RE:YES.....TN MADE IT.....
by Krishnan on Apr 05, 2007 12:59 PM Permalink
finally veeravel it seems you are getting the politicans you deserve. but dont come crying to the rest of india when things go wrong.
RE:That is why Upper Caste people though poor are leaving India for Good
by Lakshmanan Ramaswamy on Apr 05, 2007 01:32 PM Permalink
"Yield not to unmanliness, O Partha, it does not befit you. Casting off this mean weakness of heart, arise O Parantapa" - Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita - Chapter 2 verse 3
"Gird up thy loins like a man" - Jehovah in the Old Testament
"I came not to send peace, but a sword" - Jesus Christ
"Arise thou hero, conqueror in battle" - The Buddha
"Fight for God and right against forces of darkness" - Zoraster
RE:That is why Upper Caste people though poor are leaving India for Good
by m on Apr 05, 2007 11:30 PM Permalink
Hinduism is the root of all evil in India. 1. It explicitly creates irrational hierarchy among Indians which is against Article 14. 2. Parents covertly train their children to coerce other children as per the above hierarchies. I deplore any other religion that does this.
RE:mad government
by goutham on Apr 05, 2007 12:59 PM Permalink
righty said ,reservation splits up the people , then whats happens to merit .............
RE:mad government
by Amrit Patil on Apr 05, 2007 01:06 PM Permalink
merit students study hard! They gets enoguh % for Engg. & Medical but because of this quota system they gets critisisam from their parents for not trying more. Some of them dont have money to pay at pvt. institutions & finaly they felt bad about born in Upper Cast.
RE:mad government
by india on Apr 05, 2007 01:04 PM Permalink
The best solution for all this maddening that another tsunami should strike...this time near the TN Assembly which is just located opposite Marina and wipe out Karunanidhi and team
The real sinsiter agenda is reservation of dalit christians in parliament. There are some constituencies reserved in parliament elections for sc and st. Once reservations is declared for muslim and christian "dalits" it is a matter of time before they demand the right to figh elections in seats reserved for Hindu sc and st. Then a formdiable lobby of christian MPs will emerge in the parliament, backed by church money. Passing of an anti-conversion law will be impossible. Screwball Hindus are reaping teh wages of voting congress to power and rejectign BJP. Let the screwballs suffer. They deserve it. You cannot vote your enemies to power and then complain that they are hurting your interests.
Christians will have a great time. They already have a reservation in all christian educations of learning. Now they will get reservations in govt. insitutitions too. Hindus will be left holding a lemon. Hindus should vote BJP and get India declared a Hindu country, like Britain is still an officially christian nation. India should be a Hindu nation with equal rights for minorities, like US and UK are. There are very few officially secular countries in the world. Most are Buddhist (Japan, Thailand), Muslim (Middle East) or christian (europe, US, ehitopia). This bhoot of secularims is only in India.
These politicians just announce reservations and that's it. No plans are made to improve the educational infrastructure to help the actual needy. We are still increasing reservations 57 years after our independence is a proof in itself that reservation policy has failed.
It is also important at this stage that leaders and thinkers of reserved sections come out in favour of actual progress and do not agree to this SHAM.
India soon to become Muslim or Christian country. Going at this rate I really feel shud not vote anybody to power, becoz instead of working on real issues these politicians still want to do politics on casteism.
by on Apr 05, 2007 01:03 PM Permalink
I guess "India is the only country where people fight to get the status of backward".
1. Govt. can't provide basic education to the so called SC/ST/OBC 2. They allocate quota's for the SC/ST/OBC for higher education that is not used by the real backward classes :)
by suhas natyan on Apr 05, 2007 01:03 PM Permalink
though u r right in saying but i suggest that you should vote as this is also part of fight against injustice, see if any candidate has comparatively better view and background, may be we are able to change our India. Lets try to remove the dirty politics and corruption from our country, give more and more suggestions. May be one day will come when we will have a great, prosperous, corrution free, crime free India.
This is a good decision taken by the TN Goverment. As per Sachar Commiyty report the indian Minority, mainly Muslims are very bad position than the SC/ST at some of the states.
Pls note, reservation is not a favour it is a rights allowing by the constitution to the backward community. that is a opportunity to come to the main stream for Backward comminity and minority.
Indian Minorities are not imported,90% of them are converted. The reason was the bad customs from the Hindu religion in ancient days.
by prasad on Apr 05, 2007 12:57 PM Permalink
conversion is not only because bad customs in Hindu religion but it is because use of power & money by muslim & christian rulers. & muslims are rulers of this country few century back
by Ankur Khanna on Apr 05, 2007 12:57 PM Permalink
Has reservation policy succeeded ?
Only those belonging to reserved categories who are actually better off/rich have benefitted from this. 99 % of those benefitting are financially as good as middle class.
The actual needy still wait for basic education, which no government wants to talk about