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RE:RE:release innocent dutt immediately
by me nu on Aug 01, 2007 11:00 AM

am not here to discuss on religions.......n plz stop abusing religions friends.v r discussing a topic different from that.those who does inhuman acts r terrorists no matter wot religion they r.u cant blame the whole religion for this.grow up guys.ofcoz muslims r the majority in terrorism but there r gud people too...wot bout bush n his inhuman acts in iraq? wot bout velupillai prabhakaran[LTTE] in Srilanka?the naxalaites in Andhra?u cant go n find whoz from which religion.anyone helping terrorism in any way[may be 0.000001%]is a terrorist.n sanjay was not a kid when he possessed guns,magazines,grenades.this is not any kids fault that u can ask sorry n move on.this is terrorism man.our government should be blamed for making this verdict after a very long time....he has been in bail for 14 long does that mean anyone can do any kind of illegal activity and say i have done in my younger age unknowingly and now repenting for it and go free?c'mon man dont let corrupt politicians and celebrities like sanjay make fool of u.

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