Mr. Karunanidhi, always claims he was underprivileged and had he been born into a forward community he would have reached greater heights! The fact that he has amassed hundreds of crores is not sufficient for this grand old mormon! He keeps talking of providing reservation at any given opportunity, but when it comes to the DMK party the top posts (read money making posts) always remains within the family members! If he is really concerned about the welfare of the backward classes, let him throw open the leadership of his party first for these people, give reservation of the top posts in his party and ministerial berths which he has obtained by arm twisting Dr. Manmohan and Co! Some time back the same stunt was done by Mr. Paswan! I have only one simple questions to these great gentlemen! if you really mean business about reservations, first provide reservations in your own party, and then go on to bugger the country!