Well old or young they have to be punished. What about those old and young who had children to marry off, parents to look after, sisters to be taken care off, why didn't these people think about them. If other's life is not valuable so is theirs to us. He should have realised before he committed the crime. Just praying 5 times to God does not make anybody holy. There are many people who don't even look at God but are holy in thier hearts and minds. Punish them. They deserve it.
No. Never. Do not show mercy to these Rascals. Let the whole world know how precise justice in India is and should be. Aged or not; these people do not deserve sympathy. They should die rotten and should not be given peace even at the time of their death. If their family is getting destroy, so be it. We are happy about that. Every "secularist" in this country should understand the effects of spreading terrorism and killing innocents.
The act of killing hundreds of people should never be granted any mercy...request to media to aggressively publicise the pathetic conditions of the 2 accused...An example for every ASPIRING terrorist/criminal...
just dont cut him to pieces or rip of his flesh...give him a death in one instant itself....doesnt he have shame to ask for mercy did he have mercy on the lives he took away didnt he have mercy on children whose parents he killed...if he is so much repenting let me tell to whole world where is dawood...and who is protecting him..
Did these terrorists have mercy for all the innocent people who died that day? They too had sons, daughters and everything in life to look forward to. India has portrayed the image of a lenient and lax nation for too long. The two convicts should be awarded the death penalty for their crimes against humanity and for attacking our homeland. The Government should atleast now wake up and show the world that it's got a backbone. We should not tolerate any forms of terrorism and those convicted of such crimes should be treated with the same consideration they showed to the innocent victims of these crimes.
If they are left free, old people will have the excuse! They will be the group of next generation terrorists! They should be hanged until death! No mercy for killing innocents! They dont deserve even a reference in sites like rediff!
Why mercy for them? Did they have mercy? Did their bombs kill a specific set of people? All the time they have spent so far is less. They need to be there and suffer the way Mumbai did. The court should not hang them, as it will be an easy way out for them. Rather, they should be made to go through a life that ends in prison.
It has become now a trend among bombblast case convicts to plead for mercy on the grounds that they were 'dragged' into committing that horrendous crime out of 'emotional outburst' caused by Babri demolition or because they are old and sick.If this convict is saying he could not get his son and daughter married because he was in prison,what about many kids who might have lost their father/mother when they were really young and needed their support to survive in this world?If this convict is saying that his financial condition is poor,what about the financial condition of relatives of the victims?Are they living lavishly?Those who carried out this crime against Indian nation need to be severely punished irrespective of their age,health,family and financial background or any other consideration.