Most outrageous part of this is the way DMK raked up "Communal G.O." issued during 1920s when Congress and few other parties were putting seeds of Communalism in India trying to placate Muslim Lague which ultimately exploded in the form of MA Jinnah.
There is no possibility of making this happen, as Supreme court clearly stated reservation based on religion is not going to happen.
However future looks very bleak. Its something unimaginable that in 2007, Govts like TN, AP will start the Pre-partition politics again to divide Community.
Unless Hindus are united, there is no other way to stop this.
Sarat Chadra Chatterjee, noted Indian novelist said: Hindu Muslim problem will be solved in a day when Hindus are united.
Unless Hindus get united within a decade, future of India will be very very bleak.
RE:Pre-partition communal politics is enacted.
by jaya shree on Apr 06, 2007 12:48 PM Permalink
I truly agree with Bhaskar. The root cause of all this is division among Hindu votes based on caste. The day Hindus are united shedding their caste tags, then comes the Vote bank politics wooing "Hindu votes". Any party now claims to be remotely favouring "equality in decisions" cannot drive themselves to the corridors of power. Hindus, wake up to the reality, or else get marginalised.
RE:Pre-partition communal politics is enacted.
by mr yogeesh soundarya raj on Apr 06, 2007 10:19 AM Permalink
hindus should unite but noyt including brahmins becouse they do not support any hindu cause
in the near future..I think if you are travelling in a bus, train or in a plane, these politic brutals will reserve a quota in bus or train too..that is if you are in a bus comprising 50 seats...they would say 27% for OBC, 69% for minorities, 33% for women(this is acceptable though women are active in all the fields than this %)...then where do people like me where I am a begger will not have a place to live in people like me find it difficult.... Also if TN CM reserves a quota for his SUN TV group which stands 349th richest position in the world according to, I would be grateful.....wht do you think?
'Dalit Christian'! Isn't that an oxymoron? I thought that Dalits converted to Christianity so that they can stop being 'Dalits'? Anyways, I think it's a great idea, this quota thing. Govt should give quotas to all, in proportion to their size of population - this way no one can feel left out. As a matter of fact, govt should give everyone a govt job and free TVs, bikes, weddings, rice, electricity, gas....ooops, they're already doing that!
RE:TN to provide seperate reservations to Muslims, Christians
by Palani Saami on Apr 06, 2007 08:45 AM Permalink
on population basis means...if a community 'A 'has 10 lakh people and other 'B' has 2 lakh people...and for 'B' if you are providing some 69% 'B' would enjoy more with less population and 'A' having such huge population will not enjoy based on this majority population must be reserved high...I think your brain is something related to it is like
England learn from us, our policy is much better than yours. You(England) could only divide us on the basis of religion. We have politicians who use religion, caste, subcaste, community,gender to divide us. In a few years we will divide our country into smaller kingdoms and you can come back and conquer us
It looks as if TN has exceeded 100% in reservation for various communities/caste systems. Can somebody do some quick maths (if some one is left there with brains)and advise Karunanidhi & his men that you can not reserve more than 100%!!! What to do with FC then ?? dump them in the sea I am a brahmin and now a confirmed minority in TN. Can DMK consider reservation for me also - start with 1%- we will still beat you all pants down (sorry dhoti down!!) Jai Hind
RE:Do some quick maths...
by Arivazhagan on Apr 06, 2007 02:19 PM Permalink
You do only the talking that you are intelligent and can learn but infact you got 2000 years of 100% reservation still with a 80 years 69% reservation other communities are able to beat you. Don't shout look into the statistics. In 430 (31%) seats of the seats in open competition for MBBS in TN only 38 are won by FC. So in Open competition itself you can't compete with BC/MBC/SC/ST.. Don't just shout..This won't help
RE:Do some quick maths...
by on Apr 06, 2007 04:02 PM Permalink
Then why do you need reservarion??? Let the financially and intellectually backward FC have it.
RE:Do some quick maths...
by manikandan on Nov 03, 2007 07:39 PM Permalink
fukn bsrd thats why in TN medicine has become a very good business..and not a service..
Where's my world leader Kalki??? I want him right now to pack and send all these foolish leaders home. All these so called leaders like karunanidhi are better suited for domestic helpers... not as people representatives.
RE:Kalki on the way
by Rangasamy Vijay on Apr 06, 2007 07:29 AM Permalink
Dear frined The time is still not ripe for Kalki's avatar. It will take few more decades before all these political jokers exhaust all their foolish tricks and loot our economic prosperity. That day is not far off for deliverance of every religious minded hindu in this great country struggling in the hands of some political animals now... Jai Hind
RE:Kalki on the way
by Palani Saami on Apr 06, 2007 08:32 AM Permalink
i think may be Anniyan can do....but Vikram too is John Kennedy, this is his real name...are you in surprise..
Have you been to TN before? I have lot of friends who are Brahmin and many are woking in TN government jobs. All my friends do not hate TN as you have mentioned. The so called media hype that Brahmins are sufferring in TN is untrue. These things exist only in Mr.Karunanidhi's mind. Infact he hates more the other dominant castes such as Vellalars, Thevars, ... etc [I belong to one of the above said caste]. As a person from near his native place [Thiruvarur], I can understand the humiliation he could have faced, because of his back ground [ He is from Musician family] He does not have guts to show it openly. You can check with any of these caste people.
In our [today's] generation we hardly have any ill-feeling towards Brahmins and vice versa.
Regarding the Reservation, you like it or not it is going to exist. In fact it helped many socially downtrodden people and some are also affected by it. Rather than opposing reservation, we need to think as a forward caste, what we want and how we can avoid the ill-effects of the reservation. Brahmins and other FCs have lot of influence in the government to push for actions, as per their recommandations.
This will help create or should I say maintain the cordial relation ship in TN.
I request people from rest of India [outside TN], to understand the social realties in TN and then comment.
As a christian, I think Tamil christians do not need any reservations except that the Dalit christians should be given reservation as per their Hindu counterparts.
RE:This is reply to Kumar Bhargava:
by Serial Tourist on Apr 06, 2007 01:16 PM Permalink
"Dalit christians should be given reservation as per their Hindu counterparts."
Dalit christians should be given reservation in christian minority institutions. You converted them citing equality in Christianity and now they are forced to have separate pews and graveyards. Why shouldn't your community take responsibility for thier condition and provide reservation for them in your minority institutins like schools, colleges and hospitals as well as church heirarchy. Let a number of preists be reserved for dalit christians. You have to be responsible for your own sins against Dalit christians. How can you demand reservation for them from the Hindus?
RE:This is reply to Kumar Bhargava:
by Indian Students on Apr 06, 2007 03:22 AM Permalink
Some fields should be kept away from reservation quota, example Medicine. Will you be comfortable going to a doctor who obtained a degree through quota and has a low merit? I will definitely will not. Those who have low merits and still hold a degree end up in government hospitals.
Indian Students Network
RE:This is reply to Kumar Bhargava:
by santosh on Apr 06, 2007 03:40 AM Permalink
I understand your concern and it is very much valid. Can you believe, even our air force have reservations for SCs? Infact I was a victim. Can we stop that aswell? I doubt we can.
This reservation issue is no longer just a question of upliftment of downtrodden but it involves political power too. Opposing this vehemently will draw a battle line, with the so called "FCs" at one side and others on the another side. Infact the so called reservation lobby has more numbers in parliament than who oppose it. So my suggestion is that we should support it with necessary checks and balances. Also we need to have a mechanism to overcome the ill-effects of reservation. Moreover, I knew few of my friends who got job because of SC reservation and certainly they are not unfit for the job. One of my friend joined the special commando police force as a Sub-inspector. He was with the STF to capture Veerappan. After the success, he is now been promoted as ASP. So reservation is just not all bad. I have had first hand experience how socio-economic equation changes with a decent job. At this our we need to take decision with understanding and unemotinaly using our brains and not our hearts.
RE:RE:RE:This is reply to Kumar Bhargava:
by Chatpar Chatpar on Apr 06, 2007 06:03 AM Permalink
This is in reply to Santosh
You have presented some good points. As a member of a backward community who has \"made it\" economically and educationally, I can bring some different perspective to the debate.
While I don\'t disagree with the idea of offering a helping hand to the downtrodden sections of our citizen, I do think that the present system of caste, region, SC/ST and other quotas should not be continued any longer. Instead, the really neeedy should be provided reservations based on the poverty levels. This will ensure that the help goes to the real needy and weaker sections of the society. This is also a very egalitarian and secular way of treating the needy and is the only way to eliminate communal, religious and caste divides. If this system is adopted, the cunning politicians will no longer be able to use communalism for their own selfish designs.
As it exists now, my children and family members who are extremely well to do are eligible for reservation. This is not justifiable. If a poverty based system is adopted, people in my situation will no longer be eligible to use the system thereby depriving a more needy member of the society succeed. Also, more than reservations, more help should be provided to poor children to attend good school and get high quality primary and secondary education.
Now all is left to be done is reservation for politicians and their family and do away with any general category. This way no one needs to compete. Good work
RE:Is there any Reservation in DMK /SUN TV
by selvi pt on Apr 06, 2007 10:54 AM Permalink
very true. Well said. May be we can request Mr. Karunanidhi for reservations in DMK share holdings as well.
by Soody Says on Apr 06, 2007 01:17 AM | Hide message This is only for Laughing Buddha, no offence to other indians. Aba Laughiung Buddha, the problem is this that you ar black and every body in UK a mile away can recognize between indians & Pakistanis, everybody knows this fact that Pakistanis are beautiful and have fair colour, they are not black and ugly like you, dont be in complex, its not your fault, its your parents fault, if they are not Black than you can too have good colour, but now what can happens, stick with your race, we are proud and say openly , we are pakistanis, not coward & hiding like you.
RE:Reply to laughing buddha by a guy from other blog on UP muslims.
by Aruna Kumar on Apr 06, 2007 02:43 AM Permalink
Laughing Buddha isn't Indian, he is Srilankan...Srilankans aren't whites either...There is nothing wrong with being black-ITs a great color...God made all colors because he likes all of them...Humans likes or dislikes are personal preference only. Blacks of India and other nations aren't put off by comments from white supremacists whether they are from India, UK, Pakistan, Srilanka or Kazhakhstab...There are a lot of blacks who are quite satisfied with their color...