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RE:RE:RE:This is reply to Kumar Bhargava:
by Chatpar Chatpar on Apr 06, 2007 06:03 AM

This is in reply to Santosh

You have presented some good points. As a member of a backward community who has \"made it\" economically and educationally, I can bring some different perspective to the debate.

While I don\'t disagree with the idea of offering a helping hand to the downtrodden sections of our citizen, I do think that the present system of caste, region, SC/ST and other quotas should not be continued any longer. Instead, the really neeedy should be provided reservations based on the poverty levels. This will ensure that the help goes to the real needy and weaker sections of the society. This is also a very egalitarian and secular way of treating the needy and is the only way to eliminate communal, religious and caste divides. If this system is adopted, the cunning politicians will no longer be able to use communalism for their own selfish designs.

As it exists now, my children and family members who are extremely well to do are eligible for reservation. This is not justifiable. If a poverty based system is adopted, people in my situation will no longer be eligible to use the system thereby depriving a more needy member of the society succeed. Also, more than reservations, more help should be provided to poor children to attend good school and get high quality primary and secondary education.

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TN: Quota for Muslims, Christian