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Vote bank Politics
by sendilkumar on Apr 05, 2007 01:13 PM  Permalink 

Karunanithi and his team are very clever. To impress Christians and Muslims they are planning. He clearly knows that when Rajasekar reddy, AP CM passed the law it was stayed in Court. So Karunanithi is planning to do the same. However now in TN it is 69% reservation is there. Only issue is, they cannot exceed 100%. So this DMK Govt can give only maximum 31% both put to gether.. very pity. Can anyone suggest how to increase more than 100%, if it is there please tell to this politicians who are spoiling this country.

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Where are the SECULAR parties??
by Biswajit Ghoshal on Apr 05, 2007 01:13 PM  Permalink 

Blatant, shameless, undemocratic, utterly unsecular policies are being taken by a state govt, and the secular parties are remaining silent... WHY?? Why the secular-parties, which boast of being SECULAR are so conspicuously silent.

The unholy alliance of Congres, CPM and DMK must be demantled right-away...they are dragging the country down to a bottomless vortex.

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this is very unjustified
by on Apr 05, 2007 01:13 PM  Permalink 

This issue is related only with political. actually they dont want that minority to work hard. this is very ridiculous.

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ha ha ha!
by Suleman H on Apr 05, 2007 01:10 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

good .. muslims have suffered a lot by hindus in this country.. itz payback time!

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RE:ha ha ha!
by sibin sankar on Apr 05, 2007 01:16 PM  Permalink
Shut the F****p... There is no such thing as Pay back. Imagine where we are heading. Indians, especially hindus are always been welcoming all others.. Don't you understand that by birth everyone in this world is a Hindu!!!! This reservation thing is just for the politicians and it is for bad. If it stays then this is really going to create a problem. India is a secular democraic country and what we need is ONE LAW for everyone, not categorising Hindu, Muslim and Christian. What can we do, these politicians will never really do something for the people.... God Bless us!!!

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RE:ha ha ha!
by karthikeya bhat on Apr 05, 2007 01:14 PM  Permalink
Said Rightly cool head..

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RE:ha ha ha!
by kishore on Apr 05, 2007 01:18 PM  Permalink
Can you enlighten us where have you suffered .
Don't start with Godhra ,Adyodhya incidents , those are just one off incidents where some dumbheads like you wanted to disturb the peace and quiet of the country .
I cannot understand the word "payback" used , maybe because you are inept,irresponsible jerk . All those who ask for reservations are freaked losers who will ultimately destroy the country because of there greedy needs

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RE:ha ha ha!
by Serial Tourist on Apr 05, 2007 01:13 PM  Permalink
Keep drooling. The move will be banned by supereme court as it has banned such moves by Kerala and AP.

Your answer shows it was a mistake by Gandhi and Nehru not to agree to a complete transfer of population. You people can never be trusted in any country. All problems would have been solved if all Muslims were pushed into Pakistan at the time of partition.

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RE:RE:ha ha ha!
by AB on Apr 05, 2007 02:07 PM  Permalink
You mean all the 15 crore muslims in India to go to Pak?Then why are hindus working in muslim countries like malaysia ,dubai,e.t.c.Why are you getting petrol from muslim countries,why are you having muslim state Kashmir with you?

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RE:RE:ha ha ha!
by Balamurugan on Apr 05, 2007 01:21 PM  Permalink
Even in bloody Pakistan, they say that they wonot drink,sex,see movies.........they all do that nonsense things in the underground.

This is a Hindu nation but gave a full oppurtunity to Muslims and all other religion.

Abdul kalam is a muslim , every hindu love him.

Actually muslims destroyed hindus in early BCs and around 800A.D. u ppl burned oldest university on the earth "NALANDA university."

All pakis want to live in India and enjoy freedom of life.
If u donot want to be hear go to hell called PAKistan. y u r here?

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RE:ha ha ha!
by suriya jayaraman on Apr 05, 2007 01:15 PM  Permalink
what about the payback for hindus suffered by Mughals dynasty?????

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Easy to make reservations
by Gobinda Majumdar on Apr 05, 2007 01:10 PM  Permalink 

These are capable of doing these very easily since it does not involve any cost to them rather it makes sure that they are getting the votes of all muslims and christains.

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Genesis of TN's acts
by Chandran Ganapathy on Apr 05, 2007 01:09 PM  Permalink 

All you folks please try to understand how Mr Karunanidhi's and his ilks' mind works. Ultimately they would like the forward castes ( read as Brahmins) to have access to 3% of the opportunities - in accordance with their population percentage. Hence this move to provide quotas to Muslims and Christians.

This also tells us that in the case of TN such a policy will be permanent and only cause division amongst the population permanently. But then why should MK care - as long it gets him votes.

Is'nt this a far cry from the original reason of why reservations were thought of? Cry my beloved country.

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by George on Apr 05, 2007 01:09 PM  Permalink 

Does the 'Qualified' have atleast one seat?

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by sree on Apr 05, 2007 01:08 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Upper Hindus are losing their identity.

Sonia is planning to convert India into Christian Country with the support from TN, AP and other NE Indian State Chief Ministers.

Can anybody tell us where do you want us to go and take shelter. Basically Hindu community doesn't believe in fighting, bloodshed hence asking your advice.

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by Lakshmanan Ramaswamy on Apr 05, 2007 01:29 PM  Permalink
"Yield not to unmanliness, O Partha, it does not befit you. Casting off this mean weakness of heart, arise O Parantapa" - Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita - Chapter 2 verse 3

"Gird up thy loins like a man" - Jehovah in the Old Testament

"I came not to send peace, but a sword" - Jesus Christ

"Arise thou hero, conqueror in battle" - The Buddha

"Fight for God and right against forces of darkness" - Zoraster

"You shall fight the infidel. Obey, recompense. Disobey, Chastisement" - Prophet Mohammed.

Friend, it is clear that Strength is life and weakness is death. This is an unrelenting law of life.........

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First let mr. karunanidhi provide reservation in his party!!!!!!
by natraj tanjore on Apr 05, 2007 01:08 PM  Permalink 

Mr. Karunanidhi, always claims he was underprivileged and had he been born into a forward community he would have reached greater heights! The fact that he has amassed hundreds of crores is not sufficient for this grand old mormon! He keeps talking of providing reservation at any given opportunity, but when it comes to the DMK party the top posts (read money making posts) always remains within the family members! If he is really concerned about the welfare of the backward classes, let him throw open the leadership of his party first for these people, give reservation of the top posts in his party and ministerial berths which he has obtained by arm twisting Dr. Manmohan and Co! Some time back the same stunt was done by Mr. Paswan! I have only one simple questions to these great gentlemen! if you really mean business about reservations, first provide reservations in your own party, and then go on to bugger the country!

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