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RE:Let China Takeover CPI & CPI-M
by sahil patki on Aug 21, 2007 08:07 AM

The demise of communism across the world except in internationally alienated regimes like Cuba, North Korea and severely untrustworthy China has not taught the Communist Party of India anything. China has increasingly turned towards the capitalistic ideology while retaining the benefits of an authoritarian regime which undermines the entire purpose of communism which is to serve the common man and evenly distribute wealth. Though still the leaders of the Communist bloc in India continue to treat China with velvet gloves. It was well known since the time of the Cold War that the KGB and the PLA(People%u2019s Liberation Army) had agents within the ranks of the Communist parties in India. Now that the Indo-US nuclear deal is coming giving India a real good piece of the Pie without sacrificing a lot it has drawn flak from China. Primarily the intensifying of the UPA crisis in India and the attack on the deal through the Chinese media is highly significant and far from Co-incidental. The left is name calling the current government to be the Lackeys of the USA but they themselves are playing Lackeys of China. China does not only seek to limit India%u2019s clout through the international domain. It uses pressure form domestic lobbies too. Thanks to the CPM China does not have to raise its voice with the NSG. CPIM is doing the job for it but not a very convincing one. Though not a great treaty it is a good head start for India in the domain of Nuclear Power much of which will be need

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