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Operationalize - Go to polls
by Sanjeev on Aug 21, 2007 07:58 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

It is extremely important for the deal to be operationalized for 2 reasons
1. Meeting the long term energy needs.
2. To make sure that India's international standing does not suffer a loss in terms of credibility.

If the price is that govt. has to fall, I think UPA should be ready to pay this price. And it is upto the people of India then to give a mnadate in such a way that such dependencies on fringe players is finished and any single like minded coalition or party is in charge, without any pulls & pressure.

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RE:Operationalize - Go to polls
by Milind on Aug 21, 2007 08:01 AM  Permalink
Yes indeed.
If PM/SG are willing to let the govt. fall to uphold the deal, they will earn a newfound respect from many, me included.

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RE:Operationalize - Go to polls
by citizen on Aug 21, 2007 08:15 AM  Permalink
You are right !

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Will the govt pass N-deal? LET US WATCH THE DRAMA!
by JAYANTA KUMAR DAS on Aug 21, 2007 07:44 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies





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RE:Will the govt pass N-deal? LET US WATCH THE DRAMA!
by George Fernandez on Aug 21, 2007 08:34 AM  Permalink
Its true China is the boss of Communists all over the world. They want the whole world ruled by communists headed by Chinese. Even to think of it gives a shudder. US is not the boss of Congress though. Otherwise we would not have got a favourable nuclear deal with US. If BJP got this deal they would have shouted that it will make India into heaven

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Let China Takeover CPI & CPI-M
by bharat on Aug 21, 2007 07:39 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

This is the age of take overs. Let China's communist parties take over our CPI and CPI-M and let all the party members and supporters migrate to China. Let Jyoti Basu become the Vice Premier of China after the take over!!!!!

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RE:Let China Takeover CPI & CPI-M
by Mahesh on Aug 21, 2007 07:45 AM  Permalink
What do we get in return for this takeover? Probably the remaining part of Arunachal Pradesh that China still controls? That would be great!

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RE:Let China Takeover CPI & CPI-M
by Jaganniwas Iyer on Aug 21, 2007 07:49 AM  Permalink
Dear Mahesh,
For the record, China DOES NOT control Arunachal Pradesh. They tried in the 1962 war, but were given a licking at Walong. Their next attempts in 1967 and 1986 too met with a similar fate.
Jaganniwas Iyer

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RE:Let China Takeover CPI & CPI-M
by bharat on Aug 21, 2007 07:53 AM  Permalink
Agreeing to takeover CPI & CPI-M will itself be a great favour to India. We do not need anything more in return!

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RE:Let China Takeover CPI & CPI-M
by sahil patki on Aug 21, 2007 08:07 AM  Permalink
The demise of communism across the world except in internationally alienated regimes like Cuba, North Korea and severely untrustworthy China has not taught the Communist Party of India anything. China has increasingly turned towards the capitalistic ideology while retaining the benefits of an authoritarian regime which undermines the entire purpose of communism which is to serve the common man and evenly distribute wealth. Though still the leaders of the Communist bloc in India continue to treat China with velvet gloves. It was well known since the time of the Cold War that the KGB and the PLA(People%u2019s Liberation Army) had agents within the ranks of the Communist parties in India. Now that the Indo-US nuclear deal is coming giving India a real good piece of the Pie without sacrificing a lot it has drawn flak from China. Primarily the intensifying of the UPA crisis in India and the attack on the deal through the Chinese media is highly significant and far from Co-incidental. The left is name calling the current government to be the Lackeys of the USA but they themselves are playing Lackeys of China. China does not only seek to limit India%u2019s clout through the international domain. It uses pressure form domestic lobbies too. Thanks to the CPM China does not have to raise its voice with the NSG. CPIM is doing the job for it but not a very convincing one. Though not a great treaty it is a good head start for India in the domain of Nuclear Power much of which will be need

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RE:Let China Takeover CPI & CPI-M
by sahil patki on Aug 21, 2007 08:08 AM  Permalink
by the Common man in the street ( The ones the CPIM assumes to fight for) and not the Politburo members sitting in Air Conditioned government accommodations. To quote another article I read it questioned %u201CWhether we should regard the US with Cold-War eyes or embrace globalization%u201D. Now this entire idea of having a Left Supported government never seemed like a good idea to me and now my Suspicions have been confirmed. Their ancient ideology will continue to hamper growth of India%u2019s economy and international standing as long as the UPA is in Power

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Hyde Act
by ASHOK on Aug 21, 2007 07:36 AM  Permalink 

Hyde Act is US govt's internal problem.

India has not framed it or India has not passed it.

It is US to see how Hyde act and Indo US 123 nuclear deal is recoinciled.

Why Left is asking Indian Govt ( Congress) to come clear on HYde act.

We may have inetrnal act which says detonate Hydrogen Bomb in 2020. What US can do about that.

It is 123 deal which we have to sign. If it has short comings than left should point them out for Common man.

As yet I do not see Left or BJP coming out with any strong negatives of 123 deal.

BJP says having New Reprocessing plant will cost us a lot. WEll in any way existing reprocessing units will not be able to handle the load and in any case we have to go for a new bigger reprocessing facility.

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Isolate Communists
by Mahesh on Aug 21, 2007 07:31 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

BJP should make it clear that they support this deal. If they play politics and bring down the government on this issue, then the educated and urban electorate which is BJP's constituency will desert them during elections. The Communists will get their votes anyway from the don't-care-about-development crowd but BJP will pay heavy price. Think about the times of Rajiv Gandhi. BJP and Communists were friends but Indian electorate gave massive mandate to Congress and BJP got 2 seats. The point is the supporters and sympathizers of BJP want this deal. They don't support Congress but they do support this deal. BJP should feel the pulse of these people and act accordingly. Don't make common cause with unpatriotic Communists.

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RE:Isolate Communists
by Jaganniwas Iyer on Aug 21, 2007 07:50 AM  Permalink
Dear Mahesh,
Couldn't have said it better.
Jaganniwas Iyer

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RE:Isolate Communists
by Charles Anthony Crasto on Aug 21, 2007 08:22 AM  Permalink
I fully agree with you!

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RE:Bengali comminists are traitors!!
by Sandipan chakraborty on Aug 21, 2007 07:50 AM  Permalink
i am ur father..hehehe..go ask ur mother.

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RE:RE:Bengali comminists are traitors!!
by Sandipan chakraborty on Aug 21, 2007 07:52 AM  Permalink
don't generalize all Bengalis..or u will be shot at point blank some day..and ur body will be lying in some dirty drain..eaten by animals.U slave.

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How we can eradicate the communists from india?
by andrew smith on Aug 21, 2007 07:23 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Please give comments

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RE:How we can eradicate the communists from india?
by Mahesh on Aug 21, 2007 07:43 AM  Permalink
1. People and political parties that have development of India in mind should isolte them.
2. Involve RAW and investigate their connections to China.
3. Expose and educate the people about the real intentions of the Communists. The educated urban people should get involved in this.

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RE:How we can eradicate the communists from india?
by joseph J on Aug 21, 2007 07:27 AM  Permalink
Send them to north korea.....may be that'll give them a taste of their own medicine or rather poision!!!

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Beware of the Red Chinese Toys!!!
by joseph J on Aug 21, 2007 07:18 AM  Permalink 

I cant understand why the leftest setting in their air conditioned politbeuro comes up with this kind of junk while most of indian homes stay in the dark without electricity due the high power cost. We are developing nation. This is our best oppertunity to tackle our energy needs and further boost our economy. China is so energy savey and going all the world hunting for oil and natural gas...Any thing you buy today has a \"made in china\" logo. Now it makes me wonder...Is Karat and his bunch of lunatics in the left....\"left\"over harmful tainted Mattel toys for india dancing to the wishes of china with a \"made in china\" logo on them.....

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Isolate the Left Parties
by bharat on Aug 21, 2007 07:16 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

It is time to isolate the left parties completely. Or let them make continue to contribute their dung to Bengal and Kerala. At least the rest of the country should do away with these poisonous snakes, the biggest retardants to the country's growth.

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RE:Isolate the Left Parties
by joseph J on Aug 21, 2007 07:22 AM  Permalink
They shouldnt be allowed to continue in Kerala....all they have done in kerala is contribute a 6 letter word...S T R I K E .... Kerala now has...the devils own party ruling it

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Will the govt pass N-deal and go to polls?
by ram tal on Aug 21, 2007 07:09 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies


In the likely event of Congress passing Indo US nuke pact and calling elections, it will not be binding on any new Government if it does not comprise the Congress. Any international agreement can and should be overturned if it is not in the national interest. The dangerous part of the deal for INDia is in the Hyde act which follows US laws and is against National interests of INDIA.

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RE:RE:Will the govt pass N-deal and go to polls?
by Charles Crasto on Aug 21, 2007 08:34 AM  Permalink
The Hyde Act is not as strong as the Seventh Fleet which came into the Bay of Bengal threathening us. We defied it. Inspite of being seen as weak at that time.

Let us have faith in ourselves. We are strong now.

Also imagine the US Congress discussing one of our Acts of Parlament! What a hue and cry there would have been!

We need the nuclear energy. We need the high techno link. And then it would be the world begging us innovative indians to give them the new technology.

We have proved this repeatedly- from the ancient '0' to the modern software dominance by Indians globally.

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