuclear energy in next 30 yrs as hydrocarbons reserves are not enough even for this century.

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