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No mercy should be shown to those devils
by Girish on Sep 25, 2006 08:55 PM

It has become now a trend among bombblast case convicts to plead for mercy on the grounds that they were 'dragged' into committing that horrendous crime out of 'emotional outburst' caused by Babri demolition or because they are old and sick.If this convict is saying he could not get his son and daughter married because he was in prison,what about many kids who might have lost their father/mother when they were really young and needed their support to survive in this world?If this convict is saying that his financial condition is poor,what about the financial condition of relatives of the victims?Are they living lavishly?Those who carried out this crime against Indian nation need to be severely punished irrespective of their age,health,family and financial background or any other consideration.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
2 elderly convicts ask for mercy