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What about Thackrey
by HUMAN on Aug 01, 2007 04:52 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

So what about Thackrey, why is he let to go. Because he is powerful and above the law.
Good Job

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poverty the main cause
by srinivas rao on Aug 01, 2007 03:56 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

i always believed poverty was the root cause for terrorism... if a person has his share of bread and butter he wont interfere much in these issues and loose it in the process... but tiger memon is an exception... the people who took part in it are poor and they think they are worthless and oppressed... going by the poverty among indian muslims it can be proved too... there were some hindu hawaldar kinda people whi let stuff into india for a petty sum of money.. ofcourse they didnt know it was RDX... they might have thought its the regular stuff like drugs or precious metals... but its good that they are sentenced.. it will surely reduce smuggling in india.. as for sanjay dutt... do not worry guys... if he develops the will power and avenging attitude in prison then he will emerge a successful politician after six years of sentence and rule mumbai... u know people are emotional fools in india

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RE:poverty the main cause
by mandar chandrakant vaidya on Aug 01, 2007 05:30 PM  Permalink
kafil who was burnt in recent UK plot, was doctor, and not a poor person

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RE:poverty the main cause
by riir on Aug 01, 2007 04:43 AM  Permalink
you fool Osama is a millionaire...many of the terrorists are well educated and rich. 9/11 hijackers used to drive sports cars...and dont forget the recent DOCTOR haneef :) poverty has nothing to do with terrorism...religion does

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Sanjay Dutt
by rajan bedi on Aug 01, 2007 03:19 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Nobody reasonable can possibly believe Sanjay Dutt is guilty worth 6 years in prison. He's already served a hellish time serving justice over the last 15 years, for the relatively small crime of possessing weapons, which were only for defensive reasons. He probably didn't even harm anybody, instead he himself was the threatened party and did the mos practical/justifiable thing. In any case, his good behavior has earned him abundant merit, to compensate any possible violation. Hopefully he will yet receive some form of mercy. Personally I think the current harsh sentence given to S.Dutt undermines our universal right and morale of self-defence. May God protect us.

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RE:Sanjay Dutt
by Jaganath Bharat on Aug 01, 2007 03:25 AM  Permalink
Yes I agree, even in national defence we sometimes buy weapons from otherwise questionable players, with a history of illegitimate actions. We import from nations that have openly violated international law in recent years, and take pride in this. One should weigh the extenuating circumstances in Dutt's case also to realize that his actions were far from malice and in fact righteous. Hopefully something positive can develop. It's regrettable to have to witness yet another miscarriage of justice, which I strongly believe we will perceive this Sanjay sage as ultimately.

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RE:Sanjay Dutt
by rajesh bsr on Aug 01, 2007 06:53 AM  Permalink
when a hand granede blasts between your legs, you will know who is innocent & who is not.

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RE:release innocent dutt immediately
by me nu on Aug 01, 2007 10:46 AM  Permalink
Sanjay dutt

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RE:RE:release innocent dutt immediately
by me nu on Aug 01, 2007 11:00 AM  Permalink
am not here to discuss on religions.......n plz stop abusing religions friends.v r discussing a topic different from that.those who does inhuman acts r terrorists no matter wot religion they r.u cant blame the whole religion for this.grow up guys.ofcoz muslims r the majority in terrorism but there r gud people too...wot bout bush n his inhuman acts in iraq? wot bout velupillai prabhakaran[LTTE] in Srilanka?the naxalaites in Andhra?u cant go n find whoz from which religion.anyone helping terrorism in any way[may be 0.000001%]is a terrorist.n sanjay was not a kid when he possessed guns,magazines,grenades.this is not any kids fault that u can ask sorry n move on.this is terrorism man.our government should be blamed for making this verdict after a very long time....he has been in bail for 14 long years.so does that mean anyone can do any kind of illegal activity and say i have done in my younger age unknowingly and now repenting for it and go free?c'mon man dont let corrupt politicians and celebrities like sanjay make fool of u.

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RE:RE:release innocent dutt immediately
by me nu on Aug 01, 2007 11:19 AM  Permalink
thx for reminding me these thugs too....when r v going to have a peaceful world? only by removing these anti social elements.and for India itz the dawoods gang[includes sanjay,other celebrities from bollywood and politicians],thackrey family,rss,vhp,bajrang dal,advani,n those supporting them....the only gud human being in BJP as far in know is Atal Bihari Vajpayee....

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RE:RE:RE:release innocent dutt immediately
by on Aug 01, 2007 08:21 PM  Permalink
Sanjay was guilty and he has to pay for it,, although i am 99% sure that Supreme Court of India will give him some break if not the whole jail time.. and yes.. only point i would like to make here is, if Sanjay for his act gets rigorous imprisonment, why can't they give same custody to our GREAT POLITICIANS? If you can't give them for what they have been doing to our contry, then give Sanjay a benifit of doubt, or something lesser since he had been through hell for all these years,, nevertheless, i respect court's decision.

Also, nobody is saying all Muslims are terrorists, but again a large percentage from the community (look how many Muslims are accused and Sentenced from the above cases), anybody would tend to believe.To blame only Hindus in India for making muslims as terrorist is not a way to go, Americans, brits they all want to have safe distance from Muslims now a days,, i think India is nice enough to have so many people who accepts every religion regardless. Bottomline is ,My request to everybody is stay Indian, be Indian, feel Indian, breath Indian.

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RE:release innocent dutt immediately
by shaheens on Aug 01, 2007 02:41 PM  Permalink
agree on wat you say.

we need more ppl like u.....

we will always find 100 ppl with 1000 negative approach...

appreciate your thoughts!

keep it up!

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