The real sinsiter agenda is reservation of dalit christians in parliament. There are some constituencies reserved in parliament elections for sc and st. Once reservations is declared for muslim and christian "dalits" it is a matter of time before they demand the right to figh elections in seats reserved for Hindu sc and st. Then a formdiable lobby of christian MPs will emerge in the parliament, backed by church money. Passing of an anti-conversion law will be impossible. Screwball Hindus are reaping teh wages of voting congress to power and rejectign BJP. Let the screwballs suffer. They deserve it. You cannot vote your enemies to power and then complain that they are hurting your interests.
Christians will have a great time. They already have a reservation in all christian educations of learning. Now they will get reservations in govt. insitutitions too. Hindus will be left holding a lemon. Hindus should vote BJP and get India declared a Hindu country, like Britain is still an officially christian nation. India should be a Hindu nation with equal rights for minorities, like US and UK are. There are very few officially secular countries in the world. Most are Buddhist (Japan, Thailand), Muslim (Middle East) or christian (europe, US, ehitopia). This bhoot of secularims is only in India.