The left parties have turned out to be No-1 enemy of the ruling party. As long as they are there u dont require an opposition. their was an unconditional support from outside to the Govt. but be it PF, be it N-deal these ppl always twisted the govt's hands and speak in front of TV cams as if apart from them no1 knows how to manage a govt.
With the current threat of withdrawl support to UPA in due with the nuclear deal. Left parties are trying to make huge amount of money for coming elections till now there was not much chance they had got, as there is a little time left for next elections they got banged on the nuclear deal to make full utilize of the oppurtunity by converting it to a big amount of deal of money as to continue the government at the centre till 2009 lok sabha elections. if left parties are really sincere in there demands they must quit & withdrawl the support immediately at the centre. but giving "damki" in the morning and getting "cooled" in the night, is that make any sense? this is all big drama which will make news for media. nothing benificial for common man. why these all politicians cannot understand common man problem and do the needful. no control on price rising in essential commodities, vegetables, bank interest rates.
Left Group must clearly state what clauses in the deal are anti India for the common man to see and read those clauses one more time. When the PM was making a statement on the subject in the parliament, the Left started walking out. Why so?
RE:Indo US Nuclear Deal and the Left
by Vinod Rajendran on Aug 20, 2007 10:07 AM Permalink
These Left politicians were sleeping/acting like sleeping all these days and finally they woke up to make India's reputation come down globally. All these are cheap games. They should grow up and learn how to behave/act/stand together for the nation on these issues which has impact internationally.
The crying need of the hour is to understand the problem. India is 70% dependent on imported oil, mainly from the volatile Middle East, which can turn against us any moment, especially in times of tension with Pakistan.
We have no well wishers. We had, but Russia will mean business and less interested in our predicaments. We are desperately trying to get gas from Iran through a pipeline traversing Afganistan & Pakistan. No brainer about the implications. They all can really sqeeze us where it hurts. Iran is also trying to stay self sufficient now, with soaring consumption.
How do the lefties and BJP going to solve our problems? Hydro potential is there, but we will wake up the sleeping tigers, Patkar & Roy. Not for the feeble hearted to face up to women scorned. Lefties and BJP will be like a walk in the park. Windmills can help to an extent and solar energy still in infancy, while problems are Now!
When Bombay high was discovered in the 1970s we were on the moon. Now no more, as we are getting less and less. China with much less dependency are planning far ahead to secure oil from overseas.
MM Singh should authorise the lefties to solve the problems, as they are part of the govt, as the saying goes you cannot have it both ways. We should give them all encouragement and put them on flights to China, Russia, Cuba, North Korea etc., where they can try for deals. Then they will return chastened and get real.
USA has been running propoganda for atleast 5 years now that INDIA will be a superpower by 2020 or so. Many indians started believing it and lot have started calling India a superpower. A country where 70% are half naked and dont have to eat dreaming to become superpower with the help of a country which itself is in a mess is a joke of century. Some how these IT Coolies and their masters are making fool indians to believe that USA is good and we can only be superpower with the help of it. Poor Indians dont even know that they are Coolies and will remain coolies.
RE:The fact
by Maulik V Shah on Aug 20, 2007 06:21 AM Permalink
Hey Fatkins or whosoever u may be
A country to whom to u r referring to as coolies is the one of fastest growing economy in the world. A country, which has already been recognized a major global force, not only in IT, but also in other areas like space technology, nuclear technology, pharmaceuticals as well as agriculture, not only by US but almost every other "developed" country. Seems you shitheads are still reeling in the last century when India was just trying to stand up on its feet, after gaining its independence...
Please gather your stats and knowledge of current global affairs before you fart off your mouth and pen...
Left's contention always has been the United States is an Inhuman corporate monopoly which rips the working class of its rightful share of profits. American capitalism has rigorously adopted many liberal idealogies , infact the americac liberal democrats has many things in common with the leftists all across the world. The liberal democrats has always stood for labour unions and has stead fastly opposed corporate influence in many political decisions. Republicans who are more preachers of the free market philosophy has consistenty tried to alleviate the complains of the working class so that they do not get too much influenced by the leftist ideologies . In fact these two opposing thoughts has done more good to the workers in US than political parties who are truly "marx-engels" followers.The latest proof is the attempt to revamp the insurance system here so that poor people would get better coverage . So it is really old work mentality to accuse US as a country of exploiters only.Infact no other country gives better oppotunity than US for labourers to start their own enterprices.Left should see the US policies and undestand what they do to keep their people relatively well off. The biggest positive things about america is it's democracy , and yes we too are a democracy. Two democracies has much in common and chances are conflicts are less because the decision making is done by a vast mass of minds and not just a single person.Let should start seeing U.S as a worker friendl
I dont have any problem with China, as long as we have decided to grow together...
But if China is determined to halt the progress of India and making use of the Commies in India to lobby for them to topple the much awaited Indo_US uranium pact, it's a wrong development.
Govt has to make an inquiry abt the latest communications done between Indian commies and their Chinese counterparts. Let the bank accounts of Left leaders also come under scrutiny(sorry, Pinarai Vijayan, Gen Sec, CPM, Kerala has only got Swiss bank accounts... it may be difficult to trace!).
RE:Are commies acting on behalf of China
by umesh srichand on Aug 20, 2007 07:45 AM Permalink
i agree with you, left are china agents, they can even sell their families to china man, they are traitors, i pity wb and kerala people, Please GO head with nuclear deal, Left are traitor, they are looking to china interest then their own country