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Get real!
by shiva on Aug 20, 2007 06:18 AM

The crying need of the hour is to understand the problem. India is 70% dependent on imported oil, mainly from the volatile Middle East, which can turn against us any moment, especially in times of tension with Pakistan.

We have no well wishers. We had, but Russia will mean business and less interested in our predicaments. We are desperately trying to get gas from Iran through a pipeline traversing Afganistan & Pakistan. No brainer about the implications. They all can really sqeeze us where it hurts. Iran is also trying to stay self sufficient now, with soaring consumption.

How do the lefties and BJP going to solve our problems? Hydro potential is there, but we will wake up the sleeping tigers, Patkar & Roy. Not for the feeble hearted to face up to women scorned. Lefties and BJP will be like a walk in the park. Windmills can help to an extent and solar energy still in infancy, while problems are Now!

When Bombay high was discovered in the 1970s we were on the moon. Now no more, as we are getting less and less. China with much less dependency are planning far ahead to secure oil from overseas.

MM Singh should authorise the lefties to solve the problems, as they are part of the govt, as the saying goes you cannot have it both ways. We should give them all encouragement and put them on flights to China, Russia, Cuba, North Korea etc., where they can try for deals. Then they will return chastened and get real.

You & I look for answers.

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Left opens window of opportunity